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All amounts in the block chain are denominated in satoshi before being converted for display. Although the satoshi is the finest amount that can be recorded in the block chain, [3] payment channels may need to make quanto vale 1 bitcoin 2015 granular payments and so are sometimes denominated in millisatoshiwhich are one hundred billionths of a single bitcoin. The value of a bitcoin in satoshi was decided by Satoshi Nakamoto to be million no later than November On Quanto vale 1 bitcoin 2015 15,ribuck proposed that the one hundredth of a bitcoin 0.

Traditionally, the plural form has been simply satoshi[11] but the term satoshis is also popular and equally correct. If the plural form were to follow the rules of Japanese grammar, it may be pronounced as satoshisa[12] or simply satoshi. Satoshi is often abbreviated to sat or salthough no currency symbol has been widely adopted.

There are various proposed symbols:. Bitcoin source from November Retrieved 23 October Retrieved 19 August Quanto vale 1 bitcoin 2015 Bitcoin Unicode Character? More divisibility required - move the decimal point 10 February Retrieved from " https: Denominations Terms and properties named after Satoshi Nakamoto. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Views Read View source View history. Sister projects Essays Source.

This page was last edited on 15 Februaryat Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3. Privacy policy About Bitcoin Wiki Disclaimers.

In Japanese names, this character can rarely be read "satoshi". A Japanese katakana representing the syllable "shi". Note that this character is extremely common in Japanese, so it could cause confusion. Also, it can mean "death" in Japanese and Chinese. As above, but this is the hiragana instead of the katakana. A Japanese katakana representing the syllable "sa".

Maybe it looks more reminiscent of a currency symbol than others.

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