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If you own any bitcoinyou likely know about blockchain technology. And if you work in finance, you may be worried it will shake up some aspect of your industry. Essentially, blockchains make records blockchain startups in bay area verifiable and permanent.

A blockchain database is composed of ordered records blocks that have a timestamp, are secure by design and therefore impossible to hack well, almost. Companies in the space are extremely young, with the oldest median founding year being In the Companies dataset, we can see approximately venture-backed companies using some form of blockchain technology.

In finance, the main focus areas are bitcoin, loans and cross-border payments. For example, when we looked in Quid at top-funded companies but removed those with a purely financial focus, the list got much more interesting. And 9 on the list, Israeli startup Revelator, uses blockchain in an all-in-one music marketing and sales platform for musicians and record labels. San Francisco-based artCOA creates similar software at the intersection of blockchain and the physical world.

Its first commercial application? A secure platform for people buying, selling and trading collectible sneakers. To be sure, when you remove finance, the funding numbers are much lower. Will blockchain transform every industry? Perhaps not right blockchain startups in bay area. But a Quid blockchain startups in bay area analysis suggests that blockchain has big potential to transform a variety of industries, particularly those that rely heavily on data authentication and verification, including healthcare and digital media.

The above insights are only the beginning of our analysis. To see more about blockchain, email us at hi quid. Existing Quid users, log in here to try out the new Companies dataset. Sign up for the Quid blockchain startups in bay area for a monthly look into how data and visualization are changing the way we view the world.

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