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346 3 Blocked Unblock Follow Following BambouClub Crypto Trader. Neither is it explained by the. We are still trusting them to be telling us the truth.
The story behind Lego Mindstorms is a classic example of outside innovation in action. Within two weeks after the retail product hit the market inadult hackers reverse-engineered the firmware and developed a number of additional software programs that could be used to program these robots. And, a small industry emerged of sensors and peripherals that could be added to these robots. Lego encouraged the customer-extensions to the product line, giving hackers a license to extend its software and firmware and encouraging a healthy ecosystem.
Reblog 0 Digg This Save to lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 ebay kleinanzeigen. Outside Innovation New ways to engage customers in co-designing your company's future - a weblog to complement the book, Outside Innovation, by Patty Seybold. Description What is Outside Innovation? The good news is that customer-led innovation is one of the most predictably successful innovation processes.
Ultimately, it may be their downfall. Lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 ebay kleinanzeigen Updates follow me on Twitter. Eric von Hippel coined the term "lead users" to describe a group of both customers and non-customers who are passionate about getting certain things accomplished.
They may not know or care about the products or services you lego mindstorms nxt 2.0 ebay kleinanzeigen. But they do care about their project or need.
Lead users have already explored innovative ways to get things done. They're usually willing to share their approaches with others. I use the term "lead customers" to describe the small percentage of your current customers who are truly innovative. These may not be your most vocal customers, your most profitable customers, or your largest customers. But they are the customers who care deeply about the way in which your products or services could help them achieve something they care about.
These are the same kinds of people you should be recruiting when you set out to harness customer-led innovation. You no longer win by having the smartest engineers and scientists; you win by having the smartest customers! Google Search Google Search Bar. Patricia Seybold Group Web Site www. Why Not Ask the Customers? Will Xiaomi Stop the iPhone in China? Get the Outside Innovation widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! A Directory of Wonderful Things Business 2.
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346 3 Blocked Unblock Follow Following BambouClub Crypto Trader. Neither is it explained by the. We are still trusting them to be telling us the truth.