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Gateways are entities in the Ripple network that provide an entry point to the network by accepting deposits and issuing IOUs for them. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Learn more… Top users Synonyms 1. In Ripple API, Is there any apis available to split payment which I can pass more than one destination address in single transaction.

Let me share code: Destination tag bitstamp wikipedia testnet explorer Destination tag bitstamp wikipedia is Ripple main Explorer. But where can i find the transactions ledger from wallets on Ripple testnet.

Who is allowed to open Ripple Gateway? Ripple's gateways are only opened to financial institutions like banks and credit card processing companies or anyone who is willing to invest into Ripple's infrastructure?

Is it possible or practical for individuals to transfer money internationally through Ripple My company is based in Denmark where we invoice and receive money from our customers. Each month I destination tag bitstamp wikipedia to transfer money to our developers in Ukraine using our bank which takes a fee and a cut on the Can Destination tag bitstamp wikipedia recover funds where the wrong destination tag was used while transferring ripple to bittrex?

How to run my own Ripple RPC server full node? I'm following this manual: Vassiliy Vorobyov 3. Please answer the following questions seperately for Poloniex and Kraken if they behave differently.

Ripple Asset Fees How would you issue an asset with a destination tag bitstamp wikipedia and then have a customized fee structures once the asset starts trading? Babajide Apata 31 5. How Ripple actually transfer money from one bank to another? How does bank A put money in the Ripple network? Leandro 41 1 5. Is it still possible to issue your own assets on Ripple? I was talking to some folks interested in facilitating trade of non-monetary assets power to be specific.

I was thinking that Ripple as a platform may be more suited for such trades than Bitcoin. The only difference between the two is that the user has extended a trustline to the gateway account. Get available exchange rates of Ripple's built-in exchange I'm not hundred percent sure I got the whole principle of Ripple right.

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