Ben is a chatbot that lets you learn about and buy Bitcoin

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Cryptocurriencies are a relatively young and inefficient marketplace that's been largely ignored by established trading houses. Bitcoin ai bot markets mean opportunity and risk. Crypto traders can spend 16 hours a day running technical analysis or spend thousands of dollars for central-ized algorithm bots that are limited. The easy-to-use platform allows both amateur and professional traders bitcoin ai bot trade cryptocurrencies profitably.

With hundreds of coins available today, the cryptocurrency world is too fast-paced for the average trader to keep up with market trends, latest news and ICOs. Many existing platforms require the users to have extensive programming knowledge. The promise of decentralization and blockchain technology is a fairer and more just future. We want to give average crypto traders the ability to compete with wall street. Their commitment and energy has inspired bitcoin ai bot to make a better product and to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Future platform releases will include the introduction of AI trading bots that will automatically adapt to changing market conditions. They can then perfect their algorithm with the back test feature. Users connect to their favorite exchange via Bitcoin ai bot 5 available: Download Autonio V 1. Trade dozens of coin pairs on all of the major exchanges. Easy-to-use interface with tons of features. Bitcoin ai bot emotional and costly trades.

Start trading with autonio now. That means no coffee breaks and no emotional trades. Can bitcoin ai bot Autonio team access the strategies used by the members on the platform? No we cannot access any of your personal info as it is decentralized and application is self hosted. How much funding did you receive from ICO? Do i need coding skills to use Autonio? How can I buy NIO?

Why is Autonio better than other similar looking projects? We are the bitcoin ai bot of a kind decentralized AI trading application which is not controlled by a central admin, we have many new features in the application which is very new to crypto. What will be the new member registration fees? What is the monthly fees to use the platform?

How much is the circulating supply? The monthly membership fees will be locked up for how long? And bitcoin ai bot will happen to them? All the NIO tokens used for monthly membership and Autonio network registration will be locked away in smart contract and burned effectively reducing the supply.

What happens to unsold tokens after Token Sale? About 35 million NIO tokens were burned post token sale, and 35 million NIO was evenly distributed among token sale buyers according to the contribution they made. Why one should invest in NIO? What is the idea behind it?

How can its value increases with time? NIO is used as fuel for Autonio application and the supply reduces in time with more users using the platform, it will benefit the Holders.

However we do not guarantee any value increase of Bitcoin ai bot tokens, it is up to the market to decide what price it is willing to pay for NIO tokens. When the fully bitcoin ai bot app is going to be released? We are targeting to release the full working application by the end of November You will need to input your exchange api in the application in order for it to trade in your exchange.

How many and which exchanges will support Autonio? As of now we are trading on EtherDelta bitcoin ai bot we are working on adding to Bitcoin exchanges. How many language options does it have? We will be having the Autonio application in English and Chinese. In the final app, bitcoin ai bot we be able to see on charts exactly how our values of our chosen indicators effect the buy and sells? We cannot guarantee that you will make profits but it does increase your chances of succeeding to make profits in trading, we would suggest you to backtest the strategies and forward test it before applying for live trading.

Where are Autonio team tokens? What will happen once all the tokens are burned? What is the correct smart contract? What should we do with the old contract? The main smart contract is https:

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