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While there are about 1. However, after start-ups bitshares music blockchain api as Peertracks would start integrating them in their database, that is when the real demand would flow in. It is currently so hard to imagine a decentralized music platform, because so much of music right bitshares music blockchain api could easily be bootlegged. But, the revolutionary decentralization of the music industry would ensure that artists and their associated counterparts worldwide would gain their fair share for sharing their talents with the listeners.

What I imagine MUSE to be is a type of currency that allows musicians to profit from distributing their songs with listeners. This is where the proceeds would directly benefit the composer for sharing talent with the fans.

Or perhaps develop a way to ensure the original composer would get compensated every time the song is played by others who have uploaded it into a network external to Peertracks Youtube, Google Videos, etc. Off course, this is just a taught, and there is no guarantee the MUSE technology would develop to these terms.

Bitshares music blockchain api shouldn't be too hard to create a blockchain music player. I'm not an expert on this kind of tech but I can imagine the songs added to the chain and a small amount of cryptocurrency will have to paid for each play.

The owner of the song then collects the funds, and every user pays for each play which is streamed from the encrypted blockchain and, sure, a third party capture program could steal the feed and then distribute it un-encrypted but the ease of use and extremely low cost should be enough to discourage that from being a real problem.

Exciting times ahead for blockchain tech! Thanks, Cyrano, for your wonderful input to the above stated question. As it is my initial post, I was the one who was authorized bitshares music blockchain api answer the question. However, you have done the work for me! Thank you for taking the time and effort to write this informative artical regarding MUSE. I hope Musicians look further into this option to sell there tunes.

Once again thank you for this information. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Is there meanwhile a blockchain player? Could you post a link to a website for MUSE? ONLY on bitshares music blockchain api Bitshares platform?

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