Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution Achievements

5 stars based on 43 reviews

Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution is a 3D anime-style fighting game that fans are going to love, but for anyone else, maybe not. Over the years fighting games have had an increasingly larger assortment of characters but they are all left for dead now that Naruto Shippuden: All I can say is WOW! Not all of these characters are available from the beginning; you will need to unlock them in the several game mode options. This was the mode that I focused my time due it being the only one where I was given a sense of accomplishment.

During this mode you have to fight in tournaments to unlock extra areas and sign-up for higher tournaments. Unfortunately, the jobs are just more fighting, which leads to more character unlocks.

Ninja Escapades was the mode that completely confused me as someone who was previously unfamiliar with the franchise. It basically involves watching episodes of the anime and playing out the fight scenes. This may be great for avid fans but incredibly boring for a newcomer. When we look at the fighting itself, this is not too different from other games. It incorporates several buttons within multiple sequences to achieve combos. Most characters have virtually the same combinations however to achieve different attacks.

As with games like Marvel vs. This can either be a single attack or include your support characters, which admittedly is usually pretty awesome. I did like that fights can either 1on1 or a 4-way battle. Another addition to the game is the Network Clone. This is a character that you can select, modify to your liking and automatically send to fight other players online. You will need to select attacks and enhancements although a successful selection can be a long and arduous task to refine.

Considering each training session takes hours real time, this should only be attempted by the truly devoted fans, not the occasional player. Being based on an animated series, the presentation blends in quite nicely. It retains its anime feeling within a 3D environment. If you are a fan of Naruto, this game is definitely made for you, and maybe for someone who is interested in getting into it.

But unfortunately, it does not cater to newcomers in any way, leaving you lost and puzzled. View all posts by: Overall If you are a fan of Naruto, this game is definitely made for you, and maybe for someone who is interested in getting into it. I now primarily play games on Xbox One and am enjoying all that the new generation of gaming is offering.

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