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So you might have heard that Ethereum is considering changing its distributed consensus system to something called proof of stake. Here, we will try to explain what this is as well as how it may affect you. So this is all going to go away once proof of stake comes along. With proof of stake, you don't actually solve any puzzles. You remove the puzzle solving element from the system and thus change the way the reward is distributed.

So instead of proving how fast you can calculate with hashrate, phan tich litecoin ltc hom nay 21122017 hc trade coindau trade coin la gi need to prove how much Ethereum you own. You do this with something called a master node. When you create a master node, you have to lock up a certain amount of Ethereum to prove that you have it and rewards are distributed according to how much proof of stake you have.

One can create multiple master nodes with a lot of Ethereum inside and you'll earn more through this method. So hopefully, it's going to happen sometime this year. To do so, the people in charge of Ethereum have to make sure the code is ready and stable.

And they also have to make sure they have the support of the miners. That's going to be an interesting thing to see in the coming months because if the miners don't support this move then what can happen is that it might break up Ethereum again just like last year.

But there are mechanisms to help along this process. Ethereum actually has kind of a 'time bomb' that would blow up if the switch is not made. The switch has always been planned and it's in a sense been hard coded to happen sometime so that's kind of interesting to see how this will progress. Miners also do not need to worry they will be without a job. There are other currencies that can be mined with the current hardware. So I do see this as being very exciting for everyone.

The key about the locking of ETH funds is that the unlock period takes a set amount of time. Hi boxmining it's Robbie rush I just followed you my friend if you can return the favour would be most appreciated. What is Proof of Stake To truly understand proof-of-stake PoS it is easier if we also explain the current system being used by Ethereum, and that is proof of work.

So basically when Ethereum is transferred, miners group that up into a ledger called a block chain and to do this they have to solve a puzzle. In creating this blockchain, phan tich litecoin ltc hom nay 21122017 hc trade coindau trade coin la gi lot of computational power is also used.

The amount of reward you get for creating a blockchain is a transaction reward. However, this depends on how much work you ie. How does this affect me? So that's going to be extremely interesting for everyone.

We've seen proof of stake currencies before. The advantage of proof of stake is huge. One benefit is that you no longer have to do the calculations which mean you save a lot of computational power. Another one is that you actually lock up Ethereum. By locking up Ethereum you effectively create more scarcity which means the price should go up.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. It was quite interesting, new and useful article for me. As the Co-creator of Ethereum and the most recognisable face of the ethereum Foundation, Buterin articulated concerns that are likely prevalent among those in the development community. This post try to expantiate on the Ethereum co-founder concerns in proof of stake ethereum logo general way. The incremental growth of the network makes it more difficult and inimical to enact significant changes through consensus.

Additionally, issues ranging from size and speed to gas controversies and throughput limitations renders any foreseen solution to scalability a mere mirage. No wonder Buterin emphasize scalability as the number one issue. Ridiculously Expensive PoW Proof of Work which can be proof of stake ethereum logo simply as the way miners proof of stake ethereum logo transaction and enter them into a blockchain.

Judging from an environmental point of view, ethereum has a lot to do to be feasible for widespread adoption. Bad Privacy Privacy has become a very important topic in crypto-currency which of course have led to the popularity of Zcash and tumbling. Implementing zero-knowledge or zk protocol for Ethereum could make Zcash and tumbling services secondary, or even obsolete!

A good analogy is the scenario of having one irreplaceable, unique key to house, then losing it would be devastating though storing your valuables in your house might seem like a good idea for security purposes, but you would also need to weigh the chances that you may permanently lose access to your belongings. Crypto currency users face this same dilemma with their wallets. Additionally, centralised wallet providers present an attractive target for hackers making it very risky to keep a significant amount of crypto-currency in a single wallet.

The choice of spreading your funds across several wallets can help avoid an unpleasant event but also requires keeping track of multiple private keys. Investors need to weigh the benefits of a decentralised currency versus the absence of a third-party mediator. Marginal Technical Inefficiencies There has been various marginal technical inefficiencies proof of stake ethereum logo Ethereum development. Vitalik responding directly to a request for elaboration on reddit.

This is highly technical. I'd also come up with a trie format that doesn't use RLP to keep it simpler and easier to encode and decode. This makes various optimizations harder to implement and adds more edge cases.

As a result, most applications take proof of stake ethereum logo more DB reads than they need to. This makes any state reading opcode take O log n database reads when there exists a way to only make it take one. I hope this post is helpful and educative for you guys. Please I need you to upvote and I will keep on delivering good posts just like this. Thank you very much. I am shocked this got so few upvotes.

This is great material and very valid criticisms. I had no idea Merkle branches are 4x longer because of redundency. I wonder if Google has influenced the decision to use Leveldb which affected the size of the blockchain. I phan tich litecoin ltc hom nay 21122017 hc trade coindau trade coin la gi believe proof of stake ethereum logo level of detail and analysis you put into this.

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