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This article was originally posted on Bitcoin News - delivering news related to the Bitcoin network from multiple locations around the world. For more follow the link below. Bots and talk of bots is endemic within the crypto space, with behavior, good and bad, often attributed to their actions.
But is it profitable? In the s, robots were promised that would soon eliminate the daily chores of how to install and set up gekko bitcoin exchange bot updated apr 24 2018 across the globe. If the hype is to be believed, these bundles of code can deliver a passive income for even the laziest or dumbest of traders. But as almost everyone knows, the hype is never to be believed. There are several types of trading bots available including arbitrage arb bots that capitalize on the difference in prices across exchanges.
The price of bitcoin usually differs from exchange to exchange; Bitstamp, for example, typically displays a slightly lower price than Bittrex. The movements of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is always mirrored across exchanges, however, so if BTC breaks out due to a massive buy order on Binance, you can bet that the other exchanges will follow suit.
Bots work by profiting from the delay it takes for prices to update across all exchanges. To make any sort of tangible profit from bot trading, you ideally need a stack of crypto to start with. And even if you do have a healthy spread of coins, the returns can be slight. Arb trading can be likened to playing online poker.
In other words, beware of geeks bearing bots. These systems also utilize bots, but their claims of profitability have yet to be proven. There is no doubt that machine learning has the potential to yield more profitable trading, but there is also no doubt that a lot how to install and set up gekko bitcoin exchange bot updated apr 24 2018 the claims attributed to AI should be filed under As If.
These are the most popular crypto bots on the market and should only be tried at your own risk: The reality is that bots are trading tools rather than workhorses that will set up and execute winning trades on your behalf. In using bots, you also leave yourself open to the possibility of scammy developers or flash crashes, either of which can liquidate your crypto.
As one redditor put it: To see returns you have to be comfortably profitable already and be familiar with different strategies. It is safe to say that the best bots are the ones you never hear about and will never be offered.
Because if everyone was using these bots, the trading edge they bestow would be eliminated due to arbing and other opportunities being how to install and set up gekko bitcoin exchange bot updated apr 24 2018. Be sceptical though of anyone touting a bot delivering guaranteed returns, and be especially sceptical of the profits crypto traders claim to have made with their aid. Even if you can find a system that delivers modest returns, you may wish to ask yourself this: What would you rather have — a bot that can turn 5 BTC into 5.
If you want a job done profitably, do it yourself. Have you had any success with crypto trading bots? Let us know in the comments section below. Need to calculate your bitcoin holdings? To read more from Bitcoin News follow this link. Previous Bitcoin Price Watch: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.