What Do I Input into the Refund Address Field?

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Our support team can tell you, we get A LOT of requests for funds to be returned after a transaction has failed. Although we do our best to get back to your return requests within an hour during our business hours, we understand it can be a pain to have to wait for your funds to be returned.

We have an instant solution to your return problems. No, it's not a new feature, but one we have had on the site since our launch. The optional "return address" box. We know you have seen it, but not everyone uses it. By using this return address box, you will receive your depositing coins back in the case of a failure, which can happen for various reasons.

We encourage our users to utilize this option to make your ordering process as seemless as possible. It's pretty dang easy. If your order fails, your funds will be sent right back to your wallet.

The return address box can be found on the left side of the website under the bitcoin refund address coin drop-down menu. Our customer support team is here for just such situations. Click HERE to submit a customer support request for a return and include the deposit address we provided you to send your funds to, the txid and an address to send your funds back to you.

We do not have 24 hour customer support and are not open on Saturdays or Sunday. We are open Monday-Friday from 11 am EST-7 pm EST and try our best bitcoin refund address get back to all requests within an hour during business hours, and within 24 hours bitcoin refund address you submit after business hours.

View the discussion thread. Skip to main content. Why you should add your return address when doing a transaction. Submitted by Emily on Thursday, October 08, bitcoin refund address How do I bitcoin refund address the return address option? Where is the return address box? Return address on site. Subscribe to bitcoin refund address mailing list.

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