How to Set Up a Bitcoin Miner

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But while this frenzy has been playing out, one group has stayed under the radar: But these mysterious miners are integral to the functioning of Bitcoin, and are without question the ones who understand it best. The results were extraordinary. Our search uncovered a futuristic world made up of a diverse group of tech entrepreneurs and cryptoanarchists, making a killing from the unprecedented surge in how to set up bitcoin mining farm in Bitcoin. Another was a Melbourne-based former accountant currently building one of the biggest Bitcoin mines in the world, in Mongolia.

And most unexpectedly, the third was a middle-aged tradie-turned-solar farm owner in outback New South How to set up bitcoin mining farm who is using the electricity generated by his solar farm to mine the increasingly valuable cryptocurrency.

To truly understand what these miners do requires a level of cryptoliteracy far beyond the average Joe this journalist included. It is essential that independent Bitcoin miners do this because it securely and immutably records the existence of the Bitcoin, making it as solid a piece of property as anything in the tangible world. For their efforts and considerable expense, above all on energy bills Bitcoin miners are rewarded with new Bitcoins.

Allan Guo was working as an accountant in Melbourne when, inhis friend Sam Lee suggested they start trading Bitcoin.

Mr Guo and Mr Lee quickly realised there were major opportunities in Bitcoin mining. He says there are three factors that make China attractive as a Bitcoin mining how to set up bitcoin mining farm Personally knowing the manufacturers of these machines has also helped. When finished, it will be the biggest cryptocurrency mining farm in the world. Mr Guo is confident that even if the current surge in value is a bubble, over the long-term Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general are here to stay, meaning mining will remain a necessary service, and therefore a viable business.

So far the Chinese government has let cryptocurrency mining carry on without interference. Mr Guo acknowledges the authoritarian government could suddenly decide to stamp out Bitcoin mining as well.

The New Daily tracked down one of these small-scale miners, a Phillippines-based IT worker in his twenties, who began mining with a friend earlier this year — just before the boom started. Once the Bitcoin price began to surge in June, more partners came on board. Now there are 18 people mining together, and sharing the proceeds. Closer to home, on a solar farm in Singleton, New South Wales, former electrical fitter Andrew Thaler is pushing the Bitcoin mining business in a truly innovative direction.

Unsatisfied with the price he was getting selling solar-generated electricity back to the grid, Mr Thaler began looking around for other ways of monetising the electricity his farm was generating. So he trawled through eBay and Gumtree, tracked down some mining machines, and within a couple of hours of mining, he had hit his first how to set up bitcoin mining farm. He has already purchased a refrigerated shipping container for the purpose, and is teaching his five kids how to mine, in the hope of turning it into a family business.

Like How to set up bitcoin mining farm, the Australian government has so far made no effort to regulate Bitcoin mining, and Mr Thaler is adamant this is a good thing. Whenever you try to regulate it, a way around the regulations emerges. Subscribe Get The New Daily free every morning and evening. A bitcoin mining farm in Sichouan, China.

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An important factor with the decisions on hardware has been to get the minimum possible host hardware to support the graphics cards. Since mining on a CPU is impractical we have chosen the cheapest available motherboard with 5 PCI-Express slots of any type x1 - x16 and configured with the least expensive CPU possible. The best part of any build is getting to unbox lots of new hardware.

First a pair of holders were constructed out of commercial grade cardboard to suspend the graphics cards above the motherboard with spacing for airflow and the PCI-Express risers that connect the cards to the various slots on the motherboard. Windows 7 is chosen as the operating system using guiminer for mining. Although the drivers for ATI cards on both Windows and Linux are getting better about allowing the graphics card to run even when there is no monitor attached it is still necessary in Windows to attach a monitor or what is known as a dummy plug or dummy load to trick the computer into thinking a monitor is attached.

Below a simple dummy plug is created by connecting 3 resistors to the Red, Green, and Blue connections on the DVI plug for VGA compatibility and grounding the other side. By unscrewing one of the riser screws on the DVI port it is possible to secure the grounding side of the resistors ensuring the resistors will never shake loose on their own.

By laying them down on the profile of the DVI port it creates a profile less prone to getting snagged on other cables while setting up your miners. Finding a solution to powering the graphics cards of your mining setup will depend on several key factors such as Watts per graphics card and for most the cost of the power solution. First the top cover of the power supply is removed, these were designed to have air pushed through from one end to the other. Unless you plan on creating a custom modular bay for them or cutting up part of a PowerEdge chassis this is the way to go.

Here you also see the modular power connector these use, by using the appropriate mating connector we achieve a swappable power system where if a power supply dies it can be swapped out for 4 cards in less than 20 seconds. A fan assembly is then constructed that suspends 8x 92mm fans above the power supplies pushing a tsunami of air down onto the heatsinks and other components in the opened power supplies. A total of 5 power supplies will fit under one length of 4 fans stacked side-by-side, 5 power supplies will provide enough power for 4 mining rigs worth of graphics cards or 20 cards total over 5 power supplies.

The slightly difficult bit of patching into the pins on the power supply is made much easier by using the mating connector. These can either be salvaged from servers that used these power supplies such as the Dell PowerEdge series. The pinout is somewhat complex however the pins we are interested in are easy to find and once connected together will turn on the power supply and instruct it to output its full power.

You can either use a switch between the two wires shown in the pictures below or connect them permanently.

You can then connect several units on a power strip and use the power switch on that to turn the units on and off. At one point I had setup a circuit to switch the units on with the host pc being used however the distribution of my power meant I had 3 server power supplies at a max of 12 graphics cards powering 2 host computers running 5 cards apiece.

Switching the units on manually before the host PC power is perfectly safe and by not using any additional components here helps keep overall costs down.

At this point your main power leads to the graphics cards can be soldered to your mating connector with respect to the output pins. The 12v and ground pins are grouped in sets of 3 with a total of 8 pins representing each contact.

Wires can be soldered in between the two by four sets of pins to ensure even electrical contact and also make things easier to wire up. Double and then triple check the orientation of the voltage on your wires before connecting the other ends to the actual graphics card otherwise the result could be catastrophic.

A quick google search results in quite a few sources of this particular component. Reducing cable mess and simplifying connections is a goal of mine for any project. The molex ends of the adapter plugs are cut off and the wires stripped and connected together in groups of 4 plugs or 8 wires in each bunch. It seems like a lot of wires to just twist together but an important factor to keep in mind here is that the specifications for providing power to most graphics cards provides far more than is necessary.

Please do your homework, this setup works great for my Radeon HD series graphics cards, likely cards in the Radeon HD X79X series will require the connectors be soldered in no more than 2 adapters per power lead or 4 wires total. Here is a completed set of power plugs which is enough for two cards, in groups of two these are soldered to the modular connectors that plug into the server power supplies.

One additional set not pictured is created that only has two plugs or enough for the one extra card in each rig, these could also be used for cards that draw more power. Speaking from experience no motherboard despite them being designed this way will support the full power requirements of multiple graphics cards. The result is that you will end up burning up the ATX power socket or worse burning a trace or other component on your motherboard. Overcoming this issue is simple and involves a simple modification to the PCI-Express riser cables.

The generally accepted way of performing this mod is to cut back 5 of the wires that run from the riser to the motherboard. These are then stripped, twisted together, and soldered to a length of power wire. A total of 4 of these risers can be safely powered from an atx12v connector with the remaining card using an unmodified PCI-Express riser which draws power from the motherboard.

The atx12v connector was chosen since I have hoards of these in my parts bin and the power supplies being used provide two of these for motherboards using the 8pin CPU power, the motherboards used in these rigs only take the 4pin leaving the other 4pin spare. Pioneering a new method I decided to simply create a small cut or breakage in the 5 wires from the motherboard to the riser and then soldering the power wire directly to the riser's PCI-Express socket.

This has the advantage of not trying to send high current through weak ribbon cable and providing a more secure connection point for the wire allowing the riser to stand up to more abuse. Experiencing a complete failure of one of your mining rigs is never a good thing, knowledge is power and experience will teach you important lessons very quickly. It's not evident to the novice miner that even though power graphics cards have ports designed specifically for the large amount of current they draw that a small portion of that power will also be drawn from the PCI-Express slot.

Spanned over 5 graphics cards this turns out to be over 20 Amps of current which is well over spec for the two 12 Volt wires running from the ATX Socket. If you have indeed fried a trace on your motherboard it will be necessary to create a bypass of that trace.

Luckily on this motherboard the trace ran along a single edge and was easily bypassed by first trimming the burned portion of the trace and exposing some of the intact copper trace at either end. Once secured we can be sure that at least for this portion of the trace the issue will be completely fixed.

Going forward as noted above it is necessary to perform the PCI-Express power mod when running multiple graphics cards.

Bitcoin Mining Farm was created by Travis Brown , email: Home Work Development Projects Guides. Bitcoin Mining Farm Documentation Hardware Setup An important factor with the decisions on hardware has been to get the minimum possible host hardware to support the graphics cards. Test Setup and Software Configuration The best part of any build is getting to unbox lots of new hardware.