Bitcoin is BORING!’ Here’s what needs to happen before EVERYBODY uses cryptocurrency

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The year-old former Eagle Scout was an early convert to cryptocurrency, a digital form of money that exists independently of any country or central bank. He stockpiled bitcoin even as he worked at outposts of Apple and eBay in Utah over the next few years. Boring bitcoin reports when the boring bitcoin reports craze erupted on Wall Street last year, Shamo appeared to have placed an expert bet. But Shamo was not an investor or day trader.

Instead, federal authorities say he boring bitcoin reports his wealth by harnessing the dark side of digital currency — using it to fund a vast underground marketplace of illegal activity.

Shamo is accused of trafficking the deadly opioid boring bitcoin reports and financing the operation with bitcoin. Law enforcement uncovered more than bitcoin after raiding his house in Shamo is boring bitcoin reports in prison awaiting trial, and boring bitcoin reports said they are investigating 28 fatal overdoses in connection with his alleged drug ring.

They are alleged to have gotten into a very dark hole. Authorities say Shamo is part of a new generation of criminals who buy and sell drugs online — and cover their tracks with cryptocurrencies. Nearly 20, people boring bitcoin reports after overdosing on fentanyl indata from the Center for Disease Control shows, contributing to one of the worst drug epidemics in a generation.

The message was sent to undercover investigators working for a Senate committee led by Ohio Republican Rob Portman, whose state is suffering from one of the highest rates of fentanyl overdose deaths in the country. It was part of a yearlong inquiry into the international supply chain that funnels fentanyl from China to homes across America. The name of the dealer was redacted. Boring bitcoin reports each case, the sites listed boring bitcoin reports as the preferred method of payment.

Bitcoin used to boring bitcoin reports a currency for computer geeks. Invented in — exactly by whom remains shrouded in mystery — it was designed to be a truly free-market currency, without any company, country or central bank controlling its value or supply.

Each bitcoin exists only as a virtual token, and all transactions are recorded in an open public ledger known as the blockchain. Yet while bitcoin transactions are public, bitcoin ownership is not. Each token is stored in a digital wallet identified only by a string of numbers and letters. Users do not always have to provide personal information to sign up for a wallet.

The anonymity of bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies has made them popular on the so-called dark web, an encrypted layer of the internet where criminals conduct their business freely.

Authorities have been playing cat-and-mouse with dark web marketplaces for years. The Silk Road, which was taken down infeatured listings boring bitcoin reports only for drugs, but also for hackers, malware and forged documents. Marijuana, ecstasy and cocaine make up the majority of the drugs sold on the dark web, according to Nicolas Christin, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University. But the rapid rise of fentanyl — and the subsequent spike in overdose deaths — have transformed the long-running war on online drugs sales into a full-blown crisis.

Shamo allegedly ordered his fentanyl from China, where authorities believe the purest — and deadliest — form of the drug is manufactured. A fine white powder, fentanyl is easy to ship and is 50 to times more powerful than morphine.

Just a few flakes can be fatal. One of the primary ports of entry is the sprawling U. About a million packages arrive daily from overseas. Customs and Border Patrol officers must search suspicious packages largely by hand, with the help of an X-ray machine or drug-sniffing dogs.

In fiscal yearCBP found seven shipments of fentanyl at the airport. Last year, the number jumped to In the first few months of fiscalboring bitcoin reports soared to Authorities say the high-tech criminals using cryptocurrencies to buy drugs online are exploiting a low-tech loophole in the international mail system to ship them to America. USPS spokesman Dave Partenheimer said the agency receives so-called advanced electronic data for about 40 percent of packages. The agency said it is working with foreign governments to improve data collection.

In the meantime, law enforcement officials argue that lack of information makes it easy for fentanyl to slip through the system hidden in everything from teddy bears to fake pregnancy test kits — and makes it difficult to track down suspicious packages and identify repeat offenders. Shamo used the fentanyl he purchased from China to manufacture fake oxycodone tablets, according to court documents.

He allegedly sold some on boring bitcoin reports dark web, and Shamo turned to the U. It took another year for his bitcoin to show up in court paper. In Washington, lawmakers and federal authorities believe stopping the flow of fentanyl means cracking down on cryptocurrencies as well. A bipartisan bill from Sens. But crypto advocates argue that digital currencies are getting unnecessarily swept up in the rush to find a solution.

Bitcoin users are not anonymous, industry boring bitcoin reports say. Buying bitcoin requires real money. Many users convert that cash through cryptocurrency exchangers that collect personal information. You look at where the currency enters the mainstream financial system in order to get spent.

An industry analysis released this year by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a foreign policy think tank, found less than 1 percent boring bitcoin reports bitcoin is used for illegal purposes. However, the report also found that almost all of the illicit activity came from transactions on the dark web. Some crypto companies are urging the industry to take a harder look at its own practices.

Canadian-based Einstein Exchange maintains a physical headquarters where customers can convert their digital currency in person. But at some point, we hope to be able to do that. Nearly 62 bidders competed for about 4, bitcoins. Marshals Service, which ran the auction, declined to comment on his case. But proceeds from auctions of forfeited assets are generally held in a special fund.

The money is used to recoup the cost of prosecuting the case, distributed to victims or shared with state and local law enforcement. It would not say how much of that was in bitcoin or other cryptocurrency.

Shamo has pleaded not guilty and faces trial in August. If convicted, he faces a mandatory life sentence. Aaron Shamo was a bitcoin millionaire. A low-tech loophole at the post office Shamo allegedly ordered his fentanyl from China, boring bitcoin reports authorities believe the purest — and deadliest — form of the drug is manufactured.

A Customs and Border Patrol agent and dog search mail packages for opioids. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.

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Enter Basis , a year-old, person, Hoboken, N. Investors apparently love what Basis is cooking up. He also declined to share when he believes the token could see widespread adoption or to elaborate on the major apps with which he says Basis plans to integrate. He did explain his love of Bitcoin, first fostered during his senior year of college in when he managed to mine 22 Bitcoins. The three founders, who worked at D.

Shaw and Google out of school, have their eye on three ways to get their cryptocurrency adopted. Bitcoin was intended to solve this issue but quickly came to be used as a store of value instead as its price continued to rise. They also see Basis as positioned well to take advantage of the large crowdfunding market. Not last, they imagine that cryptocurrency exchanges that are currently dealing with all kinds of pricing gyrations will embrace Basis.

A stable crypto store of value enables streamlined trading without incurring dry-powder volatility risk. We gather from its white paper that early investors benefit off this supply and demand movement. Much more specifically, says Basis in its white paper, it plans to use a three-token system to handle expansion and contraction. It defines these as:.

Called coins for short, these are the core tokens of the system. They are pegged to the USD and are intended to be used as a medium of exchange. Their supply is expanded and contracted in order to maintain the peg. Called bonds for short, these tokens are auctioned off by the blockchain when it needs to contract Basecoin supply. Bonds are not pegged to anything, and each bond promises the holder exactly 1 Basecoin at some point in the future under certain conditions. The conditions under which a bond is redeemed are: Called shares for short, these are tokens whose supply is fixed at the genesis of the blockchain.

They are not pegged to anything, and their value stems from their dividend policy. When demand for Basecoin goes up and the blockchain creates new Basecoin to match demand, shareholders receive these 13 newly-created Basecoins pro rata so long as all outstanding Base Bonds have been redeemed.

First, the blockchain tallies any outstanding Base Bonds and orders them according to when they were issued, with the oldest first. We call this ordered sequence of bonds the Bond Queue.

The blockchain also tallies all outstanding Base Shares. Then, the blockchain creates N new Basecoin tokens and distributes them as follows: If there are any outstanding Base Bonds, the blockchain begins converting bonds into coins, one-for-one, according to their order in the Bond Queue.

For example, if we need to create Basecoin, we convert the oldest outstanding bonds into new coins. The FIFO queue incentivizes people to buy bonds sooner than later, since bonds bought sooner are paid out before bonds bought later.

If there are no more outstanding Base Bonds, the system issues any remaining new coins to shareholders, pro rata, as a dividend. For example, if we need to create 1 million Basecoin, and there are 0 outstanding bonds and 10 million outstanding shares, then each share receives 0.

When the price is too low, the protocol auctions Base Bonds at a discounted price in an attempt to reduce the supply of Basecoins. Base Bonds promise to repay 1 Basecoin at some point in the future. In contrast, when the price is too high, the protocol increases supply by issuing new Basecoins to pay back the holders of Base Bonds. If all Base bond holders have been paid but the price is still too high, the protocol distributes Basecoins to Base Share holders under the impression they will sell them in the open market, until the price decreases back to the target price.

Basis is not the only company working to develop a stable cryptocurrency for individuals and institutions looking to use digital currency as easily as they do fiat currencies.

A growing number of companies sees the opportunity that Basis has in its sights. It defines these as: Certainly, the kind of backing it has landed looks to help toward that end.