CEX selling bundled games

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This low price was justified due to the lack of Kinectless Xbox Ones available to purchase, and due to how many are now in the company after splitting the package. While the install times are horrendous enough to make cex trade in fifa 15 ps4 PS3 look fast by cex trade in fifa 15 ps4, the machine itself is a nice bit of kit.

Still think I made the right console choice for me, but can see me picking an xbone up once my finances allow it. Pretty rare for Game to give a better price than Cex, let alone by such a huge difference.

We do not license content or design to any other site. No element of this site can be used without written permission. All content should be considered opinion. Article posters are the individual owner of the article content. We are not affiliated with any third party. Log in register for free. Aran Suddi, 4 years ago, 9 comments. I was sceptical about the one until my brother picked one up this week. The News At Sixth: Tropical Freeze On Switch. Haha, Dear Esther, I was about to get that one, before I read this.

As much as I liked some of the Yeah, the atmosphere in the office will be quite mixed over the next weeks, but they leave end of Finished off God of War this week which I think is easily one of the games of the generation. Tropical Freeze On Switch Having never owned a Wii U, personally I cex trade in fifa 15 ps4 very happy I get to experience some of the classics I missed out When I saw this article in my feed Cex trade in fifa 15 ps4 assumed it was from Nintendolife where all things Nintendo are Looks great, exploring this game will be so much fun!

Plonker sounds about right! And yep, totally aware the spoiler alert is pointless but the more we walk What, you let the fact that it had a sequentially higher number on the end of it trick you into thinking You beat me to it. I buried so many hours in Looking forward to Destiny 2: But does it have the ability to take great offence at those who dare to pay with a fiver, tenner or Nintendo Labo Robot Kit Review Use of this website is subject to acceptance of our legal terms of service.

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The brand new machine beat out the previous record-holder, Sony's own PlayStation Portable, which sold , units during its launch. It seems that a policy of listening to gamer feedback is paying dividends for the beleaguered platform holder. It also gives further credence to the argument that console gaming is absolutely alive and well.

The PS4's tagline "Greatness Awaits" has been thrown about with reckless abandon recently. But with these figures, and the news that the system sold through one million units in North America in just 24 hours , we're gunning for Sony to officially change the tagline to "Greatness Sells".

It's probably a little more appropriate at this point. Are you one of the fans who helped the Japanese giant reach this impressive milestone? Will you be holding a massive party to celebrate? Sound off in the comments section below.

Reports suggest that the PS4 sold over , units during its first 48 hours on sale in the UK. Kell is in romantic love with Naughty Dog and dreams of one day being as cool as Nathan Drake. He just has to figure out a way to keep his hair perfect at all times.

Like I said multiple times already, I still do not own a magnific PS4 because it's still not selling in my island, looks like the mainland does not have any consoles to send here: Why are they not releasing any numbers?? Are they waiting for the 2 million worldwide or the 3 million mark worldwide.

They still have a small backlog of pre-orders too lol. Whats disheartening about all this is some are exploiting it. Usually its always Ebay and everyone knows it so its not a bother, but this time Im seeing it with stores. Thats not a typo someone actually bought one for that price too yesterday when I was at CEX I had a chat with the manager of the local GAME store over the weekend and he said they're backed up to next year with PS4 preorders.

That said they were offering walk ins and the second wave of pre order customers the chance to buy what I would only describe as rip off bundles. It's a shame to see gamers being taken advantage of but I guess that's supply and demand for you. I remember years and years ago buying a SNES even though I had one packaged with Street Fighter ll because you simply couldn't buy the game on it's own! Anyway well done SONY. Game in Southport had quite a lot of unsold consoles when I went in last Friday so if you live near there and want one you know where to go.

It will just take a little longer than in NA. Tap here to load 10 comments. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment Staff Profile Twitter Reply.

Are they waiting for the 2 million worldwide or the 3 million mark worldwide 0. They still have a small backlog of pre-orders too lol Whats disheartening about all this is some are exploiting it. Anyway well done SONY 0.