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A wallet backup is a copy of your Dogecoin wallet or your wallet's private keys that you can metal dogecoin to recover metal dogecoin dogecoin if something bad happens to your original wallet file. No, MultiDoge does this metal dogecoin in the background using special files that are described in detail in the File descriptions article.

These files can often metal dogecoin used to recover your wallet automatically should a problem occur. MultiDoge will place the backup files in a sub-directory created in the metal dogecoin directory as wherever you created the wallet. Backups only work metal dogecoin you have access to them. If you rely on the default location for metal dogecoin backups then you are at risk if your computer is stolen or damaged beyond recovery. A metal dogecoin backup is a copy of your wallet file that you store off your computer.

That way if something happens to your computer you still have access to the backups. Metal dogecoin professionals have a saying: You should export your private keys each time you add a new receiving address to your wallet.

Then keep the export file in multiple safe places! Set a strong password on the backups and make sure you never forget it! There is no way to retrieve your keys when you forget the password.

For instructions on how to export your keys, check this help page. Back to help contents Wallet backups What is a wallet backup? Do I have to enable it? Metal dogecoin backups are encrypted the same as the original wallet. What if my computer is stolen or turned into metal confetti? I want my dogecoin to be safe. What do you recommend? At the very least you should have the following in place: Encrypted wallets to prevent others from accessing the data A new wallet created in a directory that is regularly backed up SpiderOak, Dropbox, Carbonite, Time Machine etc A USB stick with additional copies of the private keys in case your machine is stolen and you forget your backup account password Each time a new receiving address is generated a new private key is made which must be backed up.

You must use encrypted wallets if you are storing them off your computer. So, how do I backup my keys? My wallet is encrypted but it's on my machine. How can I metal dogecoin it? Please refer to the moving a wallet article. Back to help contents.

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