Bitcoin Morning Brief - Coinbase acquisitions, Lightning NFC, Ethereum Rollback & Hacks

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Please Support via Affiliate Codes: Tone Vays is available for consulting at the rate of 0. Please email Tone protonmail. Listen to Jimmy The Koreans are here to ruin crypto, they killed the nice reasonable rally we had, never knew about BTC till it was too late, and now they think buying all the alts are the way to 'get rich' bcuz… who knows?

The hardware used to be top notch but IBM has been outsourcing to India for years and focusing on software and cloud services, quality has gone way down. Once scaling is solved with sharding on chainplasma,raiden network off-chain you will be able to process thousands of transactions per second which leads to very cheap transactions.

Also, with Proof of stake Ethereum's inflation rate will be slightly less than Bitcoins or even deflationary. And about centralized decisions by Vitalik …. Please do some reasearch instead of using a Bitcoin biased newspaper aka Bitcoinist. People are currently buying in. It will bitcoin morning brief with tone vayshuobi eth future ibmlightning a run just like nanj which did a x40 over the last month.

Paris is at 2 sat. Bitcoin maximalism is dead. Its not the only thing in the space adding value. It's unfortunate that I have to take these opinions with a spoon of salt since the bitcoin glasses are coloring what otherwise could be some good content. Wishing that one of the most influential and supportive members of the blockchain community would be criminally liable. Hyperledger Fabric was never a Cryptocurrency project, don't get mislead… And fabric coin is not for public use but just a toy to play crypto behaviour on the platform.

They offered a solid foundation to build onto. I thought you all had technology background? I know Vays comes from Wall Street, but if you use Windows you have a basic understanding of evolution. We are not using Win95 because new things came out. Sorry to rant, I love your work but it sounds like you saying we should stop trying new things and just buy Bitcoin? Maybe it's just me…. So… after lisenig 2 this release. But the main question what will happen if some one will get all the keys to the platform and use them to manipulate not only the price of eth… but will sabotage the whole net….

That Bazinga shirt looks like Tone or Kilroy… either way it's wigging me out…. Also did Jimmy gain weight? If you could please disassociate your self from the crypto community you would be doing us all a huge favor. I better bone up on Stellar, bro. No sense trying to bring u up to speed on them, Lind or anything else….

Lost a lot of respect for your discriminitive intelligence. U guys sound like a trio of btc fan-boys…. Pretty embarassing u didnt even know about their 6-mo old partnership.

Guys, what are your thought on Vert coin? Bitcoin morning brief with tone vayshuobi eth future ibmlightning is also proof of work and essentially a bitcoin clone. Its been around and currently plunged to 2 dollars. Jimmy Song's comments on IBM bitcoin morning brief with tone vayshuobi eth future ibmlightning just a religious statement. Guys… this just babble? I have a question lingering back in my head, should we not take into account that there is one sector that is not at all interested in falling BTC-prices?

What about all those who have invested in mining equipment or mining contracts? They stand to loose a great deal if prices drop below the range. Especially those sitting with mining contracts which will be forfeit if the BTC-price drops below profitable for a longer period of time.

Can we not see this as a type of resistance or floor? Bla bla bla… Bcash… Lighting… and just more endless Blockstream's propaganda. No one gives a shit about Lighting… if it was that good, everyone would be using it already….

Great show up until bitcoin morning brief with tone vayshuobi eth future ibmlightning price section and the TA crap… always crap, looking in hindsight….

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