Auction Your Stuff For Bitcoin With Bitify!

5 stars based on 33 reviews

Unfortunately, we also know that eBay is our only bitcoin auction site online option since they have all the traffic. Ebay also owns Paypal and over the years they've made it almost impossible for you not to use Paypal as a seller. They tell you it's the safest payment method bitcoin auction site online, but that's only if you're a buyer.

If you're a seller, even a perfect one, you're still opening yourself up to being responsible for the rampant fraud on the Paypal platform. This will result in you losing money and merchandise! Sellers hate it, but they have no other options.

The Crypto space is working hard to answer these concerns! If you'd like to sell your stuff for crypto instead of fiat money you've got options. The only problem of course is that the traffic is nowhere near eBay levels yetbut with our support they can get there. In this post I'd like to talk about a few ecommerce solutions that crypto fans can support to take back ecommerce! There's a few pretty neat options, and if they could gain more traction it would change this space for the better.

Bitify is an eBay clone for the crypto community. You can buy, sell and trade stuff bitcoin auction site online here much like you would on the auction giant, but you'll be able to sell your stuff for bitcoin or litecoin instead! This platform has its own escrow service. Want to buy something, but you don't quite trust the seller for delivery?

Bitify will hold your bitcoin in escrow until delivery. If there's a dispute they can help sort it out. The system is easy to use, and makes transactions much more secure for both parties. If there's a problem you'll both need to supply evidence in the form of pictures or tracking numbers to the mediator. Bitify is the most populated of all of the sites I've tried, but they do attract a certain clientele.

While illegal items like weapons or drugs are banned from the site there are other questionable items. There's lots of people selling things like heavily discounted gift cards, accounts and other things that could potentially be stolen goods. There are of course more legit sellers. Even ones with hundreds of positive transactions on the platform for real goods like clothing, electronics, bullion coins, video games and many other things.

I have a few electronics I want to clean out of my house that I'm going to try listing here. I'm planning to use the money raised for a crypto investment, and if I can sell them here I can skip the messy, expensive step of trying to convert ebay sales into crypto. I'll report back bitcoin auction site online whether or not I was successful later on.

I don't think many people quite understand this premise, but it's a really cool one. Open Bazaar is more like hosting bitcoin auction site online own etsy shop on your PC than an eBay clone. You download the open bazaar software. You install it on your computer, and it hosts a store front for you.

You can then sell your stuff to other people who have the client and want to buy goods with crypto. They can browse other shops to see what's for sale, and then pay in their preferred currency.

Need to take your shop offline while you go on vacation? Just shut down the program. This does mean it will need to be running for you to make sales. If you're offline people can browse your shop. Browsing open bazaar in the actual app can be tedious, but they're working on a fix. For easier browsing, bitcoin auction site online to see what sort of stuff is available here you can use bazaar bay which is an online search engine for the platform.

Bitcoin auction site online was surprised to see that the kind of people that use Open Bazaar are bitcoin auction site online different from the ones that use Bitify. It's a lot less questionable stuff and a lot more organic honey, bitcoin merch and artwork which is nice. While the audience on Open Baazaar is not huge yet there are some people making a few sales.

If you're already selling stuff on eBay, Amazon or Etsy you could of course also list your stuff here for some secondary bitcoin sales, and to help the platform grow! I really like this project, and I hope it catches on, because it's super cool.

Oh, yeah - it's also free! Due to the P2P nature of the platform being hosted on your own PC there are no transaction costs like with other bitcoin auction site online Peer to Peer is a beautiful thing, and it makes it super economical since everyone shares the load.

You can also accept over 50 altcoins in your store so customers can pay in whatever they've got without first trading them back to bitcoins, but they will be paid back to you in bitcoins for ease of use.

Want to use a regular store that's hosted on your own domain, but you want to accept bitcoin? There's a solution for that too!

It's not free, but the fees are pretty reasonable. Coin Payments allows you to integrate crypto payments into lots of shopping cart solutions, and it also supports quite a few altcoins You can even accept Steem with it!

This will of course require bitcoin auction site online to purchase hosting and a bitcoin auction site online, but several of the shopping carts are free software. If you'd prefer to manage your own storefront instead of hosting it on another platform this is a pretty nice option, and probably one of the more bitcoin auction site online solutions to accepting crypto in your online store. Support for altcoins and fiat! I can no longer edit this article as it's over 7 days old, but if you've found this post helpful, and you plan to sign up for Bitify you can help me out by using my referral link to do so.

Hey; we love bitcoin auction site online content and would like to give you your own referral code on our site. This post has been upvoted from the communal account, minnowsupportby michellerhey from the Minnow Support Project. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there. Thanks for the info.

It gives me a few new things to think about. How was your selling and buying experience on Bitify? Did your transactions go smooth? I know this is an old comment which I just now have seen, but I did have a smooth bitify transaction. I recently needed some money quickly, and I sold some crypto for paypal funds. They have an escrow system so you don't need to release funds until you get your item.

I like it a lot. I wish it was more popular. I'm not sure if this is due to lack of marketing or what. Hey thanks for the reply. No problem, I know how old post can get lost. Thanks for the input. I think I will give bitify a try. I dont know why you dont have more upvotes after 1. Keep up the good work please! Unfortunately most of those views have been from google searches which happen waaaaaay after the 7 days payout so no more votes for me which sucks.

No long tail payouts on Steemit. Aaaah this is just what I was looking for. I am about to sell my VW Campervan. Took me ages to convert and I have spent a fortune on her. Sadly the time as come for us to part ways as Bitcoin auction site online need to source some Cryptos to invest and hopefully get together enough funds to set up my new small business.

Craigslist now also has a "crypto option" so you can request crypto currency bitcoin auction site online payment for your stuff. It might be the best bitcoin auction site online for you to sell something large like that.

Thanks for the reply michellerhey bitcoin auction site online the reply. I will hold out hope for the future though.

Well I do have one more suggestion then actually. Have you ever been to bitcointalk forums? You can also sell your items for any cryptocurrency you want on https: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Have a nice day:

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