Patna University students’ union elections: A trip down memory lane
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Spot Admission against vacant seats. Spot admission in B. Preference will be given to those candidates, who had applied earlier but not allotted any seat so far. Please see below for the eligibility criteria, how to apply, prescribed form and selection procedure etc. A total of five subjects in which Mathematics is compulsory. Interested candidates must report in person at the Campus of choice and submit the Application Form by Candidates, who had applied earlier for above programmes, but not allotted any seat so far or made the application fee but name not appeared in the merit list, need not to pay the application fee again.
However, they must carry application form along with proof of application fee at the time reporting for spot admission. Provisional selections for each category will be made in merit based on CRL Rank in JEE Main and also fulfill other eligibility criteria mentioned above. The provisionally selected candidates must satisfy the eligibility criteria given above, else the offers will be withdrawn.
The provisional selection list will be notified by 3: It is therefore recommended that candidates should carry the requisite fees to be deposited at bit patna counselling 2012 presidential election time of admission. The fees to be deposited at the time of admission are as below - both amounts by separate crossed Demand Drafts For details please see Institute website.
For the Bit patna counselling 2012 presidential election session, this mess advance will be Rs. In case, candidates have already been taken admission in any of the Institute, must bring the proof of documents submitted. However, they will be required to submit the same documents within 10 days of admission.
Candidates are advised to come prepared to attend classes after completing the admission formalities. Arch programmes first semester have already been started. Admission is subject to submission and verification of original documents and certificates. Spot Admission against vacant seats in B. Candidates must satisfy the following bit patna counselling 2012 presidential election criteria: Only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 1 October are eligible for admission.
Subject combinations required in the qualifying examination for admission to B. Arch programmes shall be as under: A certificate should have been issued on or after 1 st April Candidates should proceed to report for spot admission only after they satisfy themselves that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria. In case any Board awards grades instead of marks, the calculation of equivalent percentage of marks would be as based on the procedure prescribed by the Board or in case, the Board does not prescribe any procedure, it will be GPA x Caste certificates must be in proper format and signed by appropriate authority of rank not below the SDO.
Deoghar - Bit patna counselling 2012 presidential election Phone: Bihar Veterinary College, Patna - Phone: