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If you attended my NCSS class on making a bot for this game, you can download the sushi. This tutorial teaches how to write a bot that can automatically play the Flash game Sushi Go Round.
The concepts in this tutorial can be applied to make bots that play other games as well. The primary improvement of this tutorial is it uses the cross-platform PyAutoGUI module to control the mouse and take screenshots. It is documented on its ReadTheDocs page. You fill customer orders for different types of sushi and place them on the conveyor belt. Incoming customers may take other customer's sushi orders, forcing you to remake orders.
Customers who wait too long to get orders end up leaving, costing you reputation. Angry customers can be placated with saki, but this bot does not make use diamond dash clicker bot software free download) that feature. Ingredients will have to be ordered as they get low. I've refined this bot so that it can successfully play all the way through the game, ending up with a score of about 38, The top scores are a little over , so there is still room for improvement with this bot.
You diamond dash clicker bot software free download) watch a YouTube video of the bot playing. The source code and images for the bot can be downloaded here or viewed on GitHub. You can check if PyAutoGUI has been installed correctly by running import pyautogui in the interactive shell. PyAutoGUI provides basic image recognition by finding the screen coordinates of a provided image. To save yourself time of taking screenshots and making these images yourself, download them from the zip file here.
This generic code sets up a shebang linesome comments to describe the program, imports for several modules, and setting up logging so that the logging. I explain why logging is preferable to print calls in this blog post. Next, there are several variable constants set up for this diamond dash clicker bot software free download). First, set up constants for each type of order in the game, as well as a tuple of all the orders:. Next, set up constants for each of the ingredients and the recipes for each order.
This tutorial saves you from diamond dash clicker bot software free download) to look up the recipe information in the game yourself. Next are several constants and global variables used in the program. Although using global variables is generally a bad idea for making maintainable programs, this Python script is just a one off and I didn't want to make it complicated for newer programmers who don't yet know object-oriented programming concepts. The variables are described in the comments:.
It is returned by the time. For example, if time. Ten seconds later it will return the value Subtracting these values is how the bot can measure how much time has passed. And finally set up some global variables which will store coordinates for various things in the game window.
Once that value has been acquired, the setupCoordinates function described later will populate the values in these variables:. The main ties together the code that runs from the very start of the bot program. Because PyAutoGUI takes control of the mouse, it can be hard to get the program's terminal window back in focus to shut it down.
Computer vision and optical character recognition OCR are major topics of computer science. The good thing about Sushi Go Round is that you don't need to know any of diamond dash clicker bot software free download) because the game uses static 2D sprites. A california roll in the game will always look the same down to the pixel. So we can use PyAutoGUI's pixel-recognition functions to "see" where on the screen different objects are. The "left" value is the X-coordinate of the left edge, the "top" value is the Y-coordinate of the top edge.
With the XY coordinates of the top-left corner and the width and height, you can completely describe the region. If the image isn't found on the screen, the function returns None. An optional region keyword argument can specify a smaller region of the screen to search a smaller region means faster detection. Without a region specified, the entire screen is searched.
These values are visualized in the following graphic:. These image files are included in the zip file download. Note that running PyAutoGUI's image recongition takes a relatively long time to execute several hundred milliseconds. This can be mitigated by searching a smaller region instead of the entire screen. And since some objects will always appear in diamond dash clicker bot software free download) same place in the game window, you can rely on using static integer coordinates instead of image recognition to find them.
Many of the buttons in the game's user interface will always be in diamond dash clicker bot software free download) same location. The coordinates for these buttons can be pre-programmed ahead of time. You could take a screenshot, paste the image into a graphics program such as Photoshop or MS Paint, and find all of the XY coordinates yourself. But this tutorial has done this step for you.
The other coordinate global variables are populated in the setupCoordinates function. This is visualized in the following graphic:. This tutorial does the tedious coordinate-finding work for you, but if you ever need to do it yourself you can use the pyautogui. The coordinates update as you move the mouse, so you can move the mouse to the desired location on the screen, then view its current coordinates. You can also pass X and Y offsets to the function to set the 0, 0 origin somewhere besides the top-left corner of the screen.
When you diamond dash clicker bot software free download) done, press Ctrl-C to return from the function. PyAutogui has a pyautogui. Often you can use the return value of pyautogui. The click is done immediately, but the optional duration keyword argument will specify the number of seconds PyAutoGUI spends moving to the x, y coordinate. A small delay makes it easier to visually follow along with the bot's clicking.
Since the SKIP button in the game is flashing, the pyautogui. This is why there is a while loop that keeps searching until it finds it. Remember, locateCenterOnScreen will return None if it can't find the image on the screen.
Once the buttons at the start of the game have been navigated past, the main part of the bot code can begin. Much of this functionality is passed on to other functions, which are explained later. The first part of startServing sets up all the diamond dash clicker bot software free download) for a new game:. This is handled by the getOrders function.
Since you'll be repeatedly scanning for the orders but don't want to remake orders each time you diamond dash clicker bot software free download) them, you need to find out which new orders have appeared since the last scan, and which orders have disappeared since the diamond dash clicker bot software free download) scan either because the customer is eating or has left.
This is handled by the getOrdersDifference. The keys in these "orders dictionaries" will be the left, top, width, height tuple of where the order image was identified.
This is just to keep the customers distinct. The remakeTimes dictionary has similar keys, but it's values are unix timestamps returned from time. The next part goes through the remakeTimes dictionary and checks if any of those timestamps are before the current time as returned by time.
In that case, add this order to the remakeOrders dictionary which is similar but separate to the added orders dictionary of new orders.
Next, the program loops through all the newly requested orders in the added dictionary and attempts to make them. The makeOrder function described later will return None if the order was successfully made.
Otherwise, it will return a string of the ingredient it doesn't have enough of. In that case, orderIngredient described later is called and the order is placed on the backOrders dictionary. When a customer picks up their meal, they'll spend a few seconds eating and then leave behind a dirty dish. Click this dirty dish so that a new customer will take that seat. Instead of using image recognition which is slowthe bot can just occassionally click on all six plates.
There's no penalty to clicking on the plate when the customer is eating or if there is no plate at that seat. Since this doesn't need to be done frequently, the if random. It's easy to keep track of ingredient quanties as you make dishes. When you order ingredients they don't arrive immediately. If you used image recognition for the numbers in the lower left corner of the game window it would require grabbing tons of screenshots and slow down the bot.
The next part of code checks if the current time as returned by time. The remakeOrders dictionary contains orders that for whatever reason didn't make it to the customer. This code is similar to the previous dish-making code:.
If so, more is ordered by calling the orderIngredient function described later. This isn't something that needs to be checkeded frequently, diamond dash clicker bot software free download) it is enclosed in an if statement that runs 1 in 5 times:. The next part checks for the "You Win" or "You Fail" message. Since this check doesn't need to happen frequently at all, the if time. Also, the bot will let the user view the end-level stats for 5 seconds before clicking Continue to move on to the next level.
For every level except for the last, there will be a second Continue button to click on. On the last level, the bot doesn't do this so the user can view the game ending. The clickOnPlates function blindly clicks on all six places where there could diamond dash clicker bot software free download) a dirty plate to clean up.