The Dow Just Lost Even More Than Bitcoin. But Don't Call it a Stock Market Crash

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I decided to write my humble Bitcoin ICO opinions after the 10th contact asking me: I had to live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days it. Too many people claim to be blockchain experts according to what?

Anyone calling for regulation is dismissed as an old bureaucrat stopping innovation, and protecting the unreasonably high fees of the "old system". Really, the current ICO technology, procedures, and practices are not helping the average founders, those lacking funds and searching honestly for help to create real projects, because scammers and "rich" founders can invest more in ICO promotion with misleading advertising, bribing influencers, etc.

ICOs are not going to be a profit for the average investors since they will be misled to bet mostly on the wrong ICOs, including some that will be soon prosecuted as illegal with an obvious valuation crash.

Buterin, an Ethereum founder, proposed live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days "interactive live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days offerings" crowdsale protocol, where buyers interact to specify desired quantities at each valuation, to reduce some ICO issues. A nice start, but more pieces are needed!

Investment bankers and VC fund managers are expensive. Some can be biased or do errors. They're humans, guess what. Wikipedia's " blockchain " page: The first distributed blockchain is fromused in the digital currency bitcoin ".

This not so new peer to peer tech is useful only for decentralized applications: For example, to cut out intermediaries in payments, contracts. This can help where the value is known and live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days But the value of an ICO token is unknown and uncertain: It would require magic, parapsychology extrasensory perception, live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days as clairvoyance and precognition.

VC guys have no paranormal sixth sense superpowersin fact, they pick several dead horses, not all unicorns. Yet, just due to experience and researchstatistically, the "pro" guys pick mostly, reject at least a little better than the average crowd. Really, the same VC funds that invested one dollar in a "Google", also invested 99 dollars in other startups that mostly failed or kept up barely flat.

The average crowd got too much confidence because at their first investment: For the rush, the fear of missing out, no time to check the details: Crowds only saw survivors like Apple or Facebook, no idea how many others failed. Instead, professional investors and once failed entrepreneurs, both lost money, so know many fail stories and their causes. People only talk and read about inspiring but rare success storiesand ignore or forget all the failurescensoring useful failure lessons.

Motivational life coaches are followed because telling good ending stories only. No one wants to hear how and why any project failed. With only success stories in mind, you can't understand or try to predict failures at all. Lotteries got a single success story that everyone thinks about, forgetting the so many losers. Of course, some ICOs may end up in profit, as well as there is one winner at the lotterybut consider the probabilities: ICOs should replace not fully remove the classic VCs with cheaper experts, meant to guide the crowd investors, otherwise betting on self-destruction ICOs.

A small crypto crime world. Exchange services are very important. Crooks are paid live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days bitcoin for ransom wareselling stolen credit cards or passwords etc, and that's the first part, but that's no cash. Next, the crooks need to find at least a single rogue exchange in the world doing like the busted BTC-e: At least one rogue exchange always exists: About the honest usage, I helped a few online merchants to accept BTCs and Litecoin, but none had relevant cryptocurrency sales, because they sold legal goods: Anyone who visited China recently, noticed how there you can pay almost everything via WeChat with a cell phone: Or it's simply held, hoarded.

The original Bitcoin authors were totally honest and activistswanting the society to change into their ideal of "better". They probably avoided on purpose to make any profit on Bitcoin, despite their huge speculation opportunity Satoshi's coins are worth billions now, and he's not selling, that's since Around Bitcoin and ICOs you see too many bad guys doing the same as the old unfair society: Bitcoin confirmed the need for embedding regulation in any "system", else the bad actorsbe it just trolls, the Mafia, the Wolf of Wall Street or the devil himself, will crypto abuse the innocents.

Regulation can be automated in the blockchain, but Bitcoin left all the control to humanswho made guess what: Recently the bitcoin transactions became so slow, that you must pay high "fees"up to few dollars, or it will take days or even fail.

Everyone can see that centralized Paypal or VISA systems are faster, cheaper, and consume less electricity. To make bitcoin useful outside the illegal and anarchic rings, and given its rising price, BTC was "forked" into a few upgraded versions.

Thousands of alternative coins were created, but no one replaced BTC for value or usage: The news and media talked about the original bitcoin only, no matter if old or limited, so BTC only was acquired by new investors.

Why live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days how the Bitcoin price went up: More people purchased bitcoins to hold as long-term investment, making the price rise. Higher price news, in turn, convinced more people to buy, in a typical bubble loop: But then there was the ICOs too.

Many potentially productive people were misallocated into the unproductive gold search activity: Inthe BTC price doubled in short time: This increasing money supply caused ICOs to raise millions within minutes: Too many ICOs are excuses to misallocate money from productive things into unproductive "investments": The BTC price doubled again, a more exciting news story.

Live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days is a kind of user-based network economy: It does not matter why it's usedlet Bitcoin be usable only for money laundering, drug pushing, speculation, gambling and tax evasion, these stable users alone would be enough to make it valuable.

It's not even required to use the bitcoins to grow their value: Hopefully, these holders gave a copy of their BTC keys to someone, else with a surprise death, no one heirs or else will be able to get inherited BTCs: It is estimated that 4 or 5 million bitcoins are lost forever, out of the 16 million in circulation: Bitcoin can grow in "value" even if not a "currency" or a "medium of exchange", which means, even live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days you'll never pay taxes, bills, salaries, or anything that is common, in Bitcoin.

It's enough to hold and rarely trade Bitcoin in exchanges, like with gold, as long as most people believe to get same or more cash in exchange for the coins. The printing of new coins is limited no central bank's induced inflationand lots of coins were lost deleted wallet files etc. But ICOs, unlike BTC, seem a gold rush, where people are only believing a storyrather than willing to use a service or hold the tokens for the long term!

Are crypto tokens a stable economy or a blind faith bubble set to crash? Or both, it depends? I am not an economist, I don't know, no idea. This BTC-only growth loop could have continued more, unchanged, but a shortcut to richness was created: No one seems to remember that between andat least alternative coins tokens was already created, and all failedexcept Litecoin and the funny Dogecoin: Like everyone is only on Facebook, everyone kept only on BTC: The ICO funding boom so far: The first token sale not called yet "ICO" at the time was organized by Mastercoin inraising half million.

This caused a "fork", splitting Ethereum into two rival networks. The Ethereum and DAO embarrassing fiascos cooled down the crypto investors, but only for a while. It's smart that most ICOs create new "assets" running on top of the existing Ethereum network, rather than each releasing a stand-alone software like the past alt-coins, that no one liked to run mine for long.

But what if the Ethereum network will be overloaded? It became too slow during some ICOs, the same scaling problem of Bitcoin. Even VCs, before to give big money, first give a small amount to untested founders, then wait to see if money is wasted on lavish life and luxuryor used to produce results.

The incredible ICO news story is that many untested teams, made of almost all under 30 kids with no prior business experienceraised millions in a first and one only big funding at once, by just writing a " white paper ", a document with an exciting sci-fi story that looks cool to bitcoin holders, that's all.

All you need is a crypto-jargon filled text, not detailed so can't be assessed. And promotion by influencerswho get a percentage to push the ICO. I expect a movie about ICOs soon. Some ICO project seems legit and properly prepared: My advice on picking the legal structure: But most ICOs look like last minute fake?

ICOs all are trying to "disrupt live ai trading bot crashing blockchain 80% in 3 days, by bringing " whatever on blockchain ", so the excuses to setup an ICO are endless. Be sure to check the community and age of projects! Big bonuses for first investors and insiders with the option to sell hours or days later encourages quick pump-dump speculation only, not the real long-term projects.

If Bob sends an ICO buy order at Who setups founders or funds pre-sale discount investors an ICO that is in seed stage just an idea, no product or usersholds tokens at discount, that can be sold with a sure high gain shortly after when other investors will come buying at full price.

This is a "pump" and "be quick or it will be late" system, that tempts to immediately sell dump to profit: VC investing in startups hold the equity for years and force the founders to sign vesting contracts, which means, the founders can't sell dump before of a few years waiting period. There should be no token trading until the ICO got a working service and added users. In CF platforms like Kickstarter you pre-order a future yet-to-be-built product you wantno trading.

In Equity CF platforms you believe in a company:

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After processing that data and looking for factors that most accurately foretold of price changes, Watson apparently concluded that only a few factors only showed relevance. So days on market is the factor not many would not have guessed. Have you ever heard housing experts speak of days on market? So with more homes coming on the market, prices will probably fall in the Toronto housing market in So who do we believe, the experts or the AI system? A bigger factor in forecasting housing prices would be the Toronto economy and the Canadian economic forecast.

A rosy one might cause price increases. But those factors could be fed into an AI software system to create some new revised estimates. From finding a cure for cancer to taking over complete management of marketing campaigns, artificial intelligence seems to pack a lot of value. Latest Top Blog Posts: When should I Sell My House? It involves software that uses artificial intelligence to manage nearly all aspects of marketing.

And a software robot named Albert might be your next coworker. How do you feel about that? The capability of AI is so promising even without the hype that it makes you sit back and consider what your role will be? Yet there will be roles for us. The cost efficiencies and productive power of AI could mean the difference between being in business and not.

AI will create a demand for marketers with entirely new education and skill sets. In fact, with marketing AI, we should expect an entirely new type of digital marketer to arise, free from manual drudgery to explore their best marketing skills and creative powers. Agile concepts and AI technology will be fully intertwined, where an increasing percentage of the population work in freelance, consultancy and temporary positions, moving from company to company. They require businesses to dive in with both feet with payment, with no trial period.

The real matter is how well we use it, with what creativity, innovation, and exploration of best results. By all means, investigate these AI solutions when you can.

These new artificial intelligence solutions will help us do things better and allow us to access our highest potential. Just like they did in the factories, currently in medical fields, AI robots will spare us from drudgery in marketing and allow us to focus on what we enjoy, to vastly improve productivity and competence. We have little choice really — AI is here. We should be innovative, broad-minded and optimistic about how we can improve business and make ourselves indespensable to our employers, or supercharge our own SMB.

Right now, automation is the buzzword, but soon the emphasis will be back on human creativity, innovation, and connectivity. The key question is, how will we adapt to AI solutions and add value? Robots and AI are in common use around the world and have made astonish contributions to product quality and customer service. For those who fear job loss, the AI software will create all sorts of new digital marketing jobs.

Within a few years, it will force us into to a new role or pursue a new line of business entirely. Do we want to react to these changes or build a strategy to be the best at it? It removes a lot of waste and friction and replaces it with potential. Things that make a difference. AI software can test, assess, and continually improve engagement with individual customers while giving us a good look at the overall picture.

Everyone in the marketing and creative department will learn and grow because of it. When the AI tsunami hits, those companies that use marketing AI will have an opportunity to take a huge chunk of marketshare.

Without AI, old school employees and small businesses will be culled in the coming years. SMBs in particular need AI to keep pace with enterprise level competitors. That will make it the most dramatic business event of the past 60 years.

The transition will likely be awkward, with a learning curve. A recent post on the Innovationenterprise. The essence of the post was in how AI is already being used successfully in the booming programmatic advertising sector.

In fact, it would be a quantum leap for me. It can make an ordinary digital marketer look like a powerful genius they have a new small business edition released now I can tell you about. AI promises to help small business marketers understand the personas, click behavior, and needs of individual consumers and website visitors in more detail.

At least some AI software solutions will offer insight. Finding the good transparent ones is something you have to begin doing now. It seems AI marketing tools will require a whole new set of digital marketing skills, both software and creative abilities. That means even creative people will have more time to think about creative planning and strategy and discussing it with an AI bot like Albert. We and copywriters, graphic designers, videographers, and web designers will work more closely with AI recommendations.

Will workers need to be more specialized, or have more generalized skills? AI software can test, assess, and continually improve on an individual customer basis while giving us a good look at the overall picture. Testing in real time, means you can get much more insight from visitors. It would be fun to orchestrate all of that.

But AI might remove it entirely. You might say Albert gets along with everyone and is the ultimate team player. With AI marketing software , the friction disappears and the strategist suddenly gets direct access to great information fast. Whatever thought, scenario, or supposition I can think of suddenly becomes one I can follow. The potential for campaign improvement and personal professional development is mind-boggling.

A veritable dam burst of forward motion. Old analytics systems will disappear as new ones arise to help us engage visitors and capture their buying intent. No more guessing or asking clients or managers for info and permission. Instead we can help the AI software do some harmless testing and discover the strategic potential of an insight. Clients and managers will be looking to AI marketing specialists for insight about how visitors feel and what they might purchase in the new year.

Yes, AI will be able to learn how customers and website visitors are feeling and what their buying intent is based on their interactive responses, questions they ask, and the content they view.

The AI tools themselves will take care of those deep insights and testing power. The software promises to ease time consuming manual work and let us work on higher level strategy. The purpose of a business is to create a customer, and AI serves that purpose pretty well. Artificial Intelligence in the Real Estate Market Are you all abuzz about what artificial intelligence will tell us about the real estate market in ?

It seems to point back to housing supply as the main factor in price increases. Artificial Intelligence is Already Influencing our Lives From finding a cure for cancer to taking over complete management of marketing campaigns, artificial intelligence seems to pack a lot of value.