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Radiation treatments have helped save bitcoin cancer nodes in throat lives of many cancer patients, but they have side effects. Depending on the type of cancer that a patient has and the doses of radiation from the linear accelerators, the side effects vary.

For patients with head and neck cancers inside the mouth, the nose and throatdoctors radiate the whole neck and jaw area because the disease may spread to the lymph nodes.

Dr Vijayakumar Narayanan, a consultant oncologist at Cancer Care Kenya, says after radiotherapy - bitcoin cancer nodes in throat may involve 35 sessions - these patients experience dryness of the mouth, impaired hearing, difficulty in swallowing, involuntary mucus discharge, swelling and inflammation of the throat.

This dark side of radiotherapy piles stigma and agony on patients already suffering psychologically. But not all get severe side effects. Of all the new cancers diagnosed in Kenya, 11 per cent about 3, cases are those bitcoin cancer nodes in throat the head and neck, according to Ministry of Health statistics. These cancers affect people of all ages and attack the nasal cavity, salivary glands, tongue, sinuses, oral cavity and pharynx.

Patients with nasopharyngeal cancer, a rare type of head and neck cancer, which affects the area behind the nose, may lose their salivary glands especially if treated with high doses of radiation.

But if a patient stops producing saliva, bitcoin cancer nodes in throat can use artificial saliva sprays bought in pharmacies. Others produce very thick saliva that chokes. The glands may heal after two to three years and start producing saliva. Saliva is important because it acts as an antibacterial and antiseptic, protecting one from having bad breath. To stimulate saliva production, chew sugarless gum and to avoid bad breath keep sipping water. After three to six months of radiation, the jaws may lock and become painful.

Exercising them daily or chewing rubber helps them move without so much pain. Avoid using toothpicks as they injure the weak gums, instead use ice chips to ease the pain. High incidence of cancer takes toll on meagre family incomes. Eat a balanced diet, which can include meat and an occasional glass of red wine to boost appetite. Avoid carbonated drinks, crisps and sugary foods. But the doctor advises patients diagnosed with colon cancer to get rid of meat and dairy products from their diet.

It irritates the patient. There are many different ways you can have radiotherapy, but they all work in a similar way. Radiotherapy is generally considered the most effective cancer treatment after surgery, bitcoin cancer nodes in throat how well it works varies from person to person. A cancer centre in Eldoret.

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