3 Reasons Bitcoin Is Booming Again, Price Nears $550
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At first, I should add I am not looking at mining for income. I just want to do it for fun but I don't want to waste money either. In spite of difficulty increases there are a lot of people and companies which are starting to mine Bitcoin and I am one of them who want to start it for fun. This question appears to be off-topic.
The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: It depends on the mine bitcoin 2016 cost, the block-reward, the exchange rate, the difficulty, and the quality "Q" of the machine number of hashes per joule.
One interesting event that will occur in is the block-reward halving, which is discussed below. The upshot is that I don't think the block-reward halving should discourage you from mining as long as your electricity costs are less than about 9 cents per kW-hour. A simple perhaps naive? With all the same parameters, but at half the block reward, you will still be profitable in the long run as long as electricity cost is less than about 9 or 10 cents per kiloWatt hour.
In general the difficulty always tends to mine bitcoin 2016, so be careful Although the miner you're considering is a great entry level unit, will bring in the "halving" of the reward on bitcoins mined. This means, once a solution mine bitcoin 2016 found, the reward will be half the number of bitcoin. It's a good way to be a part of the community mine bitcoin 2016 possibly earn bitcoin.
Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Mine bitcoin 2016 a good time to buy an ASIC miner?
The electricity cost is very low in my country, so what do you recommend? All the calculations presented above were performed at fixed difficulty and exchange rate. Haribo 5, 10 31 Colin Elliott 21 1. Will my profit halves mine bitcoin 2016 block reward halves to Jan 15 '16 at 3: Stack Overflow for Teams is Now Available. Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.