Kentucky Obituaries
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An index to somerset ky death records digital images ofbirth records, including name, gender, race, date and place of birth, parents' names, parents' birthplaces somerset ky death records parents' ages. An index to over 5. An index to over 5 million birth records, including name, date and place of birth and mother's full name. An index to aroundbirth and baptism records. The index can be used to locate original records, which may contain further details.
An index to and images of Lutheran registers containing close to 3 million baptism, marriage and death records. An index to and digital somerset ky death records ofmarriages. They include the names, ages, birthplaces and residence of the bride and groom; the date and place of marriage; and parents' names and birthplaces. An index to 1. A digital image is provided for each record, which can be located by a name search. An index to over 3.
It includes name, date and place of death, age, place of residence and a reference to order a full death certificate. An index to over 2. An index to overdeath and burial records. An index to over 1. The index may include name, date and place of death, age and parents' names. The index can be used to locate original records, which contain further details.
An index to and digital images of documents recording almost 6 million names. They include registers somerset ky death records births, marriages and deaths; lists of members; movement of members between congregations; records of discipline; disownment; burials and more.
This database contains digitized volumes of more than 60 Quaker publications, including some foreign-language periodicals. Names have been indexed from a variety of articles including births, marriage notices, obituaries, officers, missionaries, committee members, names of people who have moved, and other references to members of the Society of Friends.
An index to close tonames occurring in Quaker meeting records. These cover items such as discipline, admittance, movement between meetings, some vital events and much more. Digital images of records from the highest bodies in the Quaker church. The minutes contain names of representatives and committee members, memorials and obituary notices, somerset ky death records with business news. An index to overnames from federal censuses, pensioner lists, slave schedules and a veterans schedule.
Records registering over 15 million men born between andincluding name, age, birth date and place, residence, employer, and physical description.
A name index and digital images somerset ky death records registers recording almost million people living in the United States.
The registers record age, place of birth, relationships, occupations and more. An index to million people living in the United States, linked to registers recording their age, place of birth, family relationships and more. An index to and images of more thanwills and probate documents. They typically record details of the deceased's relatives; and sometimes describe real and personal property, sentiments, convictions, intended places of burial and more.
Digital collection and partial index of probate records created in Kentucky county courts. Probate records include somerset ky death records, bonds, inventories of estates and other records. An index to almost 78, wills that were disputed.
The index can lead you to documents that may shed a great deal of genealogical information as disputes often arose between siblings and cousins. Abstracts of English wills that are connected to early American families.
In addition, it contains genealogical notes and pedigrees, maps, tabular charts, illustrations, and an index of 30, names as well as a fifty-one page index of places, with details of where many of the early families settled.
Text-searchable editions somerset ky death records over 7, newspaper titles from the United States, containing 2 billion articles and over million obituaries. A growing collection of text-searchable, digitalised newspapers from the United States of America. Contains thousands of titles and over million pages. Text-searchable editions of and over million obituaries and death notices extracted from over 7, United States newspaper titles.
A growing collection of millions of funeral and cemetery record transcriptions, including obituaries and names of relatives. A growing database containing 10s of millions of abstract obituaries with a reference to the publication it occurred in and a link to the full obituary if available online. A growing index to more than 16 million obituaries, citing name, age, residence and source publication. A database containing details of the burial of 7.
Entries may contain details of birth, next of kin and more. A directory of the court, parliament, aristocracy, mayors, civil service, military, militia and banks in the British Empire.
An index to around 1. The index is linked to scanned somerset ky death records of the books, which may also contain local history, details of government bodies, officials and more. Transcriptions of over million entries from directories, which may list name, address, city, state and phone number. Digital images of labor contracts, letters, applications for rations, reports of abandoned land, reports of clothes and medicine issued, school reports, court trials, hospital records, employment records, complaints and more relating to refugees and freedmen.
Searchable by and index of aroundnames. Surveys of families who were relocated from areas that were flooded to make way for dams and hydroelectric power plants. A history of the coming to statehood, including negotiations with Indians, constitution, political conventions and joining the union. Digital images of applications for passports, which list name, date and place of birth, father's particulars, immigration and naturalisation details, residence, occupation, somerset ky death records and more.
Searchable by a name index. An index to 49 million applications and claims for social security. The index includes name, SSN, date and place of birth, nation of citizenship, gender, father's name, mother's maiden name and race.
An index to and digital images of registers recording 8. The records list the name of the person or business being taxed: Various maps and documents listing and delineating around 7 million land plots and their owners. This database is a collection of maps and atlases detailing land areas that comprise the somerset ky death records United States and Canada, as well as various other parts of the world.
Overdocuments relating to Union prisoners, legal proceedings, oaths, land forfeitures and more. An index and digital images of schedules recording statistical data concerning agriculture, industry, social and other areas.
Includes many people and somerset ky death records. Registers include the name of each government employee, office held, where employed, where born, whence appointed, and pay received, as well as information regarding the Navy, such as names and conditions of all ships and vessels belonging to the United States and when and where they were built.
A growing index to over million entries in middle somerset ky death records, junior high, high school, and college yearbooks linked to digital images of the yearbook pages. Yearbooks usually include name and photo, but may include biographical data, such as family relations, academic achievements and hobbies. An index to and digital images of over 20, year books, listing details of schools, students and staff.
A variety of publications listing names of students, faculty, alumni, and others associated with US universities, seminaries and theological institutes, normal schools, medical schools, academies, military schools, etc.
Records include catalogues, obituary records and necrologies, class histories, speeches and addresses, commencement exercises, class reports, registers, prospectus, circulars, proceedings, annual reports, magazines and other documents.
Digital images of a variety of publications listing the names of students, faculty, alumni, and others associated primarily with somerset ky death records and similar schools, including academies, somerset ky death records schools, seminaries, reform schools, institutes, industrial schools, military academies, dance schools, grammar schools, Latin schools and others. Searchable by an index of aroundnames. Pedigrees of women who were descendants of one or more servicemen of The American Revolutionary War.
Contains ,s of names. A somerset ky death records database of linked genealogies compiled from thousands of reputable and not-so-reputable sources. Genealogical charts, and coats of arms where appropriate, of prominent families in America's early history. A compilation of lineage-linked family trees submitted by Ancestry users.
The database contains over 2 billion individuals and is searchable by numerous metrics. A lengthy history of England detailing the country's connection to the U.
Includes much detail on royalty, nobility and other historical figures of note. Includes names, occupations and military details. An index and digital images of registers listing the deaths of aroundUnion soldiers. The registers list name, rank, company, date and place of death, cause of death and miscellaneous notes. An index to and images of pension applications filed by surviving former Confederate soldiers or their widows who lived in Kentucky. Contains religious affiliation, photographs, education history, parents' names and more.
Digital images of registers recording the arrival of passengers and crew at New York harbour. Varying details are included, such as name, age, gender, occupation, nationality, race, last place of residence, intended place of residence and more.
The registers can be searched somerset ky death records a name index of over 28 million names. This database somerset ky death records an index of aliens and citizens crossing into the U. Name index and images from passenger lists of those arriving in San Francisco, California. Records details, such as place of birth and occupation of around 3 million people.
Images of passenger and crew lists, searchable by an index of more than 51 million names. Lists may contain details such as age, gender, place of origin, occupation and much more. A database of overphotos, etchings, engravings and other mediums depicting places and events in the British Isles and the rest of the world.
Over 7 million remembrances and historic details submitted by Ancestry members. Useful for local historians. An index to somerset ky death records of biographies, listing names, dates of birth and death and the biography's source publication.