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This proposal was originally presented to PIVX but was sadly not voted for in enough numbers to pass their treasury vote by their MasterNode network as there were other proposals, mostly core dev fuel and marketing that were favoured above it. I have in the last month discovered SmartCash and think this proposal would be a great fit for this project, which I find really exciting, especially the fulfilled governance manifesto objectives with the whole community able to vote on proposals… So here goes!

The user will also enter their country and whether they accept payments by Bank Transfer, Cash deposit, Paypal or Skrill. They will also state their trade conditions including time to complete trade etc. More payment options will be added later. If the user prefers not to conduct KYC they will be entirely reliant on their track record on the site for their Trustworthiness Score.

The seller gives their bank account details to the buyer and waits for a confirmation that the deposit has been made. Upon completion of the transaction the users will rate each other and leave comments on the transaction for other users.

In the event of a dispute, the transaction will dash documentary preproposal review frozen for 7 days during which time the buyer and seller can follow up on the transfer with their respective banks, following which the trade goes into arbitration. If the transaction is satisfactorily resolved before 7 days the trade can be completed. If the trade is escalated to arbitration status, SMARTdirect will evaluate all the evidence submitted, including chat history, sale conditions and documentary evidence, and then release the SMART back to the seller or to the buyer depending upon the evidence submitted.

MyHotZone is a multi-service networking company that has been specializing in Hotspot services in the UK and Africa for the last 15 years. This includes the development of our proprietary Authentication Authorization and Accounting systems that have been integrated with Hotel Property Management Systems, payment gateways and other payment platforms.

The lead developer on this project will be Sri Rangan based out of the Netherlands, who has many years of experience developing blockchain based solutions, cryptocurrencies and decentralized apps running on Bitcoin and Ethereum platforms. He also dash documentary preproposal review experience creating web and mobile apps, with Python, Node. Sri has over a decade of experience developing software for the aviation, oil and gas and banking industries.

His experience in building an investments and securities trading app and platform for ING Bank Netherlands will bring a high level of competence to the execution of this project. A progress report will also be generated for the SMART community following completion of each sprint as set out below. This proposal is seeking SMART final value TBD when proposal is submitted due to price volatility to be paid over six tranches as per deliverables above.

This sounds incredible friend. I am a fan of locabitcoin and if we create an equally useful and practical system, Smartcash will be able to take great value.

For example in Venezuela we use a lot of localbitcoin to make everyday transactions. Dash documentary preproposal review downside is that the bitcoin fees are very very high.

Please be assured that you have our help in achieving this. Would be one of the first active users. We would like to see how we can help. P2P transascions in Venezuela are very safe. The community helps each other to prevent scams. Hi Aratechnology at the moment cryptos in Zim are regarded with suspicion and bemusement by the government, though there is no legislation against them. It looks like we are heading back into hyperinflation like we had up to Consequently people are now looking at cryptos both a store of value and perhaps a new transactional currency.

Another idea I had was having a P2P exchange selling movable goods for smart with the escrow released on receipt of a DHL or Fedex note. Most crypto owners in zim dash documentary preproposal review this point, sell them on exchanges for FIAT to pay their foreign bills. This sounds like a very good proposal to me. Dash dash documentary preproposal review silly to have passed on this one, sounds genius to me. First I would never pay for you to start your company. I would like to see it be community run and not paying for someone to start a company then tax me on it.

Dash documentary preproposal review would like a dash documentary preproposal review like localbitcoins. Since this is community funded it should be run by the community not be centralized.

That was so its easier to read. Second its to help the community not to make you rich. Maybe make a localbitcoin clone. Dash documentary preproposal review now this were you defend your points i learned. Have fun i look forward dash documentary preproposal review reading them. I appreciate your point on funding this proposal for me to start a company to offer this service. This would speed up and secure payments between users that want to move in and out of fiat.

Others include Jumio and Shuftipro. The whole purpose of the site is to provide a trusted platform where users can connect with each other and transact from fiat to SMART. In any escrow type system you will need an arbitrator in case of disputes.

This is what the fee is paid for. If anyone can think of a better way of doing this I am all ears. I am not sure this platform will make me rich, but I am sure it will help adoption of SMART as an everyday use cryptocurrecy. Lastly, I do respect your opinion and thank you for it. These Pre-proposal discussions are here for people to contribute ideas and constructive criticism.

I do agree to everything you pointed out, but the idea is good. Ya sorry thats a good idea i had a big test and media studies hurts my head it would be a great idea thats understandable you could always scale the tax lower for adoption and if the price rockets. The good it would do far out ways the slight chance of profit from your end. The entire project was expected to take about 2 and a half months, this includes over hours of coding from a couple of devs, integration with IDnow, skinning of the site by another design company in Zimbabwe.

This time scale may be reduced as we will be co-operating with the exchange guys who have already done some work on the crypto exchange wallet. I will outline the costs in USD here. I am not sure what the dash documentary preproposal review will be doing after the 28th, but these are the fiat costs.

It is hoped that future development will be funded by anything that the dash documentary preproposal review makes in fees, though we have no idea how much it will be used. Let me address the concern that this proposal could start a profitable company.

The goal of the SmartHive is to create infrastructure for SmartCash to make it more useful and easier to use. That is actually an advantage, since the service will keep going into the future. Whenever you trade into fiat you need to understand the local regulations and laws.

So be sure that you know dash documentary preproposal review licenses you will need before you undertake dash documentary preproposal review project. And you also want to define what areas you will serve. Another option is to skip the KYC and do an anonymous type of exchange. Dash documentary preproposal review maybe you us a 3rd party like coinbase to do the fiat transfers, but have a frontend that accepts SmartCash.

You convert to fiat on coinbase. Then the backend transfers the fiat from a bank via skrill, paypal or whatever. Solarminer Thanks for the input. We are trying to get away from banks wherever possible. From my perspective the ultimate objective of a project like this is to get SMART into the hands of ordinary people who have forsaken dash documentary preproposal review traditional banking dash documentary preproposal review who have let them down.

In Zimbabwe and Venezuela we have seen even more stark everyday visceral effects of centralised, corrupt, incompetent monetary policies. The profit motive, and self interest, coupled with community governance and a sound, mathematics based economic model will go a long way to creating a unit of exchange that can be a world wide digital currency. This is especially when it is freely changeable with what people are currently using as a store of value or everyday currency.

In many cases its inherent exchange ability will be what people value over other currencies, whether government issued or decentralised. Sprint 1 — The Basics: Bug fixes, missing features discovered along the way Performance testing Security audit and fixes Alpha release for small group of early testers Sprint 6 — Beta Release, Security Audits, Testing Deliverables: Bug fixes, missing features discovered along the way Performance testing Security audit and fixes Beta release for larger group of testers Release Budget: We have a similar problem in Zimbabwe as you do in Venezuela.

Hello, how do you spend cryptocurrencys in Zimbaue? Are there groups of Telegram or Slack of Zimbaue?. It must dash documentary preproposal review decentralizd. How long until the beta release? Do you have any estimate? I love this idea. Taking an exchange out of the equation is a great idea. I am looking for a break-down of cost.

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