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View unanswered posts View active topics. It baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot currently 10 May Ads by Project Wonderful! Your ad could be here, right now. How to gain zeny? If you want to found already made config files - try to search other topics or use your own brain to baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot it. Here i want to tell you some my ideas?
I hope it will help you to bot much more effective. After 3 years of botting i made some tips for bots. First, what the main goal for botting? Zeny and rars finally again zeny. So the mission of bot - is to max zeny output per hour. Some general thoughts 1 Prices on almost every botted RO server such that low-level cards and rarz are cheap on hard-to-bot all vice versa.
That means that boting on low levels is low profitable with some exceptions, but about it later. So, one of the main targets to Ok on low level - is to level up. Forget about zeny, better invest k in some weapon, gear and pots.
Almost on every map using telesearch will boost your exp and income. Cause it much more faster to search-and-destroy mobs, than stupid walking around. You baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot need - tele skill aco class or creamy accsand configuration in config. Disadvantage - fast telesearch is some bit dangerous - it's very suspicious for other players.
Just buy needed elemental weapon about For high-level bots or for very dangerous mobs it's possible to buy high-end equip deleter, carded refined weapon, normal armor etc. When i started i thought: First you must look on market and think: Where will your bot level up? Which gears u'll need? Try to choose good profession and build for bot.
Think, read guides and forums about ro - irowiki forums for example. Read them and make your own conclusions. Zeny gain tips So, here some specific suggestions: Main question - answer can be given after complete analysis of three sources: You will need to find mob, that: Profitable Easy to kill Bottable Some details: Open baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot server trade forum, walk around looking on vends, look what others players want to buy - it's can be many things - from herbs to rare cards.
Use ro database to find which mob will drop this items. I use calc method do find each mob profit. I explain on example. We take 1 mob - High Orc for ex. He drops various common loot: Ogre tooth, Zargon, Orcish Vaucher. Yes, you can try to sell them for players but it's really hard. So we sell loot to NPC. You need to calculate all loot drops from monster and sum them. Rezulted number - is average zeny gain from each killed High Orc. And it's gain is almost permanent, thanx to high drop chance, constant prices at npc and no problems with selling items.
But High Orc have some other drops: Steel, Rough Ori, Yellow Herb. It's uncommon loo- because it's much profitable to sell it for players. As you can see common loot can be much more cheaper than uncommon, but you'll need to sell steel from vend before gain zeny. And sometimes baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot can crush, prices can go down as mad bu can be conversely. Also you can see what cards add very little to overall mob cost - if card worth 2kk with 0.
Also, calculation of mob cost is very effective as it based on probability theory. Easy to kill - mob must die fast. Also this includes needed gears - if you can kill named High Orc with only elemental weapon, on others you will need kk items.
Bottable - mob must be easily to find, have high enough respawn time and doesn't have too much competition with other players. That means what botting on minibosses or MvP are not best idea and best monsters - which can be killed in masses. And two last things baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot alchemical ingredients and timeouts.
Alchemical ingredients - many consumable items created by alchemists require ingredients. Try to open alchemist need-for-brew lists and think. Almost always have good value stems, immortal hearts, fabric, witch starsand and blue herbs. Here one exception for botting low-level characters to bot stems you don't nedd high level, but baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot gain good profit.
Timeouts - in standard OK timeouts. Try to baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot it some better, for example var ai equal to 2 in default config, but it's very stupid for telesearch, try to set 0.
That's all, i hope you enjoy reading and find some positive ideas. PS And sorry for my mistakes in English. Wow man, great guide. Sometimes it might be better to baixaki zeny maker ragnarok bot directly for the item you want so as not to have to trade for it and also not to get too much attention in the place you are botting.
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