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Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is run by Paul Graham 's investment fund and startup incubator, Y Combinator.

In general, content that can be submitted is defined as "anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity". The site was created by Paul Graham in February On August 14,it became known by its current name.

At the end of MarchGraham stepped away from his leadership role at Y Combinator, leaving Hacker News administration in the hands of other staff members. The intention was to recreate a community similar to the early days of Reddit. Karma points are calculated as the number of upvotes a given user's content has received minus the number of downvotes. Graham has stated he hopes to avoid the Eternal September that results in the general decline of intelligent discourse within a community.

It also practices stealth banning in which user posts stop appearing for others to see, unbeknownst to the user. According to a TechCrunch article: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hacker News Type of site. Retrieved 10 August Y Combinator Startup News". Retrieved 1 March Can the democratic power of a platform like Hacker News be applied to products? Retrieved from " https: News websites Social bookmarking Computing websites. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 28 Februaryat By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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