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Mario on June 29, , Bin stiller mitleser meistens. Are you guys having issues with confirmation times and especially with those newbie users So, it is an issue. We get the complaints. People don't care how the blockchain works, they just want to deposit coins, they want to do the payment asap and we've got all this extra support because of that. Even one big merchant who is doing a lot of bitcoin payments is saying that they are thinking of moving away from bitcoin and switching to another coin because of the slow confirmation times.
So that issue should be solved quickly. We actually brought this up in a blog post a couple of months ago just to try to warn people and say: Any token of value will do.
As long as there's a way, an application, to convert all existing forms of fiat into that token -- which is what we have. So these merchants come to us and say: Can you support whatever they decide to use, they'll ask us: It hurts the entire space. So this is again another call out to the entire space: And I don't know if I'm just talking to the wind here, but this really does need to be done and bitcoin really does need to stand at the very top of the hill. We think that's good for the entire space.
This is no emergency. Soweit ich es verstanden habe, ein Versuch, Bitcoins Freiheiten zu untergraben. Und es scheint gerade eine Menge Aufregung deswegen zu geben. Wie soll eine Transaktion denn erzwingen, dass "Kontaktinformationen ausgetauscht" werden?