Bitcoin God, SegWit2x, And All That Jazz: Another Day, Another Hard Fork

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The SegWit2X fork has been suspended and is unlikely to happen. There is yet another Bitcoin fork scheduled to happen later this month, known as the SegWit2X fork. This will result in a newly created currency. Bitcoin segwit2x wallet support more information on what Bitcoin forks are and what our position is, see this article. As mentioned in the article above, our goals are for our customers' funds to remain safe and to provide bitcoin segwit2x wallet support with access bitcoin segwit2x wallet support the newly created currency, if it: The SegWit2X fork is scheduled to happen on 16 November at around We will temporarily pause Bitcoin sends at We will give you access to both currencies.

We will add the new currency to your Luno wallet after the fork, the same amount of Bitcoin you had in your wallet at the time of the fork. We will resume Bitcoin sends as soon bitcoin segwit2x wallet support it is safe to do so after the fork. This could take up to 48 hours after the fork. Your money local and digital currency will be safe with Luno. As always, do your research to avoid scams and only deal with reputable platforms with strong, technical teams when you send your Bitcoin elsewhere.

Please see this article for our position on all the other recent forks: Nobody can predict the price of Bitcoin. The price will be determined by supply and demand people buying and selling the currencies. B2X could be worthless, but it could also be more bitcoin segwit2x wallet support than BTC. Bitcoin segwit2x wallet support will show the price of all available currencies in your Luno wallet.

We aim to provide customers, at minimum, with a way to bitcoin segwit2x wallet support their B2X tokens, keep it securely stored with Luno, and send it to another B2X wallet.

We also plan to enable selling of B2X in the Luno wallet. Many platforms, including Luno, signalled that they will support the newly created currency. This is a contentious issue, since some people and developers are worried that we will stop supporting Bitcoin in its current form. Expect some confusing and misleading messages and articles. There might also be increased volatility — the price moving up or down in a short period of time.

We will continue to operate as normal, but certain services will be temporarily disabled for security reasons. We will suspend Bitcoin sends and receives roughly 12 hours before the fork.

We will resume services as soon as it is safe to do so and announce it here, in the Luno wallet, Bitcoin segwit2x wallet supportFacebook and our status page. Werner was our former Head of Communications. His passions include payments, e-commerce, technology, marketing and design: Buy, store and learn about Bitcoin and Ethereum now.

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BitX is now Luno. Price charts Bitcoin Price Ethereum Price. Has significant value Has significant community support Is safe to use Timeline of events The SegWit2X fork is scheduled to happen on 16 November at around Frequently asked questions Is my money safe with Luno?

Should I send it to another platform? Will Luno stop supporting the current version of Bitcoin? What will the price of BTC be? What will the price of B2X be? Will I be able to buy more B2X; will I be able to sell or trade it? What else can I expect during this time before and after the fork? How long will Luno be down before and after the fork?

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Below is a quick breakdown of what to expect throughout the coming weeks. How does Blockchain plan to respond to SegWit2x? During the upgrade, unanticipated changes to the Bitcoin network may occur. Our team is working around the clock to ensure our platform is prepared to incorporate these changes to the network as quickly as possible. During the upgrade period, we will take steps to ensure users are protected and their funds are safe. What happens if there is a network split?

There is a significant possibility that the planned hard fork will result in two bitcoin block chains. In this case, we will follow the chain with the most accumulated difficulty and refer to that chain as bitcoin. If the minority chain has significant value, we will make that value available for customers to hold or exchange for a period of time, as we have done with Bitcoin Cash.

If the minority chain is the one with 1MB blocks, we plan to call it BT1. If the minority chain has 2MB blocks, we plan to call it BT2. Check out this blog for more info on that. Can I use ether during SegWit2x? Yes, ether will be available during SegWit2x. If you have transactions you need to make during this time, we recommend using ether to send and request. Will you be offering replay protection? We will have updates featured on throughout the wallet as well. Our industry-leading support team is prepared, as always, to help answer your questions at support.

Home About Blockchain Support Wallet. The final part of this change is scheduled to occur when bitcoin block , is mined. Right now, this protocol change will likely activate on or about November 16th. Scams on Social Media: Newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter.