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They probably knew that was a bitcoin exchange. And multiple buyers made reference to bitcoins in the transfers people are dumb and don't read terms of trade anyway. It's tough to get coins without relying on one. I was selling at lower margins at the time I made those orders so I needed to restock more frequently at the time. Ive been told I'll have better luck with the bigger banks. But it's possible that 93 EMTs received in a month 3 per day average is too much and might have triggered a flag.

Maybe I will have to increase my transaction minimums. I had a lot of micros. It's difficult to say. Banks don't tell you how the triggers work. They just told me I had a ton of email money transfers and not much else. That is not unusual at all for a small business.

But because it's bitcoin, they don't want to do business. Oh Teffy-pooh don't be mad at one single bank - they're all the same. The question you need to explore is HOW they found out. You seem to answer this in your own questions but is it the right answer? But because it's God forbid bitcoin and some transfers have bitcoin in the name including the bitcoin exchange EMTs Do you think it's possible they have a flag that automatically detects the word "bitcoin"?

Or maybe they just do a quick tangerine bank canada warned me about trading bitcoin of all accounts that have a certain amount of activity and then once they manually eye the word "bitcoin" anywhere you are done? Whereas if you're just selling sock puppets with e-transfer, they never contact you.

Ok then what's the answer then? Why did I get flagged? That's not unusual small business activity. You guys are so fucking smug, it makes me sick. Libertarians are smug as hell. I'm pissed because the bank just took away my ability to do business. That's why libertarians victim blame everyone. I didnt do this thing to join a libertarian cult.

I'm in this to make money. What makes you believe that you are performing usual small business activities? If it's true then there isn't anyhing you can do about it based on your assumption. Less time name calling and more time solving x. Usual in the sense that there are revenues and expenses like any business. And the volume is definitely not high.

Go around your neighborhood and ask some people about Bitcoin. Yet you claim it's not unusual A drug dealer has revenues and expenses too and I suppose he is " usual" based on your logic You are doing unusual activites and you are mad that the bank caught you doing unusual activites Stop doing unusual activites then?

Maybe that only makes sense to me. I only got about 4 tangerine bank canada warned me about trading bitcoin of sleel. So by that logic we can find plenty of people who have had their bank account closed due to being an eBay flipper? If not then you are comparing apples to oranges.

Do you see why? There are businesses out there who accept Interac e-transfer though admittedly most merchants take credit tangerine bank canada warned me about trading bitcoin, debit or paypal. Which bitcoiners avoid because of the fraud risk with bitcoin buyers. Tangerine bank canada warned me about trading bitcoin do I get a feeling the banks don't breath down their neck? If you type "accept Interac e-transfer" into Google, you will find numerous businesses who accept it.

Unfortunately the first hit is for a marijuana dealer. Why do weed dealers still have their bank accounts but my bank told me to cut it out? Open full view… Tangerine Bank Canada warned tangerine bank canada warned me about trading bitcoin about trading bitcoin already - 31 days.

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I was a proseller for a while on ebay and sold alot, I was buying things locally and then selling on ebay, and then had paypal transfers in. So my account pretty much just looked like paypal deposit, paypal deposit, paypal deposit, cash withdraw and repeat. I got a call from some department at the bank saying some other department wanted to know what I was doing.

After I explained that I was buying local and selling on ebay and flipping the money over and over he says, ok, that makes sense I'll let them know, and I never heard anything else about it. I dont have the account anymore, but I closed it for unrelated reasons. So they did flag you.

And then when they talked to you, they saw it was legit. So basically the bank just doesn't like the bitcoin trading I take it. It's a shame that selling bitcoin with PayPal is so risky.

I imagine it would be easier not to alert the bank's attention if i only withdrew from my PayPal balance to my bank once every 2 weeks or something. I think that usually is the case scott, I have done the same thing with other banks and never got a call or question.

I just meant that sometimes the silliest things or an overzealous banker can flag or question an account. And I've said it before and I'll say it again You gotta see some irony in that.

I'm with you 8Bit. But I'm a filthy hippie. Was going to say liberal, but it doesn't mean the same thing everywhere. Captures the point, anywhoo. But cash-in-person and cash by mail are not convenient payment options. And then you have to find a local supplier who takes cash because if you buy from a bitcoin exchange, you need a bank account.

And mining your own bitcoins is not profitable due to the electricity costs. Pretty much all the vocal local traders are American. I don't see any Canadians talking about how their local trade business is successful.

Every Canadian trader I talked to said that there's not much money in local trades. It's mostly EMT and cash deposit here. When it's not even profitable to mine bitcoins, you know that there is something wrong with the way that Bitcoin architecture is designed. But mining is not profitable. This fucking government talks about how they are going to create jobs. I was chronically unemployed before this. I then go out and create my own job because you can't rely on the private sector anymore to give you a job, let alone one with a livable wage.

Labour force participation rate is at Great Depression lows for for men. Making more per hour than I would with a real job. And then the banks just go and take away my livelihood. I almost feel like joining green wall crew in Moscow and sticking it to the bankers by scamming the fuck out of them. The scammers are the only ones who won.

The government and banks go after the little guy who runs a little home business. While the rich hide their money in Panama and don't pay taxes on it.

The system is rigged to support the elite. I thought about getting a ATM. But I bet this market is over-saturated. We have a whole bunch of these things. Open full view… Tangerine Bank Canada warned me about trading bitcoin already - 31 days.