First bitcoin robbery in Taiwan leads to four arrests

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A gang of armed robbers reportedly burgled a village home belonging to Bitcoin traders in an Oxfordshire, England. According to police, four suspects broke into the home of a man and his partner in Moulsford, a town famous for its appearances in Midsomer Murders bitcoin robbery gone wrong, last Monday. One witness speaking to the Mail on Sunday reported that the crooks — who appeared to fit the description of the archetypal hoodied hacker — were "young men in black tracksuits with the hoods pulled up.

The cops were called to the scene at around 9: The nearby Cranford House school was locked down while officers investigated the area on foot and by using a helicopter.

A spokesman for Thames Valley Police said that the case was an "aggravated burglary," and was believed to be a targeted attack. No arrests have yet been made and cops have bitcoin robbery gone wrong confirmed that a transfer of Bitcoin was made.

The Register has called the police force to confirm this. While thefts of Bitcoin have often appeared in the headlines, using a real-world physical threat to do so bitcoin robbery gone wrong certainly unusual, although not unprecedented globally. The fact that cryptocurrency can be transferred with anonymity and ease also makes its theft an attractive proposition for thieves.

The value of the currency has grown exponentially over the last year, leading some to comment it could be heading for a massive crash. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts. The Register uses cookies. Not a yoga class, silly, Nutanix's move into copy data management Score one for the bats and badgers!

Tell us where Windows hurt you. When it comes to passwords, the smarter students have it figured Brit govt told to do its homework ahead of talks over post-Brexit spy laws and data flows IBM bans all removable storage, for all staff, everywhere Every major OS maker misread Intel's docs. Now their kernels can be hijacked or crashed. Policy The Channel US border cops told not to search bitcoin robbery gone wrong devices just for the hell of it Consent, datasets and avoiding a visit from the information commissioner There will be blood: US Congress finally emits all 3, Russian 'troll' Bitcoin robbery gone wrong ads.

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A gang of armed robbers reportedly burgled a village home belonging to Bitcoin traders in an Oxfordshire, England. According to police, four suspects broke into the home of a man and his partner in Moulsford, a town famous for its appearances in Midsomer Murders , last Monday. One witness speaking to the Mail on Sunday reported that the crooks — who appeared to fit the description of the archetypal hoodied hacker — were "young men in black tracksuits with the hoods pulled up.

The cops were called to the scene at around 9: The nearby Cranford House school was locked down while officers investigated the area on foot and by using a helicopter. A spokesman for Thames Valley Police said that the case was an "aggravated burglary," and was believed to be a targeted attack. No arrests have yet been made and cops have not confirmed that a transfer of Bitcoin was made. The Register has called the police force to confirm this.

While thefts of Bitcoin have often appeared in the headlines, using a real-world physical threat to do so is certainly unusual, although not unprecedented globally.

The fact that cryptocurrency can be transferred with anonymity and ease also makes its theft an attractive proposition for thieves. The value of the currency has grown exponentially over the last year, leading some to comment it could be heading for a massive crash.

Minds Mastering Machines - Call for papers now open. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts.

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More from The Register. Lloyds Bank bans Bitcoin purchases by credit card customers B-b-b.. China bans cryptocurrency fundraising schemes Bitcoin, Ethereum values dip after 'Initial Coin Offerings' ruled dangerously disruptive. Black Horse Down, we repeat You mean branch closures? Lloyds' Avios Reward credit cardholders report fraudulent activity Concerns raised over data breach. Black horse blacks out: Lloyds Bank website goes down Company: We don't know what happened, couldn't tell you if we did.

Seeking to reduce costs and to provide better customer experience. Today that skills gap is around automation, orchestration, and DevOps methodologies—as well as how to apply them to cloud environments.

This paper suggests a battery of technical checks that testers can quickly perform to stratify the vast array of applications that exist in the enterprise ecosystem. Sponsored links Get The Register's Headlines in your inbox daily - quick signup! About us Who we are Under the hood Contact us Advertise with us. Sign up to our Newsletters Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts Subscribe.