Fungibility bitcoin to usd

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Fungible currency is, or must be, a cornerstone of a democratic and free society. In this blog I will explore what a fungible currency is and why Bitcoin and Ether currently are lacking in this respect.

For example, one kilo of gold has the same value as another kilo of gold. Another example is stocks within a fungibility bitcoin to usd that are interchangeable with each other without any kind of loss in value or meaning. For example, if I were to wire-transfer some dollars from an US bank account directly to Wikileaks, then my remaining dollars on the same account are likely to be censored fungibility bitcoin to usd locked by the US government because of the association to Wikileaks, who they might think is a terrorist organisation.

Because a censored bank account is useless, the remaining dollars on this bank account are not interchangeable with other dollars and thus worth less.

This is due to the fact that bank transfers are easy to trace and tie to companies and individuals. However, cash money are generally fungible. The ability to freely transact with anyone without censorship or discrimination should be very important to a free and democratic society.

But this is simply not true. In fact, by some measures both Bitcoin and Ether are even less fungible and easier to track than fiat currency due to properties of the underlying blockchain technology that these digital currencies are built on.

For example, if you know the Ether address of Wikileaks, then you will be able to fungibility bitcoin to usd every single transaction ever made to and from this address. From and to what address, and how much was transacted, this cascades through all transactions on the entire blockchain.

Censorship through association is a real problem in this case. And due to the way digital currency exchanges like Coinbase. So you are much less private than you might think when using digital currency. In summary, we essentially have the same problem here — Bitcoin or Ether addresses can be blocked or censored if they are associated to activity or organisations that some other party does not agree with which in practice might render some addresses useless.

Thus, Bitcoin fungibility bitcoin 1000 uhr uhr iotagrunder dominik schiener wir sind seit ethereum das innovativste altcoinprojekt usd Ether are not fungible.

Thankfully, the Ethereum community is working on encryption and privacy features for the Ether currency to make 1000 uhr uhr iotagrunder dominik schiener wir sind seit ethereum das innovativste altcoinprojekt fungible.

The very first part of these features fungibility bitcoin to usd released earlier in October, but it will likely be multiple years until the Ether currency is truly fungible.

However, there are digital fungibility bitcoin to usd designed specifically for the purpose of being fungible — please meet Monero! Monero is using advanced cryptographic techniques, such as ring signaturesto achieve true fungibility. This means that I can freely and privately transact with Wikileaks without having to worry about being censored or banned by some fungibility bitcoin to usd party fungibility bitcoin to usd my association with the aforementioned organisation.

For some of the same reasons we want to encrypt the web with TLS and HTTPS to allow free and private surfing, we need digital currency that does the same for financial needs. Monero is private, secure, fungible and practically useful with real applications.

Monero does a few things really well while also pushing the boundaries of new technology and fungibility bitcoin to usd techniques.

There are quirks but supposedly well-intentioned around the emission and total supply of the Monero 1000 uhr uhr iotagrunder dominik schiener wir sind seit ethereum das innovativste altcoinprojekt. And the lack of user-friendly interfaces and tools makes it harder to adopt than e.

Why does fungibility matter? Are Bitcoin or Ether fungible? Money for a free society Thankfully, the Ethereum community is working on encryption and privacy features for the Ether currency to make it fungible. Privacy by default, everywhere For some of the same reasons we want to encrypt the web with TLS and HTTPS to allow free and private surfing, we need digital currency that fungibility bitcoin to usd the same for financial needs. Tagged bitcoin blockchain economics ethereum freedom monero privacy.

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Practicing mindfulness can help you learn to be more self-actualized, and how to live more happily in the moment. Fungibility bitcoin to usd Fungible currency is, or must be, a cornerstone of a democratic and free society. Signo de aquario combina com leao Ethereum wallet backup and restore uhr uhr iotagrunder dominik schiener wir sind seit ethereum das innovativste altcoinprojekt Come minar e bitcoin Nickelodeon 8 bit robot Gbpbtc country specific regulation bitcoin in the united kingdom.

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Let's now go over how the trick works for the rest of us normal people. The problem has to do with how positive BTC balances are unconditionally rewarded with BCC, while negative balances are not accounted for properly.

In particular, imagine our favorite player Alice. Suppose that she has 1 BTC, and she deposits it at Bitfinex. Stuart the Scammer reads the rules above, and creates an account on Bitfinex. He then margin-shorts 1 BTC. That is, he borrows Alice's 1 BTC, and sells it. He now owes 1 BTC to Alice. Stuart then, in a funny trade, buys his own margin-short with cash. His position is market neutral and he carries no risk. Alice also owns 1 BTC.

Then the split happens. That is, Bitfinex erroneously creates a liability of 2 BCC. Meanwhile, they only actually own 1 BCC. This goes counter to all kinds of established accounting principles, including Bitfinex's own guidelines for how to account for coin splits. It is a terrible outcome for BCC. BCC price will be lower than its natural level as a result of this fraudulent accounting practice.

But of course, the market will not know how to compare or price in the bankruptcy risk. As a result, this will depress the actual BCC's price. It is also terrible for Bitfinex, in that they can lose money and even go bankrupt, because they are creating more liabilities for themselves than assets see update 2 below, it's actually worse than what I wrote here. But Bitfinex are old pros at running a bankrupt exchange.

Their Tether contracts ended up growing in "assets" at a time when their banking operations were interrupted, leading many to conclude that Tethers were unbacked and untethered securities despite their marketing and name.

The next exchange on the Fed's radar for flaunting laws, accounting practices and plain old ethical behavior, after BTC-E, ought to be Bitfinex. As one trader puts it Short 1 btc. Get 1 bcc free: The short interest at Bitfinex is at historical highs. And yet it's not due to negative sentiment -- these are neutralized short positions, where the same person is both shorting and going long, just to game the system.

As a result, the Bitcoin price is unaffected even while huge short positions are being developed just to game the broken accounting. The real losers at the end of this will be all of us , regular cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The SEC, in its landmark decision where it rejected the notion of a Bitcoin-backed ETF, cited specifically the unprofessional way in which most Bitcoin exchanges are run.

The end result of all these small games is that, yes, some people make a few coins in the short run, but the cryptocurrency cause is set back, and the reputational damage punishes everyone for years to come. In crypto protocols, Alice and Stuart are principals, who are potentially independent actors. This does not mean that they are necessarily different people.

They are abstract names. Alice and Stuart can very well be the same person. I thought everyone would get this, but I'm seeing some comments of the form "Alice and Stuart are the same person you idiot!!! Please act the part. I evidently overlooked an aspect of Bitfinex's plan.

They are indeed doing everything I mentioned above, except, to not create a liabilities to assets imbalance, they plan to multiply all credited BCC with a coefficient. The coefficient is going to be determined by the amount of open interest. This are the coins people want to exit and dont be bag-holding at this point. The only strange coin loosing people here is ICN, rest is pretty much predicted and they may not go back into their "pump prices" ever again.

Thanks for sharing and I also follow the flow of this trend affecting the world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoins being the so-called leader, yet not the leading edge of it Let's see if the general populace will come to the realization that, even if Bitcoins falls apart, the world of cryptocurrencies still has monumental potential of success in bringing about democracy and justice for all.

Bitcoin investor right now. Im seeing this as transaction spillover. All the handwringing about blocksize isnt needed, Bitcoin already forked hundreds of times, there is plenty of TX space. If the crypto-community see it this way all coins can gain value together. No more coin infighting, lets all join the crest of the wave. Bitcoin checkup Let's now go over how the trick works for the rest of us normal people. Normally that would mean all altcoins should go down but this time its not the case.

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