Blockchain pour les nuls, Pardon, pour Idiots.

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The financial crisis has left deep traces in our financial system and our society. Nowadays, people are becoming more aware of financial risks and weaknesses in our centralized system, which is mainly managed by governments and banks. In fact, the Subprime Crisis led to la blockchain pour les nuls huge economic consequences that even one of the biggest multinational investment banks at that time, namely Lehman Brothers, just collapsed and disappeared.

However, la blockchain pour les nuls person chose that terrible moment in financial history to introduce his unique creation, which was going to change the way we do transactions. His pseudonym is Satoshi Nakamoto and he created a revolutionary system of transactions, namely the Blockchain.

In fact, this paper of 9 pages briefly explains how the Bitcoin works, a digital currency experiment using an innovative technology called the Blockchain. The release of this first Bitcoin protocol in has attracted the interest of a lot of cryptologists, mathematicians, programmers and even politicians.

Nowadays, the Bitcoin is a source of speculation and financial press because of its huge increase in currency value. In1 Bitcoin was worth 0. Now you know a bit about the Bitcoin. However, the most interesting and promising part about cryptocurrencies is its underlying technology: In the future, Blockchain technology will change our society and the way we exchange information.

The main point about the Blockchain is the fact that its system is decentralized, which means that the information is owned by everyone connected to the system; it is a system of distributed ledgers. For instance, if Alice and Charly belong to the same network, then Alice and Charly know the entire information, which has been and is circulating inside this network.

Thus, Alice knows la blockchain pour les nuls Charly has received X amount of Bitcoin since the network was born and vice versa. Actually, the data of transactions and its complete history is known by every actor of the system.

Therefore, the Blockchain network autonomously uses computational algorithms in order to regularly la blockchain pour les nuls the integrity of the decentralized release of information. In contrast, the system, in which we are living nowadays, has traditionally been centralized with a government and central bank at the center of information exchanges.

The flow of the information is transmitted through individual nodes, which together form the entire decentralized network; the information and its history are stored in each node. Therefore, there is no need for a centralized la blockchain pour les nuls party in order to regulate the transaction and make a profit from it. For instance, in our current society, a bank or lawyer would be necessary to make most of transactions. In fact, trust is not a crucial component as la blockchain pour les nuls of Blockchain trading because each node can verify where the transaction comes from, as well as its entire history.

The identity of each actor involved in a transaction is represented by a plus-character alphanumerical address, which is known by everyone. Transactions are made between Blockchain addresses and are visible by everyone connected to the network. Actually, the Blockchain is chronologically ordered, permanent and highly protected by computational algorithms. And for those of you who are really interested in getting more details about how Blockchain actually works, here is a good tutorial:.

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