A short guide to a deployment and management of Hyperledger Fabric 0.6
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Blockchain is in pbft blockchain explorers hype stage. People are curious and see or rather hear about its tremendous potentials.
Banks feel threatened because of the new currency model of bitcoins. Drug dealers, cyber criminals and fraudsters found bitcoins as money sent from heaven. Law makers and regulators are scrambling to gain control of money pbft blockchain explorers due to bitcoins. In pbft blockchain explorers previous blog I wrote some tidbits about when to use blockchain https: The learning curve for gaining expertise in blockchain is indeed steep no wonder people pbft blockchain explorers intimidated or afraid to ask about about blockchain technology.
In this blog I highlight 3 things you need to know to start your blockchain journey. I am assuming you have read something about bitcoins https: The pbft blockchain explorers of the article start with the following sentence: Agreement in the presence of fault is something we have to live with when we transact over unreliable network and among distrusted parties.
Faults can be due to machine failures or could be malicious. Faulty nodes are also called the byzantine nodes. Well, to master this area you have to go to graduate school. But if you are adventurous here are few references that you may consider.
Blockchain cannot survive without cryptography. There are many parts of blockchain technology that relies on the hardness of cryptographic algorithms. Cryptography is a tough subject and I am by no means an expert in this area.
But I do teach cryptography in a local college https: One of the foundations of the original bitcoin implementation pbft blockchain explorers on solving a cryptographic puzzle by the miners within a bounded time.
If they did and were the first pbft blockchain explorers to solve it they were rewarded with bitcoins. That incentive and the game challenge made bitcoins a viral technology. Also, the whole blockchain is based on pbft blockchain explorers notion of allowing distrusted parties to transact without a third party pbft blockchain explorers the middle.
There are three things that are needed from cryptography: Here are few reference materials to get your head into this fascinating world of cryptography. There are also many research articles on cryptography and blockchain. Here are a couple of them that I have recently read:. At the end of the day you want to make money. Developing the blockchain infrastructure is a daunting task. So for those who want to focus on building applications here are few skills you should develop. Once again if you want to get your hands dirty and play with blockchain implementation or build applications come to IBM blockchain world.
It is indeed a fascinating world http: Transaction processing by Gray and Reuter http: The book has chapters on fault tolerance and linearizability which are important part of most implementations of blockchain. I must thank Chet Murthy https: Distributed Algorithms by Lynch http: But if you want get your head into blockchain algorithm from theoretical point of view, this classic book is a must read. I read early draft edition this book back in or so and got my head spinning.
I pbft blockchain explorers hoping Nancy Lynch will update this book. The Byzantine General Problems by Lamport et al. Many blockchain implementations have implemented PBFT. Cryptography Blockchain cannot survive without cryptography. Cryptography and network security by Stalling. Paar also has recorded a series of video lectures based on this book. I would highly recommend going through the video lecture series https: Here are a couple of them that I have recently read: Here the authors come up with methods for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of transactions executed over smart contracts.
The original bitcoins implementation did pbft blockchain explorers provide confidentiality of transactions, but did provide anonymity to some extent https: A cryptocurrency without public-key cryptography by Bonneau pbft blockchain explorers Miller. Here the authors propose a solution that uses only symmetric pbft blockchain explorers operations for transacting over blockchain. Symmetric cryptographic operations are more efficient than asymmetric cryptographic operations http: Applications At the end of the day you want to make money.
For the past few years I have been coding in Python. I love Python and it is a fun language. I have also explored a bit of Scala and it is another language that I like.
I really start to like this language. Three things that got me exciting with Golang are: I am now spending more time coding using Golang. Here are few links for further exploration of Golang: Pbft blockchain explorers are two kinds. For messaging and building distributed systems, especially when dealing with client server communication and the mobile world, gRPC is great http: I have not yet played too much with gRPC but it is something that I see has lots of potentials in building applications for blockchain.
Use case scenarios are a must for investing in blockchains. I wrote a blog on when to use blockchain https: One can thing about applications in mortgages, banking, supply-chain management, healthcare and pharmaceutical industry and pbft blockchain explorers others.