Bitcoin Will Be Safe Haven During Next Stock Market Crash, Says Expert

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The American stock market has been on a monstrous rise since before Bitcoin was created, what happens when it crashes? This is a tough question. The crypto and stock market are two different beasts. It is pretty amazing, but everyone from Tony Robbins to Warren Buffet have warned of a major pullback or crash happening soon. Traditionally August and September are two bad months for the stock market and October has been the month that the largest crashes in history started.

How far up will the market go before we see a major sell off? It is over 22, right now which is incredible. The crypto market is an entirely different animal. It is new and doesn't have a track record to follow like the stock market, but it seems almost entirely built on the strength of Bitcoin.

If Bitcoin remains strong, I think the crypto market stays strong. With a strong crypto market, stock investors who are getting nervous about a crash or major pullback might consider investing in crypto instead of other commodities or bonds.

With the bond market on shakey ground, gold and silver will still look good, but crypto has to garner some attention. If the crypto market becomes a safe haven for major stock investors during time of uncertainty the we could see some incredible gains if the stock market starts to fall.

I have heard many say that the crypto market is tied to the stock market and that may have been true a year ago or so, but right now, I think the crypto market has at least come into it's own enough to grow independently of the stock market and could see a major spike if stocks fall.

That is just my analysis and I'm not a professional financial advisor, just someone who studies the markets and sees real opportunities for all of us involved in crypto. I think it's likely that the crypto market will go up if the stock market goes down. If people are pulling money out of the stock market, they'll want somewhere to put it and I think it's likely a good number of them will choose Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.

But some older people or the people who don't understand much about computer and technology might now want to put money in crypto, so i think those people would choose precious metals. I agree, my point exactly. I hope that is the case. You got a new follower. When stock market crashed in the past, the money went to precious metals. But the last crash wasand there were no cryptos back then. I would put money on PM and cryptos for the next crash. I have a hard time explaining cryptos to people i know, and most of people still don't own any.

When a crash happen it's unlikely those people would run to cryptos, so might be precious metals again. Bitcoin would have been created regardless at some point, but the timing seems fortuitous.

Since it's creation the stock market has gone up from the lows of the crash. Bitcoin's price has moved independently since according to charts.

This is the big question for any crypto investor in my opinion, can crypto thrive as the traditional market bubble pops. I think it depends on how severe this upcoming market crash is and there's a very wide spectrum of views on this.

Crypto has gotten to a point where it's probably a great alternative to the usual rush to gold when the stock market crashes. I'd say people might look into crypto more if the market does take a nosedive I think it already is a safe haven for many of us involved in it.

I'm new to crypto but I'm keepin my Steem. If anybody thinks this stock market isn't juiced to the gills right now I want whatever drugs they're takin! I have recently liquidated much of my stock portfolio, partly to buy more rental property and partly to invest in crypto. I also plan to borrow from my k for a rental property. Lastly, I am looking into whether I can buy crypto in another of my ks.

I am hoping this will be enough of a hedge as I still have two large retirement accounts in stocks and bonds. Its hard to see any correlation or inverse as the crypto is so noisy the other two just look flat. There is absolutely no way to know that. It may go up or down depending on the pattern it is completinng.

If you think about it, you cannot say what will happen even to the dollar or gold. Counterintuitively, the dollar often rose and gold went down during stock market corrections. What do you think will happen to the crypto market when the stock market crashes? Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Bitcoin emerged inso it is kinda related to the financial disaster, right? Only time will tell though No one knows, but: I would bet cryptos will rise too.

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