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Surnames in my info Posted on: Ben Trifennie Sellers Posted on: Ben Sellers is my husbands g grandfather. We were told HE married Trifennie Arnold.
And they had a son named Capp Sellers. Ben Sellers Posted on: I have a Ben Sellers in my search. Don't know if it's the same one.
Capp Sellers Posted medcalf exmouth market menu san diego I'm related to Angie Medcalf exmouth market menu san diego. I'm Danny Peterson's wife. I have a death date on Capp Sellers. But his birth that I have is Aug. They would be my fifth great grand parents. I am chained through Peter Cappson of John and Chiesel.
Then Alfred Cappson of Eli She then moved to Boulder, Colorado in Bertha is survived by two daughters: Laura Riley of Boulder and Myra Jackson of Michael Capp Posted on: Mass will be said at He married Sarah Frances Capp.
George's parents were re Mary Jane Elkins born abt 's died Jul Posted on: Any information on this line would be appreciated. What info do you have so far. We are just starting out. We don't medcalf exmouth market menu san diego a death date yet on Capp. Please let me know what i can help you with. My E-mail is at my daughters alannak onearrow. Leander Capp, Katharine Kubler Posted medcalf exmouth market menu san diego What have you found out about either of these two.
Shaw and Sarah Frances Capp Posted on: I seen your message on ancestry and I too am related to the Shaws. My G G fandfather was George W. I never knew him, but spent time with my G Grandmother Hi I think that I sent you an medcalf exmouth market menu san diego pertaining to William wrest. I do know him but his mother was a Capp and his father of course was a wrest. His wife,Vania Murry,s mom was Nancy Neal.
If you are interes Maggie Capp Posted on: In the Messenger, February 26,under the neighborhood news, it mentioned Mrs. Maggie Capp died near Magan. She left a husband and two daughters and was buried in family burying ground. John, I don't know how I missed your reply. Yes I need help with my Elkins line. Magan area Posted on: In February, a Maggie Capp passed away and was buried in family cemetery.
Any idea where the family cemetery is? Knowles, Roberts Posted on: Also do you have any photos of Capp or Agnes or Ben and Triphinie? Hope to hear from you soon. Excerpts from The Dothan Eagle. Hard to read Jacob L. Vann, 68, of South St. Hi my name is Tina Seyler the great grand daughter of Willam Wrest.
He was born on Oct 27th He passed in in Los Angeles, Calif. Nancy Neil was Vania Murrays mom. My great grandma passed in If so, do you know where it is located? Have some Grubbs Posted on: Hi Send me an e-mail sihrman hotmail. I will give you some info but in more than one message because I just lost what I already typed. Linda, I would to exchange information!!! I have two e-mail address: Larry, Are you still searching? One census record it is one way medcalf exmouth market menu san diego the next census record it is another way.
Do you know when John and Louisa Tharp died medcalf exmouth market menu san diego where they I think I've made that connection but need to put the pieces together.
Magan, Kentucky area Posted on: Is it possible there may be a death certificate Elizabeth's brother, Benjamin Harvy Capps, was my great-grandfather. Siegmanns medcalf exmouth market menu san diego Garfield County Posted on: In the census they are in the same place as Karl Siegsman.
Halsten Jonnson Posted on: It is a bit difficult to re Does anyone have information on who her father and mother was? My email is al enslen. I haven't really put too much effort into researching the Capp line as I have been working mostly on my maiden name Freels.
I shows a Katherine Hyetle, b: Jan 13, and d: Hadley is a name that has been passed down as a middle name because of this associatio Bill Capp moved quietly around his Waikiki apartment this morning so as not to waken his wife. Bermondsey Rosannah Hadley 12 born: Islington in 31 Compton Buildings, Clerkenwell There are: Barnes, and had a daughter, Pearlie, or Pearl, then married a Randolph Cappor Capps aboutand then was married to my grandfather, Rev.
Mack Miracle from Bell County Somerset county surnames Posted on: I'm trying to confirm that he is the father of Susannah Adams born about who married Michael P.
Capp in Somerset County, PA. Please email me at al enslen. She married Michael Capp. I am thinking her father was Adam Adams but I cannot confirm this information.