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A rash of recent "scientific" studies about what makes conspiracy theorists tic have been hitting robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas news lately. Well, we could say it's a conspiracy to try and debunk conspiracy theorists and conspiratorial thinking, but then that just proves we're conspiracy theorists prone to conspiratorial thinking.
As if that's a bad thing. John nearly falls for an Ethereum scam, but escapes at the last minute. Probably because he used his conspiratorial thinking to question the scam, natch! Kanye West or is that Yeezus tweets, "Question Everything".
The future's gonna get weird. Called "The Godfather" of late night paranormal and conspiracy talk radio, Bell had a huge influence on a generation of fringe-dwellers and truth-seekers - us included. He will be missed. In an extended "What's the Word on the Street? Click here to refresh the feed. That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for Flat-Earthers. Mad Mike Hughes' hilarious and dangerously idiotic attempt to prove that In the second half, John addresses the recent QAnon controversy brewing on the Inter-tubes.
Has the Q psyop been exposed? Are the geniuses behind Cicada puzzles involved somehow? We'll just let the Gracie Allen and George Burns of conspiracy explain it for you. They should really take their act on the road. And finally, we tie all of this together by preaching the importance of media literacy, a mantra of ours, particularly as it pertains to the new conspiracy world order.
The subtitle of this podcast should be: As we mentioned in last week's show, Adam purchased an Alexa Echo, which has been making the news lately for randomly laughing at its users. Amazon claims they've addressed the problem and fixed it. But this story raises some troubling questions about the potentially sinister nature of these new technologies.
How much control do we want to cede to these behemoth tech companies for convenience? And speaking of behemoth tech companies, by now most people realize the power Google, Facebook, and Twitter have over our online lives. Robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas juggernauts have so far monopolized much of the online space - which, of course, was by design. All in the name of combating so-called Hate Speech and Fake News. Factor in all the negative psychological affects these new technologies inflict, the admitted implementation of "keyboard warriors" to sow discord, spread disinformation and propaganda, bots to amplify those messages, algorithms to suppress information In this robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas episode we review a fascinating UFO incident that occurred in October of last year.
What makes this case so interesting, is that researchers were able to obtain the audio recording of the air traffic controllers, pilots, and the FAA while it was happening in real-time.
Fighter jets were scrambled, but still there are no definitive answers yet robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas what the object was, its final destination, or intention. Another Bigfoot lawsuit filed in California. The witness swears she saw a neanderthal-like pound creature in a tree, and she's willing to go to court to prove it.
Those Japanese scientists are up to their old tricks again. This time developing AI that can read your thoughts. Most are obvious LARPs, but there's one who just might be the real deal. Believe it, or not! Oh, and apparently there was a cat in a tree holding what witnesses were sure was an AR Due to all the mass shootings, it appears our feline friends aren't the only "scaredy-cats" these days. In this week's episode, John and Adam tackle the Parkland School Shooting conspiracies, the disinformation, and outright bullshit surrounding this tragic event.
Shouts of "False Flag" and "Crisis Actor" are all too common these days and, far more often than not, without merit. We'll dissect these claims and, hopefully, contribute a little critical thinking to the conversation.
In the second half, John breaks down the recent Mueller indictments of the 13 so-called "Russian Trolls" who apparently had so much influence they were able to swing an entire election.
This whole thing is starting to turn into a bad Hollywood comedy. And finally, Adam provides a brief explanation for all the recent Black Panther hype. John and Adam take a deep dive into the pros and cons of having too much information at our fingertips.
Are we in the midst of an information overload? How do we know what's true or false? With all the frightening new technologies coming down the pike, how can we even determine that what we're seeing is real? Adding insult to injury to all this is our penchant for focusing on the negative, as well as our tendency to over- and under-estimate our own abilities.
But hey, things aren't all that bad, are they? Maybe we're just looking at all of this the wrong way. Or maybe, just maybe, western civilization is suffering from a mind virus, a psychic pathogen that attaches itself to the unconscious, producing negative and destructive thought-forms - an evil spirit or energy the Native Americans called Wetiko.
The film chronicles the year journey of former members who were trapped in the bizarre Buddhafield cult. Through personal archive footage and robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas, the film chronicles the rise and fall, not only of the cult itself, but of its strangely charismatic leader, Michel Rostand aka Andreas. This is one of those "cautionary tales" of how cult leaders use time-tested techniques to manipulate and coerce vulnerable and impressionable minds to do their bidding.
How can we communicate with our descendants thousands of years in the future about the dangers of nuclear waste? Sounds easy enough right? Maybe what we need is an elite secret society of scientists, an Atomic Priesthood if you will, to help protect the future of humanity with a kind of "language of eternity" built on myth and symbols. All you gotta do is catch Bigfoot. Or the Cornish Owl Man, whatever the hell that is.
Well, I guess if you believe the government. Using archival footage from the early pulp serials, clips from industrial films, and other found footage, Baldwin creates a collage of paranoia and conspiracy that's been dubbed as, "an X-Ray of a rabid slacker's seething brain. Fun with AI for the whole family! The absurd, robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas, and strange things made with augmented content creation. John gives his mile-high sociological analysis on what might be going on with all the chaos, confusion and, yes, certainty behind the whole Q phenomenon.
Both doubters and Qool-Aide drinkers should take note, as there just might be something much bigger going on than meets the All-Seeing Eye. On this, our special th episode, John completely solves Russiagate! Well, maybe not completely, but close enough. At first glance this might not seem very paranormal, but the questions this documentary raises about the notion of the self, the other, etc. And in what can only be described as "the method gone metaphysical", Jim not only portrays Andy, but may in fact have become him at least in his own mind during the making of the film.
All of these questions, and many more, are robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas for you to ponder, but without any easy answers. We also talk about some current robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas, the hypernormalisation of our time, and how we might be actually living in the era Andy Kaufman's work foreshadowed.
Is he the target of an incredibly long and unlikely con? We apologize for the inconsistent audio in the first half, as Skype was buggy. Second half much better. John starts off talking about the reason we didn't record a show last week As bizarre as that may seem, it may not be too far from the truth. We're always a little suspicious when the MSM starts promoting the idea that we're being visited by aliens.
What's the real agenda here? To the Stars Academy. In this week's episode, Adam and John talk all things crypto: Adam finally takes the Bitcoin plunge, and wonders if maybe there's a secret world of robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas finance beyond the Blockchain. So, what are CryptoKitties, you ask? They're collectible, breedable, adorable Can one man's gaze heal all ills?
Or are we just a bunch of pathetic, desperate, lonely creatures? Meet Braco robot chicken flying monkey roadkill vs gas Gazer, who has inspired tens of thousands with his silent stare. Lots of doomsday chatter about military alerts and martial law. Who are some of these characters pushing all this fear porn? Do they have an inside track on what's really going on? Or, are they just capitalizing on what's already out there for clicks?
And speaking of capitalizing on the chatter for clicks, John provides an update and summary of the QAnon phenom. Yes, it's still going strong, sending people down a number of rabbit holes in a quest to find the truth.
Remember the Area 51 caller on Art Bell in ? Whatever happened to that guy? The answer may surprise you. Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum all reached a new high the other day, then suddenly came crashing back down, spreading FUD in the community. At least for the noobs.