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It's been almost 7 hours since my deposit, and nothing has shown up in my polo wallet yet. Also, it looks like poloniex hasn't sent any withdrawals in that time either; it seems like their wallet must be frozen. Is this normal for them? I feel like it's happened a bunch to me lately, but I never remember this happening with bittrex. You have to open the ticket in Poloniex. It seems like Polo issue. Sometimes they don't process SBD deposit right away.

It happened to me once. I waited 24 hours. This post might poloniex ethereum deposit not showing some answers for you. No, this is definitely not normal. Deposit times can vary by cryptocurrency, but I've never had one take more than an hour and typically they are faster than that. Could be a momentary Steem network issue.

I'd open a support ticket with them as claudia suggests. But try not to worry, Poloniex is usually very reliable and I'm sure it'll get sorted out eventually. Also on poloniex there is a chat box on the right side of exchange page.

I've never waited more than 30 mins or so with polo for anything. They have always been pretty good. And yes, bittrex is much better. Never had any issues there but a couple on poloniex.

Actually I'm trying to use bittrex for everything possible, so even worse to get many issues with polo I just ran into this on poloniex.

When I looked poloniex ethereum deposit not showing my accounts, steem deposits and withdraws were temporarily suspended. There was nothing in the trollbox or announcements. I won't open a support ticket unless this drags on for more than 72hrs. I'm wondering if it is related to the issue they had with ETH the other day, as steem and ETH are directly exchangeable there. Random delays from minutes to hours are now "normal" for Polo. Others have had ETH in poloniex ethereum deposit not showing limbo for hours.

I'm using Bittrex poloniex ethereum deposit not showing and more Is this normal to have Poloniex deposits stuck in limbo all day? Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Happens often cause poloniex are n00bs. Yes, why open a support ticket if it takes one days to be addressed.

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I put myetherwallet address in at Poloniex to withdraw some of my coins and put them back into myetherwallet and everytime i put my address in, it says "invalid What is a Polonix Wallet address?

I sent some ether to Poloniex https: This is for my How does polonix works? So, I was not sure on how to manage users' account. Prashant Prabhakar Singh 3, 2 11 Ethereum transaction stuck, out of gas [closed] I sent some ethereum from my Coinomi wallet to a Poloniex trading account and it has been over 8 days and it has still not been received. How is the volume graph on poloniex calculated? Could anyone explain what formula they're using? Stan Lee 13 2. My ether wallet is still empty, besides that the transaction isn't shown on the eth chain, and I can't find Does the Poloniex minimum deposit amount apply to mining rewards?

I am setting up my mining pool and need to set a payment threshold. Does this apply to mining rewards? Say hypothetically I set my threshold to Jonny Wright 4. The transaction showed as complete in Poloniex but I actually never received the fund.. These are the details: Withdrawal from Poloniex have not shown in my ether wallet I have made a withdrawal from poloniex 2 days ago.

Ether withdrawl from poloniex was successful but ETH transaction not appearing on etherscan I have withdrawn 10 eth from poloniex 12 hours before and it has successful status in history page. They even given me tx id fro my withdrawl but when i have still not got the eth on etherscan. From Poloniex to MyEtherWaller I have sent my transaction from poloniex to Myetherwallet and transaction showed up only for 10min and after that it disappeared completely without any trace of it.

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