List of commodities exchanges
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Commodity exchange is one of the most important economic terms that plays a vital role in trade by exchanging one commodity global economy by providing an organized marketplace for the exchange of various commodities such as grains, sugar, cocoa, livestock, oil, gas, metals, and others. Generally, commodities are marketable goods and raw materialsusually traded in bulk. Commodities can be classified into four main groups:. The main characteristic of commodities trade by exchanging one commodity that they are interchangeable with other goods from the same group.
In addition to that, commodities are uniform in their quality. Commodity market works just like any other market; it can be a physical or virtual place where commodity trading occurs.
However, the commodity market is characterized by its strong regulations and rules. The trading and exchange of commodities work through legal entities, known as commodity exchanges. Commodity exchange is an association, company, or any legal corporate body which provides an organized marketplace for trading in commodities. Worldwide there are many trade by exchanging one commodity exchanges specialized in operating trade by exchanging one commodity certain commodities.
The Chicago Board of Trade is one of the major and most known commodity exchanges operating with agricultural commodities such as corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, and rice. In case the price for certain commodity changes, the contract obligates both parties to buy or sell a commodity at a predetermined price.
In other words, trading in futures contracts serves rather for price speculations and risk management, than for the actual exchange of goods. After all, there are many farmers who use commodity exchange either to sell their products or as a risk management tool that will help them face price fluctuations. If you want to learn more about the agricultural market and other interesting terms such as market prices, futures contracts, and hedging, keep reading our articles and master your market knowledge.
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