
5 stars based on 59 reviews

Well has to be their best song Its the only romantic song that I hear and the Acoustic of here without you is simply soul searching tough the video is not as good My top 3 are: Beautiful song with great music and lyrics Every time I listen, it touches my heart. Dude this is like the best song I've ever heard man I agree kryptonites worthy material but frankly man id like here without you first an den id put in kryptonite.

Definitely their best song. This song has to be in first place, I mean here without you is pretty cool but kryponite is by far the best. Fantastic Song, one of my favourites! This is the only song I like from this band, the rest of their songs aren't that impressive to me but this one I like for some reason, maybe it was because this was one of songs I remember hearing at a young age and I liked it when I was younger. It has to be up with no doubt it is the best song It deserves the crown Number 1 song in my list of songs.

What even full points to the song. This is a really nice song! This is my list: It's Not my time 2. Here Without You 3. When I'm Gone 5. This song has too much meaning in it You can link it to your life This song is just amazing.

There's no other way to put it. After listening to it just once you'll want to hear it again. This with great lyrics and everything being perfect makes this a great song. Really nice song with strong lyrics that make me feel really close to this guys. I guess three doors down kryptonite song lyrics one of us faced the situation that is in this song.

Everything is amazing about this song - the lyrics, the melody, the video - best 3 doors song without a doubt. Needs to be in at least top three doors down kryptonite song lyrics. THIS is their best song, 21 weeks at number 1 three doors down kryptonite song lyrics the Rock chart, it still holds that record! I like quite a few of their songs but this one about drug addiction is my three doors down kryptonite song lyrics.

Are you serious right now!? This my favorite by a long shot and should be at least in the top five! The soft flow of this song really moves you when your having three doors down kryptonite song lyrics bad day. It encourages to be your better self and that is why it should be number one! This is definitely one of my favorite songs. In fact, this is the song which single-handedly got me addicted to 3 Doors Down.

I found out about them through When I'm Gone but didn't start listening to them, constantly, until I heard this and It's not my Time. But this should be so much further up in the listings. My favourite song of all time! Soul searching, great music and great lyrics! Amazing melody and flow to the music! Shows the true meaning of what music can be! Touches my heart every time. I just enjoy listening to how it goes from a silent verse to an amazing chorus to match. And the lyrics are simply original.

The music itself represents 3DD. Love three doors down kryptonite song lyrics and so does everyone else! Just totally kick ass song from the new album And the video is awesome.

This is a great song by 3 doors down. I'm very upset that this song isn't up in the top 5 as it deserves it. This is by far one of 3 doors down's best songs. You should listen to this song and vote for it! One of my favorite lines from this song is "on that day when you need your brothers and sisters to care, I'll be right here. Citizen soldiers holding the light for the ones that we guide from the dark of despair. Standing on guard for the ones that we sheltered, we'll always be ready because we will always be there.

Who the hell just listens to radio and votes on three doors down kryptonite song lyrics. This is my favorite song by them! That lyric alone gives me the chills. I've had to be that rock in someones life before, this song reminds me of those times.

Easily one of the best 3 Doors Down songs. It at least deserves a top ten if not a top five and I believe Kryptonite and When I'm Gone should hold the top two spots respectively followed by Here Without You and the list can go on from there. Great song, with a different rhythm then usual 3DD music.

Should be in the top 10 if not top 3. It's a slow song, with a lot of depth and meaning behind it. Good for people who miss someone. I just can't get tired of listening to it This is surely their number one song Its much better for me, should be in top 3. Its slow and really different then other soft rocks. Lyrics are great too.

Really an under rated song. I first heard this song on an old Geico three doors down kryptonite song lyrics about a caveman. Let Me Be Myself sounds very epic and emotional but it always makes me laugh because it always reminds me of the commercial. Their best song no doubt, can sing it three doors down kryptonite song lyrics and over without ever getting tired, absolutely beautiful from start to finish! An amazing song in general.

Great musical buildup, and the song is just plain out riveting. Awesomely energetic, but not too over the top, delivers a strong message while still make you feel the awesomeness. It has an awesome guitar line an amazing drum line so vote for this over any song yet and listen to when you're young.

Just hit me at the perfect moment! Change was in the air and it helped me through! This song is awesome. It has been heard in most of the pubs and rock lounges. I have come across a lot of people who love this song.

This song should be under 1st five. Going Down in Flames should be 1! Best song on the new album in my opinion even with stiff competition from When You're Young. Top 5 at least. The most underrated song! Deserves to be in the top People who have not heard this just give it a try. I three doors down kryptonite song lyrics get tired of listening to this. Very underrated, I have always listened to 3DD, but I just heard this tonight and I can't get enough. This is actually my favorite by them now!

The sounds in this song are just awesome. Typical 3DD winner song and again strong vocals from Brad. It's a pretty cool song overall. It's the best song from the new album. That place is just too far away from the position that song deserves! Pretty good song I don't know why its 31, has an extra feel attached to it.

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