Mining, but not showing money in my Bitcoin wallet. Nicehash/Claymore/Coinbase

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It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! October in Mining. I have done many hours of searching and watching vids on the aspect of hardware, but I'm now turning my attention over to payouts, wallets, pools, etc. I kinda want to see something before I go futher.

I started out using Nicehash at the beginning. I understand that their pay schedule depends on what you mine, so from that aspect I can see when I should receive some funds. I started mining with Claymore last night, so it doesn't show an estimated payout. Claymore is set up with the ETH Wallet. Have I just not made enough from either of these to show anything in my wallets? Do I have something setup incorrectly? Should I be showing anything in my wallets? I just want to make sure everything is setup correctly before I start mining full time.

While I have you here I see many people saying that Nicehash is the way to go when you want to let just let things run, but I'm starting to see some complain that their fees are really high.

Do you run it, or have you in the past? Really appreciate your time looking this over! Most mining pools have a minimum payout, and some charge for payouts too, so you may want to wait till you have mined a few ETH before you transfer to your wallet. There isnt typically a "transfer funds" button, you need to specify your minimum payout and then it will happen automatically.

For ETH I cant see how much youve mined but you typically need to have at least 0. At your hashrate you will be mining 0. You need to commit financially before you see any sort of payout. If you want to mine 1ETH a month then you probably need 7 graphics card running at 29mh each - thats at the current difficulty rate. You will mine less and less ETH every month as difficulty rises. Your monthly income will vary according to the price but there seems to be a mean-reverting relationship emerging between price and difficulty - so while volatile you will probably see similar payouts in USD terms each month.

That is until ETH switches from PoW to PoS, there is still debate as to if this will ever happen but most people believe it will be sometime in late - your rig will be useless for ETH mining at that point and you will have to look to another GPU currency to mine. You will also need to spend some time choosing the right cards, its all a balance between price of the card, the hash rate, its bios moddability and electricity consumption.

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