Why Bridle-less Riding?

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Veteran troopers"and artillerymen lenlise thti truth of this statement to its fullest eMo'il. They know that the sentiment of fear or courage which animates Ihem in li me horse bridles without bitstamp lunger is felt by I ho lioise in just the Millie degree. Thoro is sueh an intimacy between the horse aud his ridorlluitanelcetile.

B-yinpailiv xoema-lo connect ihem. In battle or tin the oxcrciso ground tho horse, having been t mined in his duties, becomes moro nearly pint of the rider than anybody not in the lioop or battery can understand.

Training a horse for military Bervico is one of ihe most interesting horse bridles without bitstamp whioh can fall to the lot of man. Horses designed for artillery are trained to harness and saddle both.

One of each team is imdoi nuddlo all the lime, a member of Ihe buttery riding him while the gun or caisson is in service.

Cavalry horses are trained to the bridle, to follow the movement of the troop evolution, and soon come lo understand the position in fours, tho base of all movements, as well us tho men. No battery and no troop is made up altogether of Rreon horses. A nucleus of well-trained horse: A green horse is placed in tho inside of fours or as one of a li-am, so that he may bo steadied by lho experienced animals horse bridles without bitstamp in iH!

Omen men are Hanked bj old soldiers for the same reason, Bat in both cases there is a definite period of individual truiuing thai the fundamental prhiciple-j may bo acquired.

In fact he makes fewer mistakes. Ho never goes to the right when the bugle commands a raovemeiil to tho lofl, oven if his master tugs at tho bridle and endearours to do ihis, Uo knows that call should send him the other way, and that way he gors. Let him become accuslomcd lo the clatter of horse bridles without bitstamp and carbines and he will bo steady as a rock. When he becomes accustomed lo tho roar of the horse bridles without bitstamp guns, discharges disturb him not at all.

When a green horse first hears the big guns speak ho will dance about and make, vigorous efforts to break to the rear. Hence no two green horses are in one learn. Tho old fellow will stand perfectly still while the new one will dance and try to bolt.

He soon Horse bridles without bitstamp that he caoDot drag the dead weight of the experienced animal and will also observe his team mate is not afraid and soon learns that there is no danger, Let him become accustomed to a place in a cavalry troop and if taken out he will find Mb own way back again, If not preventod, he will trot to his place and go through all the exercises, even though minus a rider. He sliowb the same kind of nervousness that a man does wffen Krst brought under tiro.

If permitted to bolt then he will never be of any account, lint if held up to his position he becomes icenstomod to thing and will chargea battery with distended nostrils, flashing eye and wild neighing.

When waiting inline fortha order the horse will clump his bit, stamp bis feet, tremble ind sweat in his nervousness. When the horse bridles without bitstamp comes in the first place horse bridles without bitstamp will evince l strong desire to travel too fast. He is seemingly eager to get the thing over wilh as loon as possible. Ho seems lo realise tho lunger, and like horse bridles without bitstamp a man ho wants to lash right at it and bo done.

If he is ever so obstinate when the forward movement I'm begins, aa Ihe lino of the opposing troops is ncared hu will settle down and sweep along with the line, a marvel of steadim ss and coinage. If stiutk hy a ball and not killed urso 'stopped' us to make movement impossible, he will race along until loss of blood or weakoens from shock f ices him lo Irop, Then he will sliiigglc gamely with the weakness, and finally give up when ualuio is no longer able to keep up.

In charging infantry he will run Ihe opposing lino of men down; under any other circumstances he will never place horse bridles without bitstamp hoof on a aiun. He can be horse bridles without bitstamp to walk all over a crowded camp iinong sick and wounded, and so pick his way that none will be hurt. Then he will run abcul until caught or hit. If left alone long enough he will horse bridles without bitstamp bis place in the ranks again and race about riderless, but with the precision born of his training.

After i light hu is sulky und nervous just like his master. It will be several days before he will regain his composure. He does all ;hese things with an intelligence ns great, ipparenlly, as that of a man. His lirsl fight iither makes or unmakes him.

This failure lo keep up his courage will make him i rank eoward, uud ho is never to be tiusled jnder fire again. Papers Past now contains more than just newspapers. Use these links to navigate to other kinds of materials. These links will always show you how deep you are in the collection. Click them to get a broader horse bridles without bitstamp of the items you're currently viewing.

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