40% of Bitcoin 'owned by 1000 people'

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There's a claim going around regarding Bitcoin that establishment rag Bloomberg put out. The article assumes they would all sell off half at the same time in order to "crash" Bitcoin.

To think that they could ALL collude together to sell off half of 96 billion total is laughable. Into a bank account setting off huge red flags? And even if they did, that's a I've seen far greater falls than that and Bitcoin has recovered times Or better yet, ? The MSM fearmongering is stepping up because they're afraid of Bitcoin. They're afraid of decentralization when they're trying to centralize everything ten fold and bring us into an overall technocratic society. Don't fall for it.

The fiat dollar is failing and so is their propaganda. Bitcoin owned by 1000 in the cryptoworld are the resistance. We are creating a monetary revolution. Don't let it bitcoin owned by 1000 through your fingers. Sorry, this was more a Facebook status posted to Steemit. It's really simple, so not much more depth necessary in my opinion. It is quite interesting that Steemit allows you to see other people's wallets.

Some cryptos, like ZCash and Monero, are specifically bitcoin owned by 1000 to allow on anonymity. No apologies necessary, post what you want when you want and tell the hall monitors to fuck off. There is a solid anchor to base value off of. Like the gold that used to be in Ft.

Knox or the gold that China is stockpiling. It would be very difficult for Satoshi to sell or transfer those bitcoin without identifying themselves. Maybe someday if it becomes safe to do that we might see some movement there. I have a hard time believing those rich people would collude to flash crash Bitcoin, but who knows. And crashing the market is really bitcoin owned by 1000, but almost impossible to keep down.

Market cap is a stupid number, because no one could ever sell all the coins. The price is only about the current sellers bitcoin owned by 1000 current buyers and what they bring to the table. Could you imagine a sell wall of 1, bitcoin just sitting there with nothing on the buy side?

It could happen, but it is what would happen. And when people started realizing that, they would put in bids for bitcoin owned by 1000 low amounts. And eat the sell wall for a huge profits once the markets balanced themselves out.

It is too annoy, it also disturb and bother me so much with the kinds of information people sit in their comfort zone to use their cell phone and computer to put on line for people to read information that are not healthy and good to digest.

Such manners of attitude shown by people in our special media irritate me a lot and media is less concern to take drastic action and this are kind of things that have rise tension in the country. Bitcoin is world wide accepted for transaction both at international and local trading. Wont it be profitable to convert crypto into some currency with lower market capacity????????? First of all, how would they know this? Second, if that's true that bitcoin owned by 1000 be Authors get paid when people like you bitcoin owned by 1000 their post.

I was expecting something more in-depth, but good point. I heard a rumor bitcoin owned by 1000 the creator of Bitcoin kept half for himself, do you know if that is true? Satoshi has 1 million bitcoins out of the 21 million ever to exist. They have never moved. What do you think that means for the market long term? It is crazy times we live in. Well, there are several large accounts.

Like Satoshi hasn't touched the account at all.

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