Why Bitcoin exchanges aren't as straightforward as they seem

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Guys, there was a new service with cloud-mining in which is given Doge, it's worth a try. Are you a retard? Intellectual Property is not necessarily for the Eliteimagine you invent something and someone undercuts your idea by bitcoin correlates to fiat money going back to the revolutionary war stealing it and make a exact replica knockoff.

Leaving you broke while they make money off your hard work and real innovation. Maybe you think it's bogus because you haven't had an idea before Why would cryptos rally? They are of no intrinsic value, just like stocks and the stock market? We got over If we continue like this, we will reach the members in 1 week: Keep sharing the link! How to explain crypto these days: Tell them that it is always like this in January, even though it is April now, and that they can come back anytime.

Remind them to read the rules on tax as well. Unfortunately we do have: The trade war is being pushed by the central banks the elites they could care less what affect it has on us. I know a company that can't innovate and files lawsuits against patents To think otherwise is naive and uneducated. The reason stock martketS and crypto are falling is because the Fed has raised interest rates 6 times since Trump became president.

The news media is blaming Trump's tarrifs. There is no need to raise interest rates as GDP was 2. The Fed said they will continue to raise rates. Clearly the FEd and media are political and don't care how many people actualy become homeless or starve or can't get a job. The Fed and news media just have as their goal destroy one Man Trump and will crash the stock market and the economy soon with their lies and evil actions.

Trump is reducing regulations on busineses and taxes which is what is needed. Furthermore China makes everything and the USA doesn't even have an electronics industry. So the media wants us to believe wanting to bring back factories and industries from China is bad for the stock market and economy which is a lie.

The media want people poor so they'll welcome socialsm. I'm an elderly gentleman, closing in on 50 years 0f age. My son introduced me to Cryptocurrency mining in late After doing a lot of researching Btc I felt strongly that It had a lot of growth and potential ahead of it. The sweetest sound that I've ever heard was the bitcoin correlates to fiat money going back to the revolutionary war of my 1st mined Bitcoin way back when.

That was as satisfying a note as there ever was on any musical scale. Nothing but happy days ahead since. It just takes a lot of patience Sisu and doing your research with due diligence.

I have since invested in Ethereum DecMonero Jan and lately Omisego July all purchased from some of my profits from Btc to go along with my newly acquired free Bch and recently free Omg. I'm currently operating 3 rigs equipped with 6 gpus each. HOLDing on to the rest for now.

No where to go but up for me. Just biding my time. Taking a position and HOLDing is where the real profit is and it isn't going to happen overnight. So if you want aggravation and ulcers go ahead and day trade, try and beat the Market I wish you luck but the real money comes with Research, HOLDing and Patience. Hope this advice helps because in the long run what it all comes down to, its just Eths, You and Me hopefully making the right decisions, feel free to get in touch with me via patrickcoleman gmail.

I think people are not being patient enough in regards to cryptos. But if you look at the stock market performance vs the performance of bitcoin for example To say cryptocurrency isn't rallying is somewhat of a premature statement in my opinion.

Currently, bitcoin is still way up in the past 12 months overall. We are on pace for a 20k - 50k value in bitcoin for All the market data says this is going to happen, just do your research. If we do not hit these new highs in value, it will be because of problems in regulation. However, the bus is moving That equity money from bitcoin correlates to fiat money going back to the revolutionary war video is about to flow into crypto in large amounts There are plenty websites to explain this If bitcoin continues to grow at the current rates, it will hit new high values later this year.

Nevertheless, we are on target for a new high later this year at the current speed of growth. I won't spend a great deal of my time to expain this and conduct research for anyone, but this information is there for those who search for it.

Do you have any reference links as to where you got your info? Not doubting about what you said but I need to show the sheep some bitcoin correlates to fiat money going back to the revolutionary war you know lol.

Cryptos are in a slump, I feel after about 1 week, we will see an uptrend like no other. You are so right. It's not about innovation, development and benefitting mankind. Its all about clinging to the old, rotting system that had been sucking out our blood like vampire. I would like to see a big bang downfall of the current system and an ushering in of the new.

Big institutions and a few Whales will wait for BTC to drop to - and then go all in making it impossible for the ordinary joe to even buy 1 BTC. It's all about manipulation. Seaton Try not to get emotionally involved, it clouds your judgement. But the Chinese are stealing from thieves.

Most businesses with patents stole the idea from someone else themselves. Crypto Market is not a plantation to put one seed and get a bitcoin correlates to fiat money going back to the revolutionary war back, you just must be lucky to collect the money that others are investing. People are probably still pulling money out to pay the IRS. When I panic sold half my bitcoins I had to pay some serious money in long term capital gains, and more will come out of my checking account at the end of the month.

I'm paying that directly but that still prevents me from buying more bitcoins for a month or so. Anyway once we get past april 15th we should see better performance in bitcoin. But then again, I'm a diesel mechanic. What do I know? Vention don't dought yourself! We blue collar workers have more going for us then these entitled collage kids.

When the bullets start flying rely on your street smarts. That way any profits are tax free. Short term capital gains are taxes just like your regular income and long term capital gains are taxed at a smaller rate based on your income.

In my case I plan to just hodl bitcoin and when the time comes to retire I'll live a very frugal life, dropping my income to the point where I won't pay much tax at all. If I move overseas I might cash in so little that I don't pay any income tax at all. I definitely am not planning on any tax evasion. I guess i got confused on which type of tax I'm thinking of. I'm just trying to see If I wait a year or more to take profits if i can avoid that penalty?

I can imagine how many people especially millennials are going to be confused on all of these tax laws,they should just simply it on fiat in and fiat out of bitcoin correlates to fiat money going back to the revolutionary war market because they are going to have a real mess to figure out im pretty sure of that!

If I understand right there are ways to do that. If you do some kind of paperwork you can hold silver in an IRA. In the near future you'll be able to hold cryptos in an IRA.

Then if you've made massive gains and you want to withdraw some, you'll have to pay the penalty and then you've got your cash.

Its because blockchain technology is a total mess. You can wire money to the wrong bank account and lose your money with your bank not being able to help. If youre to stoned to get the money in the right wallet you shouldnt be investing anyhow. This is the definition of a bubble. Crypto currency is the best way to invest your money and become financially independent for the future.

You can invest your money now and relax for the future. Contact us at crypto3uscurrency gmail. Alright dude, I just unsubscribed. China has been ripping off the world stealing patents and not spending a dime on research. So btc was 1k then wtf after that? Sure a few millionaires, but that was way too much, too fast.

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Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency yet developed. Proponents assert that bitcoin can remove frictions involved in payment and settlement systems by eliminating the need for the financial intermediaries that exist in traditional currencies. In this blog post, we show that while bitcoin transfers themselves are relatively frictionless for the user, there are significant frictions when bitcoins trade in exchange markets resulting in meaningful and persistent price differences across bitcoin exchanges.

These exchange-related frictions reduce the incentive of market participants to use bitcoin as a payments alternative. The Case for Bitcoin. It operates without any central authority according to a mutually agreed upon set of code comprising the bitcoin protocol. Bitcoin contrasts with traditional fiat currencies, such as the dollar and euro, which are issued and regulated by a central authority such as a governmental body and constitute legal claims on their issuers.

For example, bank deposits are claims on the assets of banks and Federal Reserve notes such as dollar bills are technically claims on the assets of the Federal Reserve System. The entire history of bitcoin transactions is recorded on a public ledger known as the blockchain.

Proponents such as the Bitcoin Project assert that the bitcoin protocol can reduce the fees, time, and risk associated with transferring value in terms of traditional currencies.

For example, payments submitted over the U. Automated Clearing House ACH network still take one-to-two business days to settle compared to roughly ten minutes for bitcoin payments. Since its inception, bitcoin has become accepted for payment by a wide variety of businesses and nonprofit institutions. Bitcoin-based start-ups and projects have proliferated. For instance, in March , Bank of America filed a patent for a system of executing wire transfers using cryptocurrency such as bitcoin exchanges to mediate between two sovereign currencies.

Bitcoin-to-bitcoin transactions between digital wallets can be performed at a negligible cost relative to transaction amounts. However, unlike traditional currencies, bitcoin does not currently serve as a widely accepted unit of account in and of itself. Therefore, most users seeking to make payments in bitcoin generally need to purchase it on third-party exchanges using traditional currency.

After receiving bitcoin in a transaction, the user has the option of holding it with the expectation of using it in a subsequent transaction. Therefore, the bitcoin payee may be better off exchanging the bitcoin for traditional currency which is more useful as a general unit of account. This phenomenon can be observed in practice since many large retailers, such as Dell, Microsoft, and Expedia, that accept payment in bitcoin never actually receive any bitcoin.

Rather, they utilize third parties who, for a fee, receive bitcoin from the customer and forward dollars to the retailer. The round-trip transaction from traditional currency to bitcoin and back see the diagram below , may entail potentially significant transaction fees and counterparty risk. In turn, these exchange-related frictions could lead to different bitcoin prices across exchanges.

Bitcoins are strictly homogenous: Therefore, any price differences across major bitcoin exchanges should be promptly eliminated by arbitrageurs buying bitcoin where it is less expensive and selling it where it is more expensive, thus enforcing the law of one price. However, the charts below show large differences between the prices of bitcoin-U.

The average difference is positive, indicating that bitcoins bought on BTC-E consistently trade at a discount relative to those bought on either Bitfinex or Bitstamp. This discount averages about 2 percent and has at times been higher than 20 percent.

Large, persistent deviations between pairs of identical assets are unusual in exchanges and, when they have occurred as for so-called Siamese-twin stocks , they typically have not constituted profitable arbitrage opportunities. For bitcoin, an arbitrageur could, in theory, safely profit by buying bitcoin on BTC-E and then selling it or going short by first borrowing bitcoin and then selling it on either Bitstamp or Bitfinex.

Transaction costs come in two forms: As shown in the price difference charts above, however, the bid-ask spread as a percent of BTC-E price in these exchanges is negligible relative to the typical price difference, and thus does not likely impede arbitrage significantly. Other fees, however, represent more substantial barriers. BTC-E, for example, charges a 0. These fees reduce the profits from arbitrage, and may explain the observed price differences. Bitcoin arbitrage opportunities across exchanges may also pose two risks: In fact, bitcoin prices are volatile; the intraday volatility of the bitcoin price on BTC-E often exceeds the average price difference between it and Bitfinex see chart below.

Therefore, delays in executing trades imply that the price difference can shrink or even revert before an arbitrageur can exploit it. The most significant delay is in the transfer of U. A trader wishing to execute this trade by transferring dollars to BTC-E faces significant risk of price changes over that period. In order to deposit bitcoin for use on Bitstamp or Bitfinex, three network confirmations are required.

Each confirmation takes ten minutes on average, so the delay between the purchase of bitcoin on BTC-E and its deposit on Bitstamp or Bitfinex is about thirty minutes.

This shorter delay is avoidable by short selling, but shorting is only offered by Bitfinex and entails additional fees.

Exchange failure or fraud is another source of risk. Exchange failure is not merely a theoretical possibility in bitcoin markets—it occurs regularly. A study in reported that eighteen of the forty bitcoin exchanges analyzed—almost half—ultimately failed.

Most notable among all bitcoin exchange failures is that of Mt. Counterparty risk could help explain the consistent discount realized on BTC-E. Unlike Bitfinex and Bitstamp , BTC-E does not publish the location of its operations, and little is known about its owners. Implications for Bitcoin as a Payments Alternative. While inter-exchange price differences in the bitcoin market are interesting examples of deviations from the law of one price, they also have broader implications for the attractiveness of bitcoin relative to other payment alternatives primarily the traditional banking system.

This price uncertainty, in turn, inhibits the use of bitcoin as a store of value. Thus, while bitcoin may continue to develop as an alternative means of payment, it competes with more traditional value-transfer methods on a familiar playing field—offering transfers with lower fees relative to transaction risk. The views expressed in this post are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. By continuing to use our site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Why dictators love development statistics and other top economic stories of the week Margareta Drzeniek-Hanouz 07 May Here are five tips to make your message clear in a crowded world Serena Scarpello 07 May Here are 5 rules every responsible tech leader should follow Srikar Reddy and Vijay Raju 07 May More on the agenda.

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