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Jennifer, can you please briefly introduce yourself. How did your career begin in the world of makeup artistry? How did you discover a love for makeup? My name is Jennifer Little. I did extra work in film and a little bit of modeling in my teens, so the where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver was something I was always sort of drawn to. I began my career first by getting my diploma from world renowned Blanche Macdonald Center where I currently teachand then working at makeup counters and doing as many creative shoots I could, building a strong portfolio, clientele and network.

It all happened pretty honestly. Photography is the next thing I will be adding to my repertoire. Do you remember what was your first job as a makeup artist? What do you love most about being a makeup artist and why? Making people feel beautiful and confidant. There is definitely an element of magic to where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver. Stay true to your self and your art, that is truly a beautiful thing. What do you think are some of the keys to being a successful makeup artist?

Trust that it will all come together. Building a strong network of professionals where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver you equally support as they do you.

Listening to your clients. Putting yourself out there and hanging on for dear life! As a Freelance Artist of any persuasion, every day can be a challenge. Getting yourself to a healthy space where you can freely and creatively express yourself to a level you are personally happy with can be a huge challenge. Life happens and sometimes, art cannot flow.

Finding that peace and confidence in yourself can be hard. I have battled depression in my life on and off. It is definitely an obstacle. Making ends meet and the stress of it all can be trying.

People want the best of the best but rarely want to pay what its worth. What made you decide to go into the body art field? What is it about body painting that appeals to you? I have always been intrigued by the human form and different artistic mediums.

To blend them seems where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver natural to me. I think I find it more interactive and challenging, so of course I would be drawn to it. I had been doing Makeup for a couple years before I happened into bodypaint at some local trade shows. It was starting to make a mainstream splash in the fashion and entertainment world too, so it was definitely on my radar for a long time before I really got into it. I generally shut down that conversation with an exuberant amount of money for the job, and they back off sheepishly.

That was a pretty awesome to witness come to life on stage! I mix my bodypaints with it for where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver and I can also set my beauty makeups with it. DUO glue for lashes, jewels, glitter, feathers, etc etc.

Telisus adhesive is also fantastic for the heavier applications. Surgical tape for pasties if needed. Where do you pull your inspiration from to help you with your makeup and body-painting looks? Everywhere and nowhere all at once. What is the difference between applying makeup for a TV shoot and applying makeup for a live appearance party? Why is shooting for camera and lights, different then everyday makeup? Makeup for TV, especially HDTV, should be flawless and finished, but not over done or too dramatic, depending on the concept of course.

Gone are the days where you packed on the cake foundation and went to set. Live performance makeup is usually stronger, more dramatic, sometimes even exaggerated so it can read across a room. More theatrical, depending on the character or concept. What advice would you give to photographers when they are choosing a makeup artist? Give your Makeup Artist as much information about the look and feel of the image you want to create. Ask to see their portfolio and send them yours.

In your opinion, what are common mistakes you see women make on their makeup? Are there any old makeup myths that people should throw out the window? Stop over contouring, highlighting, strobing or whatever you kids are calling it these days! Everyday street wearable makeup should not look like a filtered, over processed, insta fake face.

Your skin should look like healthy, fresh skin, not painted on. In real life, less is more. Save the rest for the professionals. Book a lesson and learn properly what looks best for your complexion, face shape and age appropriate. Also, wash your brushes more often! Share your secret, what are your top five favorite makeup products? Kryolan Aqua Colour Bodypaints. Makeup Forever Pro cream palette. Treat it as any other client. Take your time with concealer and blend out the edges.

I will sometimes ask what their skin care and diet is, and if they wash their brushes. Sometimes it can be a simple answer and a relatively easy fix, or at least give them suggestions of what may help in order to start a path to healthier skin and how to maintain it. Does everyone look better with make-up? I explain why that look wont suit their face in a gentle yet firm way, then suggest something similar that may only need a couple small changes in order to work for them.

Not everyone needs makeup, but everyone probably has something that a touch of makeup could help. Some well blended concealer for hereditary under eye circles, slightly more defined but still natural lips, or a different mascara. Most of the time, I suggest a proper skin care regimen to take care of the canvas first. In terms of traveling, what is some advice you can give someone that is about to travel with their kit? Put everything on wheels!

Get a good rolling kit and wear supportive foot wear. Minimize liquids if possible. If you can, only bring what you absolutely need for that job, plus a few other basics to cover your bases. What advice would you give to makeup artists starting out and trying to find photographers to work with? You will do a lot of TFP trade for print. It will feel like too much. Make a list of concepts to present to photographers and see what inspires them so you can produce your best work together.

Meet up and consult with your team so you can get a feel of the energy and the look you want to create as a team. Be prepared to be more than just a makeup artist on set. Many times I have stepped in as where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver lighting assistant or model wrangler.

Be flexible and willing to help. You will have to wait a long time for some photos. Ask permission where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver take bts or teasers and do not post them unless you have permission.

Do not be the person who loses a submission because you released an image prematurely. Pay attention and learn from them. How do you use social media in conjunction with your business? What role does it play in your job? I use Social Media in several ways that have proven successful for me. The obvious one being to showcase my art, events I where to buy liquid latex body paint in vancouver working with, and of course to network with fellow artists.

I also have a strong online network of models, photographers, designers, hair stylists, event producers, etc. All the social media avenues make it so easy for potential clients to view my portfolio at their leisure. It plays a very key role in getting my art seen.

Most of the time, I work from home, so that is a major bonus for me. Where can readers see more of your work and get connected with you? Tell the reader either the funniest, or craziest story based on your experience as a makeup artist.

There have been far too many crazy wonderful stories to focus on just one or two.

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