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Aslak has been a software developer since around and has been in the Ruby community since around He created Cucumber inwhich has been his hobby on the side since its creation. They also stress the importance of having conversations in order to facilitate collaboration and trust. Some of the things they discuss include having a frozen version of your code, node modules, code dependencies, and more. They also touch on the fact that making shortcuts now means that you will have to pay for it later.
Click here to refresh the feed. In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses code automation. They talk about how automating things tends to make them more efficient and speed the time up it takes to complete them.
Takashi works for Treasure Data as a layers application engineer and works with template engines such as Haml and Hamlit. They also touch on the importance of optimizing your code and discuss the 3 by 3 challenge with the upcoming Ruby 3. Daniel soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs a developer at Google and soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs been doing Ruby for about 14 years.
Before that, he founded, managed and led technical projects for a small startup for about 8 years. They discuss what geospatial programming is, what RGeo Gem is, and other interesting aspects of geospatial programming. In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses code reviews with Jacob Stoebel.
Jacob is a Rails and JavaScript developer and works for ePublishing where he does mostly front-end programming. He also gives fours steps to the response process for giving positive and helpful code reviews. In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses music, musicians, and programmers with Catherine Meyers.
Catherine is a software engineer at Mavenlink in San Francisco and is a co-organizer of a meet-up called Women Level Up. Before getting into coding, she was actually an opera singer. They talk a lot about why she decided to change her career and how she came to be a successful coder after being a singer for many years. In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses removing business logic from Rails controllers with Aaron Sumner. Aaron is a long time Ruby developer, using mostly Railswrites a blog called Everyday Railsand most people know him from his book, Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec: A practical approach to test-driven development.
They discuss service objects, the pros and cons of using them, and they emphasize not trying to change something all at once, but gradually. They talk about the origins of React on Rails and compare it to Webpacker. They also talk about how the two go hand in hand and how you can use them in your own coding to make your life easier. In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses how to thwart insider threats with Greg Kushto. Greg is the vice president of sales engineering and security at Force 3.
Greg talks about how it is a team effort to uphold information security in a company, especially insider threats. He got started with computer security when he worked at a helpdesk and then moved his way up to making it his full-time career. This episode is great for understanding soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs threats, both what they are and how to prevent them.
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses where they are right now and what their day to day looks like.
Dave is with Sage Software and continues to push himself so that he will always be learning and progressing. He has three kids currently and he tries to have a good work-life balance so soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs he can separate both of his worlds. David is currently at a Fintech company where he is on the core team and does the data science. He also writes a lot and explores his creativity through that.
Charles finds himself working a lot on the podcasts and has to schedule time to code. He works from home and therefore gets to spend a good amount of time with his family. The panel also talks about the importance of family, the need to challenge yourself, and much more!
In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses failures with Sebastian Sogamoso. Sebastian is a software developer of 6 years, and working with Ruby for the last 5 years, and before worked with Java and PHP. He is currently living in Panama City, but soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs up in Colombia. He now works for CookPad soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs organizes a Ruby conference in Colombia.
Sebastian stresses the fact that everyone fails no matter what, and if you take responsibility and learn from your failures, you can more on to become a better programmer and developer because of it. Nathen is the VP Community at Chef. The topic of discussion is about Chef. Justin and Josh both work for a software agency called Test Doublewho are a fully remote software agency. Both Josh and Justin are well versed in many technologies and platforms of development such as Ruby, Javascript and much more.
Daniel leads the Ruby and Elixir team at Google. Daniel is on the show to discuss Ruby debuggers with the Ruby Rogues panel. Topics cover ruby support, cloud debugger, projects, processes for debuggers and much more. This is a great episode to understand more about Ruby debuggers and processes. Amit is working with a company called Big Binary. Big Binary builds web apps and a variety of mobile applications.
Amit mentions his informative blog on Ruby 2. Amit and the panel discuss app failure emergencies and holidays. Importantly this episode is about soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs holidays affect the schedules, staff, and emergency deploying apps or repairing crashes and servers.
This is a great episode to learn about strategies to recover from crashes, emergencies, and disaster recovery. In this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss things they are playing with or working on now. Much of the discussion covers technologies in Rails and Ruby, Rails. Each of the Ruby Rogues members comment on their workflows and personal applications for apps and web applications. Also, how playing with things or technologies, helps build your skills and development.
In this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss Ruby 2. Jesus has been a developer for several years, and has learned Ruby 6 soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs ago and is now teaching Ruby. Jesus is on Ruby Rogues to talk about Ruby 2. Also, Jesus talks about the everything Ruby 2.
This is a great episode to understand the background of Ruby on Rails, Basecamps, soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs things to come with Ruby. In this episode, the Ruby Rogues panel discuss Standard vs Reality. The panel discusses how realistic it is to expect standards. Charles, Dave and David cover topics on the appearance of code, the family of origin, conforming when working with a team, community projects, company repos, challenging old standards, and much more concerning how workflows are performed today.
This is a great episode for developers soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs learn to ask if there is a better or time efficient way to do things. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Selenium and Cypress Capybara With BDD, you lose your fast feedback loop and your flow People accept slow feedback loops The test pyramid Most tests should be uni-tests Why is it that full-stack tests are slow?
A tool that supports behavior-driven development BDD Soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs conversations around concrete examples Visualization Cucumber used to express examples Allows people to design the tests for the BDD flavor of TDD to develop a software Example mapping The importance of having the conversations Facilitating collaboration and trust Having face-to-face conversations And much, much more!
Having a frozen version of your code is a good idea Dependency problems Ruby gems Gem in a Box Rubygems. The more automated things are, the more efficient they tend to be What can we automate and delegate to make work easier? Why do you think people are having trouble filling senior positions?
And much, much more! JIT Compiler Rails Real world application performance Have you done any benchmarks to see if the actual application performance has increased? Need method inlining for the best application Any efforts being used to speed up Ruby 3.
Trouble with optimizing Thinking about optimization in your code is important Solve problems using the JIT compiler 3 by 3 challenge How long have you been working on this compiler? Daniel and Tee intros What is the landscape when it comes to geospatial programming? What is geospatial programming? Open sourced it so that other people could use it When did Tee get involved? Rails And much, much more! Jacob intro Rails and JavaScript Are there other places beside code reviews that we give this kind of feedback?
Talking about code reviews is a great ice-breaker at conferences Developing is a creative profession Trust must be present for creativity to flow What led you to this topic?
A method for getting useful feedback on anything you make, from dance to dessert Growing Old by Chad Fowler talk. Catherine Meyers In this episode of Ruby Rogues, the panel discusses music, musicians, and programmers with Catherine Meyers. Who she performed for and where she performed Her friends suggested she soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs coding Tips to help those not interested in coding give it a chance Coding is like solving a puzzle Coding boot camps to facilitate a career change HTML Flatiron School The importance of resilience Ruby Conf The ability to communicate with many different typed of people Patterns Do musicians have an advantage as a developer?
Patterns in Rails How can music make you a better coder? Your brain as a musician Is there a correlation with brain activity and listening to music? Different music affects different people And much, much more! Aaron intro How to test code without controller tests? Get the code out of the controllers and test it in more isolation Service objects Problem with a soger du bitcoin php github freelancere eller jobs having a lot of business logic in it Rails Cons of service objects Using a service object inside of a controller Pros of service objects Getting smaller can happen step-wise Re-architecting should happen gradually not all at once When you write a service object, there is a flow to it How writing his book impacted his views Start small And much, much more!
Do we need all of the Ruby stuff built around Webpack? React Router 2 types of developer to target And much, much more! What are insider threats? Malicious or unaware intent Team approach to thwart insider threats How did you get started?