1 British Pound Sterling to Litecoin

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I am looking to sell some of my litecoins I have been mining. Going by the exchange rates I have quite a few quid to cash in, but by the time the exchange has took a chunk and then paypal takes a chunk, plus an extra chunk to change euros to GBP, its legalised robbery.

The rate that litecoinpool. Does anyone in the UK have a recommended exchange method? I know a few people on the bitcoin groups sell direct via paypal for small amounts anyones thought on this?

I will pay bills with this card, shopping, travel, holidays etc. This way you can hold on to your fiat currency and use your crypto for everyday expenses. It litecoin conversion to gbp over 2 weeks for the card to arrive.

THe card was not from uqid but from another company. I then set about loading funds onto the card to so some shopping… Thats where the problem began…. I could not load funds onto the card because they were having technical issues and the card services would be online shortly….

This is when I contacted customer services… The only way to contact them is through skype. Apparently they were having some issues with the card vendor and they said they would have it fixed in a few days. I was not happy so I gave them a couple more days…. The days passed and still nothing, so I contacted them again demanding my money back.

They offered to sell me back litecoins at the current market price, which had gone up in the time inbetween so effectively would have lost me money. Litecoin conversion to gbp got a little anoyed and told them I had signed up for a service that they could not provide so wanted my money back.

It took a threat of a complaint to the FSA before they agreed to refund me to my bank account, including the card fee. The next day, on the UQUID website, they had a messages to say that the contract they had with the card vendor had expired and they were negotiating with a new vendor, new cards and normal service would resume in approx 2 weeks.

The process litecoin conversion to gbp sending litecoins to a pre-paid card is still appealing, but I will be doing a lot of checking before I go at another one…. Also, something that came up while dealing with these clowns. The card, plastic and virtual do not have the 3dsecure thing going on with them, so many websites will not accept them as a valid card….

I could maybe buy some from you. PM me if youre intrested. I could not get any debit card as the rules changed and the cards can only be issued to those in the EU. We are expecting a contactless card from WireX, they too are in the UK. Also check out Litecoin conversion to gbp its new and sounds good. All the best and thanks for the feedback. Thanks for that link. I have been mining a while now and just waiting for my new miners to arrive to. I then set about loading funds onto the card to so some shopping… Thats where the problem began… Litecoin conversion to gbp could not load funds onto the card because they were having technical issues and the card services would be online shortly… this stayed the save for a couple of days.

I was not happy so Litecoin conversion to gbp gave them a couple more days… The days passed and still litecoin conversion to gbp, so I contacted them again demanding my money back. The process of sending litecoins to a pre-paid card is still appealing, but I will be doing litecoin conversion to gbp lot of checking before I go at another one… Also, something that came up while dealing with these litecoin conversion to gbp.

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