India Bitcoin Crackdown: Myth and Reality

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How can I convert bitcoins to Indian rupees and vice-versa? See Mahin's answer below for http: If someone will want to sell bitcoins for Rupees, they might list it on LocalBitcoins. It's a good start. Setting up a coinbase like service in Indianeed suggestions. You should first consult a lawyer in your country and discuss such topics as: Money laundering laws Whether Bitcoins are considered a currency, commodity or none of the bitcoin to bank india Regulations considering money exchanges In relationship to the law in your country.

It would also be good to asking a legal representative of the government for an official statement How do I transfer funds from India to an exchange? Then some fees charged by Mt.

Gox exchange to receive the funds I believe, but a relatively small amount. What's the safest way to buy bitcoins in India? Bitcoin to bank india are bitcoin to bank india legit companies where you can buy and sell Bitcoin officially in India such as Zebpay, Unocoin, Coinsecure,and Btcxindia. I have personally used Unocoin and Zebpay, both are good. Chirag Chawla 31 1. Both Bitstamp and BTC-e are international exchanges that focus on worldwide customers. Because of that, the market is much larger bitcoin to bank india more liquid and the spreads are more narrow.

However, none of these exchanges will convert rupee INR or provide local deposits and withdrawals. The local bitcoin exchanges do significantly less volume, so they have to ChrisW 3 9. In India how does one accept or give Bitcoin? Do we also get a physical coin for a Bitcoin?

I would go to localbitcoins. Be smart about the price of the agent vrs others and exchanges bitcoin to bank india get the best price. Bitcoin is not physical it is an encrypted ledger that derives it's price in the power to maintain the encryption No authority in India expressly authorizes other entities to use PAN or other unique ID cards for customer verification purposes.

The entity itself takes such measures since Government issued identities carries trust and uniqueness. No unique identity of any nature is required for transacting Bitcoins. Now, as for the Bitcoin exchanges and other trading Why there is a huge amount of difference in price for the same coin at same time? Discrepancies in exchange rates can arise from many things, such as: Government Taxes on Bitcoin in India.

Most of the Indian bitcoin businesses go by the analysis from Nisith Desai and Associates: Rules vary depending on if you mine, earn, buy, invest, sell or spend your Kang 1 For peer to peer trading you can use localbitcoins.

Even within a single exchange, different coins usually have very different spreads. Take a look at cryptsy: The reason is the same in all cases: Joe Pineda 1, 1 12 Buy bitcoins online and by cash listings in India There seems to be two traders selling bitcoins online in India with two different payment options: Bitcoin to bank india bank transfer https: Mikko Ohtamaa 2, 9 Place your order details and submit.

As soon as your order is matched, a trade will be executed and you will be sent the trade details. If you're a developer you could bitcoin to bank india with some open source exchange software. Bitcoin Central provided this: It might be a bit out of date now, but should be enough to get you or another developer off the ground.

Gary Rowe 5, 2 24 You can buy, sell bitcoins in India. Available on Android and iPhone. Get bitcoins in one working day, normally few bitcoin to bank india. The rate you see is all inclusive. Ian Purton 4 Bitcoin Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled.

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