Q&A: Stephan Tual Former CCO of Ethereum and founder of Slock.it

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DAO will own no part of slock. For slock it ethereum coins who might be interested in details, read s8c posts on daohub forum. I might still invest some as a pure short-term speculation, but as far as business venture, this cannot work as currently stated, in my opinion. It looks like you're new here. If you want to slock it ethereum coins involved, click one of these buttons!

Slock it ethereum coins in General Project Discussion non-technical. The DAO created by Slock. Anyone can now buy DAO tokens for the next 28 days, following which Slock.

The DAO has been launched by a community member, not by Slock. Formal announcement by Stephen Tual. April edited May I might buy some DAO tokens. However, the whole thing is immature premature at best. Post edited by Biodom on May Immature perhaps only because Ethereum is a still a growing beast, but not premature. So you run a node, that's kind of a reality of blockchain interaction, no?

Until lite wallets are developed. Mist is only the GUI interface. May edited May Holding a significant sum in DAO tokens in the mist wallet for years on the computer that is prone to be infected does not sound too hot, but maybe I am too cautious. Buying into token funding like the DAO requires that you actually own the private keys else you're just buying tokens for the exchange.

I can hardly imagine what you'd have against actually owning your own crypto coins especially ether which requires ownership slock it ethereum coins you're going to actully use it to do stuff.

I am not against holding my own keys, of course, but i don't have trust in my ability to secure them for a long term via current software. There are ways in bitcoinland to do slock it ethereum coins via hardware, paper, etc.

Just today, i tried to transfer some eth from one account to another and got some gibberish answer in return. However that gibberish reminded me of slock it ethereum coins that happened before and I was able to do the transaction by adjusting the gas price somewhat.

This example shows that eth has to be 10 times easier to use before many people will actually make DAO as their investment. Don't take it wrongly-I am all for their principles and will most likely buy into DAO, I just don't slock it ethereum coins them getting significant traction before at least some of these wrinkles are smoothed out.

Does it convert into shares? Witchman The tokens are your voting power, they are tradable on the open market and they are used to lock in your rewards tokens when you fund a project. You can still get payouts through the rewards tokens even if you have sold off your tokens. The tokens can be traded like any other crypto, so there's a market to play until the DAO actually becomes profitable. Could you explain a bit more what this is and why its worth buying and why not.

DAO is supported by ether at 1: Reward slock it ethereum coins will be getting a revenue stream from companies, like quarterly dividends from companies like Apple. That said, one critical point which differs DAO from VC investments is that you will get only a revenue stream from companies like slock. This slock it ethereum coins of sucks, and maybe will be voted down, I hope. If we give DAO cash in form of ether and they will invest it in slock. That application is in the form of an automated trust fund.

The fund has members who can vote upon proposals made to it. Those proposals are typically going to be for profitable ventures which can return money to the Slock it ethereum coins. This just does not compute. To me, the situation is too skewed in fundee slock. Please elaborate why it is not so, in your opinion. However, the more the DAO developed as code and concept, slock it ethereum coins more it was realised that the paradigm didn't fit any more.

In particular having one 'Service Provider' Slock. This means that Slock. The sharing network they're building is also going to be independent from themselves. They expect to be slock it ethereum coins and undercut by big manufacturers and this is good because that's what's going to massively slock it ethereum coins the network.

The network itself belongs to the DAO for ever more, the bigger the better. So as far as ownership of Slock. Essentially they just need to be paid for the ongoing development work, by the DAO initially and by their own hardware sales once it comes slock it ethereum coins market.

The DAO if free to chase any other revenue streams it wants. Noob question maybe but I found something in mist wallet but i am not sure if that is way to do it. I put in 2eth just to follow the project, but I don't personally think it will work out very well. So without that effort from Slock. As with most things, this is not as clearcut as it may appear. I should also mention that Slock. Griff Green has stated that slock it ethereum coins amount of funding slock.

It's basically your roof contractor wanting to know how much money you have in the bank before charging you for the roof. That's just the way it appears to me. You obviously see it differently, and you probably have spent more time than I have looking into it. I'm just an old miner, content with dealing with all that entails; my hands are full with what I have on my plate already.

I'll leave it to you younger folks to figure out the DAO, et al. I respect your opinion a lot. I always go for risky investments, which brought me both good successes and tremendous failures in slock it ethereum coins field. DAO both intrigues and puzzles me. However, after CSW debacle, I don't know what to think about crypto space anymore.

Maybe i am too involved in the space and have to divest. I am also a miner since bitcoinso probably a bit less experience that you might have, but I have been through some ups and downs. I see alot of references to being able to trade tokens on an exchange. Im not a complete noob, but noobish however im confused as to how this would work.

How would i transfer Tokens onto an exchange from my wallet? I know how to transfer Eth, but cant wrap my head around the token. Im only watching the token in my mist wallet, do i NEED to watch the contract as well to do this token transfer? The tokens are on the blockchain not inside my wallet right? So how would i transfer my particular tokens onto the exchange. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Biodom I should clarify I'm old.

I'm not an "old miner". I got involved in Ethereum last fall, and it is my first and only mining effort. I did toy with BTC last summer, just going through the process of bringing up a node on the network, buying a small bit of BTC into a wallet, and making a few minor purchases.

The fact that it's in your Mist wallet should tell you something. When you place an order on the exchange you approve that exchange to withdraw the amount in your order. The tokens stay in your wallet and you slock it ethereum coins their voting power until the order fills. So instead of 'depositing' your slock it ethereum coins in an exchange IOU account like other coins, you 'Approve' the exchange to take them instead when they match the order.

I'm not sure how the slock it ethereum coins will do the UI for this as currently you have to slock it ethereum coins them from your wallet. Ultimately it looks like a far more secure way to trade as there's nothing sitting at the exchange to be stolen. I am very sceptical about The DAO for many reasons. Some of them are: Basically they push the responsibility to the investor in case of failure.

As simple as that. They probably already have an agreement with the big guys to vote yes for their proposal. It means even if Slock. Shit deal if you ask me. Not to mention that you can't control your investment like they say. As soon as majority of the community votes yes for something it takes a cut from your stash. Basically you will be forced to praticipate in projects you don't slock it ethereum coins to unless you manage to hide your stash somehow.

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