Creating Your First Blockchain with Java. Part 1.

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A secure distributed ledger with smart contract capabilities not requiring a bank as an intermediary! Blockchain code in java a single source of truth with complete traceability. Definitely something we want! Blockchain technology promises to make this possible. Blockchain became famous through cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Ethereum. The technology could also be considered to replace B2B functionality.

Blockchain is the new kid on the block and there is blockchain code in java much blockchain code in java yet on how well he will play with others and will mature. In this blog I summarize some of my concerns concerning blockchain of which I hope will be solved in due time. Also, this is my personal opinion. It might deviate from my employers and customers views. Most of the issues discussed here are valid for public blockchains. Private blockchains are of course more flexible blockchain code in java they can be managed by companies themselves.

You can for example more easily migrate private blockchains to a new blockchain technology or fix issues with blockchain code in java smart contracts. A pure public blockchain not taking into account sidechains and off chain code is an immutable chain.

Every block uses a hashed value of the blockchain code in java block in its encryption. You cannot alter a block which is already on the chain. This makes sure things you put on the chain cannot suddenly appear or disappear. Thus you cannot accidentally create money for example on a distributed ledger unless you create immutable smart contracts to blockchain code in java you with that functionality. Security and immutability are great things but they require you to work in a certain way blockchain code in java are not that used to yet.

For example, you cannot cancel a confirmed transaction. You have to do a new transaction counteracting the effects of the previous one you want to cancel. See for example here. See for example the DAO hack on Etherium.

In an enterprise environment with a private blockchain, you can fork the chain and replay the transactions after the issue you want corrected on the chain. This however needs to be performed for every serious enough issue and can be a time blockchain code in java operation. You do have to take into account however that transactions can have different results based on what has changed since the fork. Being careful here is probably required. It is really cool you can also put a contract on the chain.

Execution blockchain code in java the contract can be verified by nodes on the chain which have permission and the contract is immutable. This is a cool feature! However there are some challenges when implementing smart contracts.

A lot becomes possible and this freedom creates sometimes unwanted side-effects. They can clog a public blockchain and cause transactions to take a really long time. This is not the first time blockchain congestion occurs see for example here. This is a clear sign there are scalability issues, especially with public blockchains. When using private blockchains, these scalability issues are also likely to occur eventually if the number of transactions increases of course you can prevent CryptoKitties on a private blockchain.

Smart blockchain code in java are implemented in code and code contains bugs and those bugs, depending on the implementation, sometimes cannot be fixed since the code on the chain is immutable. Especially since blockchain is a new blockchain code in java, many people will put buggy code on public blockchains blockchain code in java that code will remain there forever.

See for example the Etherium DAO hack. Because the code is immutable, it will remain on the chain forever. Every hello world tryout, every CryptoKitten from everyone will remain there. Downloading the chain and becoming a node will thus become more difficult as the amount of code on the chain increases, which it undoubtedly will.

If they can create deterministic error free contracts which will be on the blockchain forever, that is of course possible. It is a question though how realistic that is. In my experience technical people need to do that in a controlled, tested manner. There is no bank in between you and the public blockchain code in java. This can be a good thing since a bank eats money. However in case of for example the blockchain loses popularity, steeply drops in value or has been hacked compare with a bank going bankrupt, e.

Your money might be gone. Updating the core code of a running blockchain is due to blockchain code in java distributed nature, blockchain code in java the challenge. This often leads to forks. The issue with forks is that it makes the entire cryptocurrency landscape crowded. It is like Europe in the past when every country had their own coin. You have to exchange coins if you want to spend in a certain country using the intermediaries everyone wants to avoid or have a stack of each of them. Forks, especially hard forks come with security challenges such as replay attacks transactions which can be valid on different chains.

Some reasons you might want to update the code is because transactions are slow, security becomes an issue in the future quantum computing or new features are required e. Security is one of the strong points of blockchain technology and helps with the security by design and by default GDPR requirements.

There are some other things to think about though. Things put on a blockchain are permanent. You cannot delete them afterwards, although you might be able to make then inaccessible in certain cases. This conflicts with the GDPR right to be forgotten. Every node has the entire blockchain and thus all blockchain code in java data. This might cause issues with legislation.

For example requirements to have data contained within the same country. This becomes more of a challenge when running blockchain in a cloud environment. In Europe with many relatively small countries, this will be more of an issue compared to for example the US, Russia or China. It is really dependent on the types of services the blockchain cloud provider offers and how much they charge for it. It could be blockchain code in java to using a bank, requiring you to pay per transaction. In that case, why not stick to a bank?

Can you enforce the nodes being located in your country? If you need to fix a broken smart contract, will there be blockchain code in java service request and will the cloud provider fork and replay transactions for you? Will you get access to the blockchain itself? Will they provide a transaction manager?

Will they guarantee a max transactions per second in their SLA? A lot of questions for which there are probably answers which differ per provider and based on those answers, you can make a cost calculation if it will be worthwhile to use the cloud blockchain. In the cloud, the blockchain code in java with being GDPR compliant are even greater especially for European governments and banks. If you have lost your private key or lost access to your wallet more business friendly name of a keystore containing your private key, you might have lost your assets on the blockchain.

Luckily a blockchain is secure and there is no easy way to fix this. If you have a wallet which is being managed by a 3rd party, they might be able to help you with recovering it. Those 3rd parties however are hacked quite often a lot of value can be obtained from such a hack. See for example herehere and here. A transaction is put on the blockchain. The transaction is usually verified by several several nodes before it is distributed to all nodes and becomes part of the chain.

Verification blockchain code in java fail or might take a while. This can be hours on some public blockchains. It could be the transaction has been caught up by another transaction with higher priority. In the software which is integrated with a blockchain solution, you have to keep track on the state of transactions since you want to know what the up to date value is of your assets. This causes an integration challenge and you might have to introduce a product which has a blockchain transaction manager feature.

Blockchain requires large amounts of resources when compared to classic integration. Everyone node has the complete chain so everyone can verify transactions. This is a good thing since if a single node is hacked, other nodes will overrule the transactions which this node offers to the chain if they are invalid in whatever way. However this means every transaction is distributed to all nodes network traffic and every verification is performed on every node CPU.

Also when the chain becomes larger, every node has a complete copy and thus diskspace is not used efficiently. See for example some research on blockchain electricity usage here. Another example is that a single Bitcoin transaction 4 can be processed per second requires the same amount of electricity as VISA transactions while VISA can do transactions per second, see here.

Of course there is discussion on the validity of such a comparison and in the future this will most likely change. Also an indication blockchains are still in the early stages. Blockchain is relatively new and new implementations appear almost daily. There is little standardisation.

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IBM has open sourced a significant chunk of the blockchain code it has been working on, putting its weight behind the Linux Foundation and its Hyperledger project. Big Blue has dumped the Apache 2. Key elements in the code dump are a "consensus algorithm" which is vital for proper functioning of a decentralized system, and a contract template that helps people code agreements into the system in Java. Blockchain technology is most well-known for being the foundation to Bitcoin. Big business is not that excited about the digital currency — in much the same way it wasn't excited about Napster and P2P sharing technology — but it does see huge potential in the ability to shift funds based on specific criteria across computer networks.

In theory, blockchain represents the future. By building in other types of information, such as RFID chip data, it is possible to develop electronic contracts that shift funds between different parties without the need to go through third parties. That could save huge sums in transactional costs.

The technology is also much, much faster — with funds able to be sent almost instantly. As just one example, a delivery contract could be carried out electronically. One company agrees to pay another x amount of dollars to deliver their product. Currently this approach requires multiple layers of review and approval before payment is made. The company has to reach agreement on the price and schedule, sign an agreement, deliver the product, then get confirmation it has delivered it and request the funds.

Those funds will typically go through a third party a bank , and payment could be delayed for days while the banks balance up the hundreds of thousands of other transactions they are overseeing. With blockchain it is possible to reach agreement on the terms and have them entered as an electronic contract into the blockchain system. Then, RFID chip data can be used to confirm that the product has been delivered. Once that data enters the system, the funds can then be instantly and automatically transferred from one company to the other.

If the system can be made to work, the potential savings in time and money are enormous. The most immediate uses are in things like insurance and banking — where vast quantities of fairly standard transactions are carried out each day.

But blockchain's uses could easily be expanded to cover a wide range of industries, greatly increasing business efficiency. Governments could use it to improve their notoriously bureaucratic tendering processes. The healthcare industry could share electronic medical records in fast and secure ways. Digital media could be shared and paid for instantly and easily. The internet of things could be provided with a clear business structure.

As to why IBM would want to open source the technology used to make this happen, it is, of course, thinking about its own interests. Businesses will gravitate toward whichever platform is most in use and most widely supported, and that is likely to be an open source and hence uncontrolled, low-cost option, as opposed to, say, a Microsoft proprietary solution.

Once that broad foundation is in place, IBM can then sell its services on top of that network, using its expertise to make things easy. Of course all of this is likely some way off. Business is not going to trust vital business functions — especially finances — to a system unless it is tried and trusted. And IBM and others have got some way to go to not only build that system, but also build trust around it. Minds Mastering Machines - Call for papers now open. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community.

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