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HODL, an intentional typo of "hold," has become the rallying cry for cryptocurrency traders in the face of this recent Bitcoin crashwhich has extended to other popular coins like Ethereum and Litecoin. There's a certain emotion to it, pointing to the steadfast belief of some that blockchain-based currencies will change the world — and generate a lot of value for people holding crypto along the way.

The term HODL isn't brand new. It has popped up in the midst of other Bitcoin crashes, and is being employed this time to stave off catastrophe, too. Bitcoin's dramatic rally in moved the cryptocurrency from weird internet quirk to mainstream phenomenon. In recent days, however, bitcoin has crashed back to That means plenty of people have made money, but a lot of people who bought into the cryptocurrency in bitcoin 15 april videos of a similar rise in are at least thus far disappointed.

The term is now being used by people who have decided not to sell bitcoin 15 april videos the recent crash as well as a kind of advice against reacting to the dramatic swings of cryptocurrency prices. This is what it's like trying to time the markets. Who are with me? But why the intentional typo from "hold" to "HODL," you ask? Because bitcoin 15 april videos internet bitcoin 15 april videos a quirky-ass place. And because bitcoin was born here!

Agrawal NeerajKA December 18, Internet slang and lingo has long embraced misspellings that tend to happen bitcoin 15 april videos typing. The early blog generation — the LiveJournals, Xangas, Hipster Runoffs of the internet — invented the "teh," the unnecessary pluralz, the always lower case "i's" and u n mes.

There's plenty more crypto slang where that came from. A quick crawl through the internet yields a few more:. From what I can see, there are plentyyyyy of shills about. Or, a derisive term for people who missed out on buying Bitcoin, and are now sad and bitter. You also are a frequent experiencer of something we here at Mashable like to call " SchadenCoin. You bitcoin 15 april videos still make money on a shitcoin, as long as you're in and out at the right time.

This isn't a phrase native to cryptocurrencies, but has become part of the conversation due to the aforementioned shills. A "pump and dump" refers to buying up a bunch of coins, talking up how great the coin is, and then selling it if the price rises. Don't be this dude! Someone who buys during a high bitcoin 15 april videos then has no opportunity to sell without losing money, so he holds onto his bag for an eternity.

We're using cookies to improve your experience. Click Here to find out more. Tech Like Follow Follow. The crypto faithful, however, abide by one word: It's an instruction for traders to, um, "hold" their Bitcoin instead of selling it. Here's what you need to know before you buy bitcoin.

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To continue reading this article, please exit incognito mode or log in. Visitors are allowed 3 free articles per month without a subscription , and private browsing prevents us from counting how many stories you've read. We hope you understand, and consider subscribing for unlimited online access. Even if interest in Bitcoin fades, it could still have a lasting legacy as an inspiration to better-designed forms of digital money. In recent weeks, the digital currency Bitcoin has soared and then dipped in value, along the way attracting more public attention than ever before and speculation as to whether it could become an established and widely accepted way to pay for goods and services.

Several others are also surging in popularity and value, and they claim to offer technical improvements that make them better suited to mainstream use.

Some of these competing currencies already represent significant stores of value. The Bitcoin alternatives are inspired by that design, which is published openly, and try to offer improvements. Bitcoin transactions are verified by the work of software run by other people using the currency, a process that takes on average 10 minutes and can be much longer, an hour in the case of many exchange sites.

Lee says that hinders operators of online stores from using the currency. New bitcoins are created through a process known as mining, in which people run software that competes to solve a computational puzzle. Each time a puzzle is cracked, new coins are awarded and a new challenge is set.

In a neat twist, the process of solving a puzzle also confirms the validity of recent transactions made with bitcoins. However, because more powerful computers are more likely to solve these puzzles, an arms race between bitcoin miners has resulted. Lee says that will make Litecoin less dependent on the activity of a small number of dedicated miners with expensive equipment, allowing a larger pool of miners to compete.

That has the effect of decoupling mining and the confirmation of transactions from the cost of electricity and computer power, which King says would be a problem for Bitcoin if it were to become very widely used. Some Bitcoin devotees worry that alternative currencies could hinder efforts to make the leading cryptocurrency mainstream, but Selgin says that competition could simply increase the odds that any one cryptocurrency succeeds.

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