How to build an 8-bit computer from scratch

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This is a 3D printed robotic Arm. It has been designed without 8 bit computer instructables robot definite purpose, the aim is educational, providing a suitable hardware that allow to concentrate on exploring all its potential applications. Printing and early tests YouTube. I used metric hardware and all joints rotate on M4 screws. This to allow a fine adjust of their diameter using an exact drill bit.

On screws are to be used selflocking nuts. They are to be tightened till the 8 bit computer instructables robot of the joint, then consequently you have to loose them until you obtain a smooth movement with a low clearance between components. On the two axis of the main vertical. The purpose of the robot is to provide an educational tool wich allow making experiment with different control methods.

I found very easy to use a Mini Maestro 12 Controller from Pololu, it is not very cheap but solve a lot of problems. You have to install drivers, a software and when connected to usb you're are immediately able to drive the servos choosing their speed and acceleration also.

You can store the servo position to a sequence and when ready it can be played once or in a loop. Can also be stored in the internal script memory and it can be automatically played without computer connected. Position the drive plate on the splined shaft and upper the driving printed gear.

Add one or two 8 bit computer instructables robot selftapping screw to connect plate and the gear. Thera are two driving gears available one has 22 theet and the other 25 I made two because during printing of the base I've got some deformation and 8 bit computer instructables robot two axis distance became smaller. Insert an M6 self locking nut in the receptacle of the swivel base then place in position le geared base and fix it using a 8 bit computer instructables robot of M3 screws and nuts as shown.

Keeping the main base flat and the swivel element in contact with it, connect the two elements using an M6 screw. Put in position the main arm and the vertical drive lever, connect them with the main base horizontal axis using a 4mm dia rod 33 mm long.

Fix in position the two servo and hold in place using eight selftapping screws. To drive the arms use the sigle horns supplied with the servos.

Make sure that the mid position of the servos are aligned with the housing of the arms. Use a threated M4 rod to connect the horizontal arm and the triangle to the upper part of the main arm. The robot arm is now assembled. You can now proceed with the claw assembly or you can use your own claw design. A little less easy but more powerful. STEP 1 Put in position a servo with the driving shaft forward. STEP 2 Fix the servo to the main base using the selftapping screws supplied with it.

STEP 4 Insert the bearings in its housing and attach the plate to the main base using 3 M3 screws. STEP 5 Verify the freedom of movement of the bearing. STEP 6 Position the drive plate on the splined shaft and upper the driving printed gear. STEP 7 Thera are two driving gears available one has 22 theet and 8 bit computer instructables robot other 25 I made two because during printing of the base I've got some deformation and the two axis distance became smaller.

STEP 8 Insert an M6 self locking nut in the receptacle of the swivel base then place in position le geared base and fix it using a couple of M3 screws and nuts as shown. STEP 8 bit computer instructables robot Fill the path using about 25 spheres with a diameter of 6mm. STEP 10 Keeping the main base flat and the swivel element in contact with it, connect the two elements using an M6 screw.

STEP 11 Now the main base is finished. STEP 12 Put in position the main arm and the vertical drive lever, connect them with the main base horizontal axis using a 4mm dia rod 33 mm long. STEP 14 Fix in position the two servo and hold in place using eight selftapping screws. STEP 15 Connect the lower end of straight lever to the driving arm.

STEP 16 Connect the lower end of angled lever to the fixed end on the base. STEP 17 Use a threated M4 rod to connect the horizontal arm and the triangle to the upper part of the main arm. STEP 18 Connect the straight rod to the main arm and angled to the triangle. STEP 19 Attach the rod and the claw fast release to the front part of the horizontal arm. STEP 20 The robot arm is now assembled. STEP 21 Assembly the claw as shown 8 bit computer instructables robot the image.

STEP 20 Attach the claw to the fast release end of the arm. STEP 23 The eezybotarm mk2 is now mechanically assembled, ready to be driven by the electronics.

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This is exactly something I want to make myself. However, my idea included Transistors and not relays for switching as realys even digital ones are not really considered digital technically by a lot of people. However, it'll be awesome to see a relay computer in the making. Do you have the schematics for this!? That is a simple circuit! Will you add onto the 2 bit machine when you are finished or will you leave it as a 2 bit computer? Our chat is a buzzing-with-life place where our community members join to discuss and foster great conversations.

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